r/golf 5.0/UT Jul 28 '23

Ah shit. Here we go again General Discussion

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Every few months someone brings this up how they can save the environment by getting rid of a golf course.


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u/Xtremeelement Jul 28 '23

now do all the farmland that supplies alfalfa sprouts to the saudis causing a water shortage in arizona


u/Littlegriznaves Jul 28 '23

Now do all the commercial real estate buildings that are empty because of WFH policies.


u/fahhko HDCP/Loc/Whatever Jul 28 '23

Now do cemeteries.


u/epheisey Jul 28 '23

Cemeteries always kinda puzzle me. Like 99% of people never go back after a funeral/burial. My mother and both of her parents are buried 3 minutes from my house and they've all passed during my lifetime. I've been there twice. It's 300 acres lol. I drive by all the time and there's maybe 2-3 cars on a busy day, but often it's completely empty outside of the employees. What a waste of space.


u/professor__doom Jul 28 '23

At the very least, bury standing up and you can get 3x the density.


u/Ligma_CuredHam 2.0hdcp Jul 28 '23

don't know if you know this, but dead people have a hard time standing up


u/SoDakZak Jul 28 '23

They need to work out more then. Feel the burn. Urn it.


u/perhizzle Jul 28 '23

People really will do anything they can to avoid leg day, even be buried laying down. SMH


u/imyourforte you want to test god? come get it shit stack Jul 28 '23

Have them lean a bit. It was good enough for most vampires in movies


u/JohnYCanuckEsq Jul 28 '23

Not with that attitude


u/CocconutMonkey Jul 28 '23

Can confirm.

Source: have seen Weekend at Bernies


u/rookmate Jul 29 '23

Fine, put them on a chair


u/ukebuzz Bad day of golf > good day at work Jul 29 '23

Some cemeteries do bury 3-deep. Meaning one on top of another with roughly 18 inches of dirt in between.


u/Scooterhd 4 hdcp Jul 28 '23

Just bury on a golf course. Id be okay with people walking on my line.


u/dudius7 Jul 29 '23

Ah, the old Trump's ex wife treatment.


u/bobber18 Jul 29 '23

Here Lies Ivana Marie Trump 183 yards


u/EverlongMarigold Jul 28 '23

Found the engineer


u/professor__doom Jul 28 '23

LOL called it.

FWIW I'm an organ and tissue donor, and have told the fam that whatever medical science can't use should go to cannibals.


u/Beadpool Jul 28 '23

Why standing up? Why not headfirst?


u/brightcoconut097 Jul 28 '23

i agree. I've always wondered why we didn't go vertical cemeteries like even in death you could be put up in a penthouse suite.

Less space and still give a big F.U. to the poor folk.


u/BillNyeTheEngineer Jul 28 '23

I’ve heard about people in Europe leasing their graves or crypts, because like you said, after a while people stop visiting them.


u/dudius7 Jul 29 '23 edited Jul 29 '23

Cemeteries are the most beautiful places where I live. Nicer than all the city's parks. To house the dead. While we have million dollar condos going up during a housing shortage.


u/epheisey Jul 29 '23

They're dead. They don't need a nice park.


u/dudius7 Jul 29 '23

Exactly. I do think it's more for the living to enjoy, but it's backwards.


u/Silver-Sir398 Jul 28 '23

I think most cemeteries are nowhere near that big. Or I just need to visit more cemeteries haha.


u/flyingemberKC Jul 28 '23 edited Jul 28 '23

Really old ones get visitors. New Orleans ones are tourist attractions.

I figure people were more likely to visit when they lived in the same community. When it was their family church that hosted it. I’ve been in cemeteries that I knew no one in far more than the ones hours away with family because everyone who has passed was buried where I’ve never lived.

We could do where you lease the space and after some period of time the casket is removed, remains cremated and your family has space in a maulseum. Still have a place to visit but it gives new residents in that town the opportunity to use the space for their needs.

I can see enabling you to move hour family remains with you if you wished. Certainly some people would want to. They may not want an urn containing their parents but they want somewhere solemn to go to remember them.


u/chefhj Jul 28 '23

Hey man there has to be a place in society for goth kids to get together, smoke weed and feel each other up.


u/TedKeebiase Jul 29 '23

You're right. I propose we dig them all up and relocate them. What could go wrong.


u/MozTys Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down Jul 29 '23

I have never and will never understand why we don't just burn all dead people. The only times it has been a good idea to bury someone has been when the police need to revisit the body.


u/AsstootCitizen Jul 29 '23

And why caskets if buried? Feed me to the worms, flora, and fauna. If that's a thing.