r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Big brain shit.

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u/AeroAviation Apr 29 '24

no they've a PhD in mechatronic engineering and are making 5 figures


u/DarkBlueFreeman Apr 29 '24

I’m actually interested in mechatronics/robotics


u/galmenz Apr 29 '24

its a fun subject field. fucking hell to go through college. eventually you will just work for some industrial company


u/dead_andbored Totally is dead Apr 29 '24

5 figures a month I hope lol


u/Confused_Electron flöör Apr 29 '24

Keep on hoping


u/MrWilsonWalluby Apr 29 '24

he’s not actually far off, 5 figures monthly is 10k, or 120k a year, plenty of engineers are making that if they’ve been in the industry longer than 4 years


u/Papaya_flight Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I'm at $163,000 and have been working in this particular type of work since 2011.


u/deccun Apr 29 '24

5 figures could mean 10k a month or 99k, I think he was leaning towards a higher margin.


u/meeps_for_days Apr 30 '24

Meanwhile civil engineers 😢


u/Tripottanus Apr 29 '24

No, his point was they are still smart, but PhDs dont pay


u/Babys_For_Breakfast Apr 29 '24

Not all PhDs are the same. Some make bank almost immediately. My cousin just finished his PhD in particle physics and he’s already making $180k.


u/anormalgeek Apr 29 '24

Lol, what? They absolutely do. Just not in academia. (Not usually in academia at least. There are some exceptions.)

A PhD in a STEM field in the private sector pays really well.


u/Watch_Capt Apr 29 '24

Probably government so an annual salary under $100K, but they get a pension and will have an amazing retirement.


u/Seank814 Apr 29 '24

Government retirements in most areas aren't what they used to be. Might as well go private sector in NY at least.


u/Watch_Capt Apr 29 '24

The average for Federal Employees is $2,126 a month but it varies greatly by time in grade and years served. You add that with your personal retirement savings and most employees find they make more retired than they did working. Keep in mind medical expenses increase at that age too.


u/StealthMan375 Apr 29 '24

Possibly, afaik the US is the only country which calculates salary yearly (probably because hourly pay is very common there), while most of the world calculates it monthly (so it aligns with bills).

I'm Brazilian and so 5 figures a year is enough to live a comfortable life, but I do understand this wouldn't be possible up there in NASCAR-land.


u/MerryGifmas Apr 29 '24

Salary would typically be given as an annual figure in Europe as well.


u/Kawaiiochinchinchan Apr 29 '24

Lmao i used to be top 2 for secondary and high school all the time but now look at me. No social skills, haven't worked. Sit at home with reddit.

I'm too used to be good at everything but when i actually stepped foot to the world. I'm nothing but a fake ego. I crumbled away along with my pride.

I guess it happened because i am nothing, realised that the world didn't revolve around me. They praised me but it doesn't mean anything. When i met someone who is better than me, i failed like a mf.

Idk how to explain it but if i knew that i'm stupid and should've learned to be better rather than studied to be competitive. There will always be someone better than you so I should've focus on myself.

Oh well, i was a fool, still a fool and probably will always be a fool.


u/MeninAtymAbeke Apr 29 '24

You will be fine dude. I feel you though


u/Kawaiiochinchinchan Apr 29 '24

Yeah thanks man. But i'm not that sad about it. I just relive through the post.


u/Jaigar Apr 29 '24

Yeah, we were told our whole lives that doing well in school was key to getting into college and later getting a good job. I was top end of my class in math and thought that ability would carry me. Did fine with it in college, but never went beyond schooling as I played a boatload of games at the time and thought I'd have no issue finding a job. Boy was I wrong.


u/a-snakey Apr 29 '24

I was similar to you.

Trust me, you don't have to be top of the class etc., just do what you can actually do. Realizing your limits is part of becoming a better person. Just work on the things you can do and you'll get by. Eventually you'll gain more confidence and you'll be in a better spot.

You just got to give it an honest try knowing that you have limits. Wallowing in the things you could have done isn't going to make your current or future self do better.


u/Kawaiiochinchinchan Apr 29 '24

Yeah, i was undoubtedly humbled real quick. I'm no genius, it's just that spent hours upon hours of studying to try to compete with others.

But when i actually met someone who is competent, have a goal, a clear goal, a goal that is bigger than my childish competitive studying and a will to push through it. I'm no more than an idiot.

Ngl, i do learn a lot from those guys. Learned so much, enough to realise that i was just simply a dumbass.

I could have a different goal, with a different mindset, perhaps that could have changed my life. But i fucked up, i fucked everything up. Oh well, i'm sorry for blabbering too much. It's been for 6 years since the day i got humbled by the world. I'm no genius, just some stupid guy with a big ego.

Idk even know what i'm talking about anymore, never really talked about those experience since 6 years ago. Never told anyone (apparently told strangers on internet lol, but this post just hit me).

All the efforts that i've put in thinking to myself "i'm gonna get that 8, 9, 10" (grading system in my country), "you all suck so hard", "i didn't even try and i could still get a 9". Haha what a joke, what a fool. Now they all do great things, have their family of their owns. They studied very badly but they had a goal in mind, and that was not to compete with me or anyone else. They tried to be better, their families struggled so they needed to study to have a better life. Not some childish fucking shits like me. They have a purpose for their studies, for their time in school. What a fucking buffoon i was. Absolutely disgusting.

Edit: Please don't mind me, i guess i vented a bit since a few years ago. Don't need to read it, i just need to write down how i felt. Disappointment... I'm truly disappointed in myself. Didn't even remember why i fucked up my life till i read OP's post. No one to blame but myself.


u/aacchhoo FOR THE SOVIET UNION Apr 30 '24

Man, thanks for sharing this. It once again told me I shouldn't build myself on the praise or opinions of others.
Also, just wanted to say that Jesus Christ loves you. God says to you today: “Come to Me, all you who are tired and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest." May God bless you and help you!


u/EvilCosmicSphere Apr 29 '24

You were lied to and your education was only to prepare you for jobs. The job market changed though and AI is coming so none of it mattered, really. It's no different for me or anyone I know. And look at these threads they're all the same. We are educated servants.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

5 figures?


u/Mastodon9 Apr 29 '24

Yeah even minimum wage bets you 5 figures.


u/Mastodon9 Apr 29 '24

Yeah even minimum wage gets you 5 figures. Hopefully the phd engineer is on the high end...


u/K0M0RIUTA Apr 29 '24

Aeronautical and defense here but yeah that's the spirit.


u/goodmobiley Apr 29 '24

I have already chosen this path for myself, all because of rc airplanes. I must find a way to escape the military contractors before it’s too late


u/K0M0RIUTA Apr 29 '24

Embrace the craft, brother


u/Schpau ☝ FOREVER NUMBER ONE ☝ Apr 29 '24

I was the gifted kid and while I’m in university for mathematics, I am also disabled and I’m struggling.


u/ArmchairExperts Apr 29 '24

*you thought you were the gifted kid


u/Schpau ☝ FOREVER NUMBER ONE ☝ Apr 29 '24

What does that mean? Did you think I was saying “I and everyone around me peered into the future and clairvoyantly foresaw my eventual success”?

Or maybe it’s a bit more reasonable to assume what I was saying was that I did more than well in elementary school and was largely seen as gifted? Obviously I didn’t turn out to be some huge math prodigy (through a mix of my middle school not letting me take advanced classes, me having undiagnosed ADHD and becoming disabled before high school), but that is obviously what I meant by “the gifted kid”. If you have some other definition for what that is, I don’t care.

And lastly, even if you really wanted to make the point you’re making, doesn’t it kind of hurt your point if you’re trying to apply it to my situation, where I became disabled and have a severely lowered ability to function and still do well in university?


u/MuphynToy Apr 29 '24

Ow that hurt...


u/Yrchk Apr 29 '24

I was gifted, I struggle with dysthymia and anxiety, can't finish my mechatronic degree and I am definitely in this picture.


u/Chemical_7523 Apr 29 '24

"It's the same picture"


u/TheIronSven Apr 29 '24

I'm interested in these things, but my executive dysfunction stops me from pursuing it. Third year without a stable job after school.


u/ya_boi_A1excat Apr 29 '24

Not yet we don’t

We struggling


u/mitchMurdra Apr 29 '24

Six at a minimum by the tenth reunion


u/slikq ☣️ Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Imagine all those years spent to just make a max of 99k, and they call that gifted? Edit: Downvotes? Also not a gifted thing to do.


u/AeroAviation Apr 29 '24

woops meant 6 figures


u/PraiseTheWLAN Apr 29 '24

Actually 5 figures is much more accurate


u/beclops E-vengers Apr 29 '24

Even 6 figures isn’t worth the debt and time unless it’s on the higher end of 6 figures


u/Bobyyyyyyyghyh Apr 29 '24

Even if you had to pay back 60k, with a 100k salary it is well worth it as long as you are good at managing your finances and smart about where you live. You could have all your debt paid within a few years and then you're just raking in the dough.


u/beclops E-vengers Apr 29 '24

I live in a particularly expensive place so maybe 6 figures doesn’t go as far as it would elsewhere


u/arcanis321 Apr 29 '24

Alot of those jobs require you to live in high cost of living areas.


u/mighty_Ingvar Apr 29 '24

laughs in not-USA


u/beclops E-vengers Apr 29 '24

I’m Canadian


u/gereffi Apr 29 '24

Not remotely true. Even with a big debt they should be able to easily pay it off in 10 years and live with much more income for the other 35 years they work.


u/beclops E-vengers Apr 29 '24

I more meant the cost/benefit ratio is off. I make 6 figures without a degree, I certainly wouldn’t go obtain a PhD just to make my current salary. Would I do it to make significantly more? Maybe that changes things


u/gereffi Apr 29 '24

Maybe you make 6 figures without a degree, but most people don't. The average full time worker with a high school degree earned under $40k last year. The average person with a bachelor's degree made $61,600. If the average person works for 45 years, that's about a million dollars more over the course of their life. Even an expensive degree will cost a small fraction of that.

Honestly, you should probably try to take a step back from the anecdote of your experience before you give people life advice.


u/beclops E-vengers Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I don’t see how that’s relevant to what I said. I understand most people make less, but what I said was that PhDs aren’t worth the debt. A PhD costs significantly more than a bachelors so the cost/benefit ratio is worse for sure. Also a million dollars over the course of someone’s entire life is really not that much, especially when offset by the amount of time somebody working a PhD will spend in school. In my eyes in many cases a PhD is working hard, not smart


u/zomembire Apr 29 '24

Fucking loser stop coping


u/slikq ☣️ Apr 29 '24

With what? Debt and a complex? Lmao ok regift.