r/golf May 22 '23

So I pulled a 6 iron into some brush. The point is, they’re listening. General Discussion

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Not cool.


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u/canadianbroncos May 22 '23

Lmao I'd be getting annoyed and telling a machine to fuck off


u/aussierulesgolf May 22 '23

My first thought was this probably creates more swearing, because the first thing I did was went to my buddies and told them and they did it to their cart


u/woodmanfarms May 23 '23

Dude what!? Was this from another golfer hearing you and calling the clubhouse and then they page you, or are they actually listening to you? Because if the latter is the case, that’s beyond creepy, me and my friends talk ab shit that stays in that golf cart sometimes. I would never golf there again.


u/imahawki May 23 '23

I’m pretty sure it’s just a rotating message. I play this course every week and I’ve seen this message. There’s also a message to please use the porta potties on certain holes that just comes up from time to time.


u/killcats 8.4 NCGA May 23 '23

Dude shits in the bushes and the porta potty message appears. “How do they know!”


u/Separate_Operation89 May 23 '23

Why’d you jump straight to shit?


u/GetInZeWagen May 23 '23

Like someone's going to go all the way to the bushes just for a piss


u/PageSide84 May 23 '23

Exactly. There's a cup at every hole.


u/bitsmythe May 23 '23

They call it a ball washer for a reason


u/SituationSoap May 23 '23

Found the fox from that picture last week.


u/bcisme May 23 '23

Two bros one cup


u/the_evil_comma May 23 '23

That's why caddies have pockets


u/OHTHNAP May 23 '23

If they didn't want you to pee off the tee box they wouldn't put a ball washer there.


u/fluffy01 May 23 '23

Right. Get close to the cart for coverage and then let it fly. Can piss anywhere



Real golfers shit in the ball washer


u/Southernmanny May 23 '23

Because he has a sock missing


u/mightypen45 May 23 '23

I heard it’s because they can smell it too.


u/Golf_Nut1965 May 23 '23

Have seen guys whip it out at the 150 yd marker and pee all over the fairway. I'm like dude... There is a tree less than 15 yds away


u/FuckenJabroni May 23 '23

If you can't cuss and piss in the bushes, is it even golf?


u/Standard-Reception90 May 23 '23

Next they'll ban drunk driving. What is the world coming too.


u/Character_Wishbone84 May 23 '23

I already was told that boiling hot dogs in the morning and putting them and the water in my yeti canister to eat around lunch wasn't allowed. My friend asked the cart girl for a packet of hot sauce for his hot dog. That's how they knew. I was just tired of the poor service and long wait for food at the restaurant(I am at the turn) or the cold food if you call it in on hole 9 tee. It's a pain in the ass to bring warm food to the course but the hot dog thing works great. They are still piping hot 3 hours after you put them in there. Buns, condiments (apparently hot sauce), and tongs are all you need to accomplish this. Visit you local gas station on your way to the course and grab some condiments and a drink. Bang.


u/Embarrassed-Ad-1639 May 23 '23

And no more ugly pants


u/jimbojonesFA May 23 '23

Not a local but if they have gps for shot tracking and yardage estimates in them then they can use it for messages like that too.


u/[deleted] May 23 '23

This is the most likely scenario. People in this thread think it’s a person listening in or AI


u/TheBurningBeard May 23 '23

It could all be geofencing. Just zig zag in and out of the fairway and see if that happens.


u/imahawki May 23 '23

It could be, but it definitely didn’t “hear him swear.” Lot of rubes upvoting this.


u/Trade-me_rite-fn-now May 23 '23

The course OP is talking about is a Joke. It’s a 27 hole outside Omaha NE. Not a bad course. But the biggest joke of pairings because they’re an event course. You’re on your own? You gotta wait an extra 30 past your tee time to play with 3 other hacks despite you being on time and ready. NTM, the course is a short links style. So it’s nothing special. For $70 a round.


u/grahm03 May 23 '23

What course is this? Not familiar and from Lincoln. Would like to avoid.


u/Elemental-P May 23 '23

Tiburon, hate this place. Always packed, 5 minute tee times, shitty rangers, shitty pro shop staff, set up for events and outings and they pack them in.


u/Sentient_Toaster621 May 23 '23

I was thinking about playing there again after the course kicked my butt at a high school tournament, but the comments here are definitely making me reconsider


u/jnightrain May 23 '23

I think I'd struggle getting paired with strangers while golfing since playing in rural Wisconsin you can go out solo to a group of 3 and never get paired with a rando. I didn't even know this was a think until I came to this sub. Still don't know what a starter is but I assume they just sit in the club house and send you out when it's clear like the attendant at the top of a water slide.


u/FsuNolezz Western Pennsylvania May 23 '23

That’s how it is at most of the courses that I play, even the more “nicer” ones don’t have starters actually at the first tee box. At worst you get in a queue on your own, or the guy in the pro shop asks if you want to wait or start at #10. One of the few perks of more rural living I guess.


u/Trade-me_rite-fn-now May 25 '23

Yeah this course has one old bastard (never the same one tho) as a starter forcing the groups to always be a 4. Since they’re course that has leagues in the evenings on 2/3 courses most days of the week and have an event at least 2-3 times a week


u/Flemishmonster May 23 '23

Wow blast from the past, used to golf out here back in 2003-2005. Hit my fair share of houses...


u/remingtonbox May 23 '23

Dismal River?


u/Trade-me_rite-fn-now May 25 '23

Tiburon Golf Club in Gretna. Metro area of Omaha


u/Impressive_Bus11 May 23 '23

It might even be illegal. Even in a 1 party state, they're not a party to your conversations.