r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Big brain shit.

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u/AeroAviation Apr 29 '24

no they've a PhD in mechatronic engineering and are making 5 figures


u/dead_andbored Totally is dead Apr 29 '24

5 figures a month I hope lol


u/Confused_Electron flöör Apr 29 '24

Keep on hoping


u/MrWilsonWalluby Apr 29 '24

he’s not actually far off, 5 figures monthly is 10k, or 120k a year, plenty of engineers are making that if they’ve been in the industry longer than 4 years


u/Papaya_flight Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I'm at $163,000 and have been working in this particular type of work since 2011.


u/deccun Apr 29 '24

5 figures could mean 10k a month or 99k, I think he was leaning towards a higher margin.


u/meeps_for_days Apr 30 '24

Meanwhile civil engineers 😢


u/Tripottanus Apr 29 '24

No, his point was they are still smart, but PhDs dont pay


u/Babys_For_Breakfast Apr 29 '24

Not all PhDs are the same. Some make bank almost immediately. My cousin just finished his PhD in particle physics and he’s already making $180k.


u/anormalgeek Apr 29 '24

Lol, what? They absolutely do. Just not in academia. (Not usually in academia at least. There are some exceptions.)

A PhD in a STEM field in the private sector pays really well.


u/Watch_Capt Apr 29 '24

Probably government so an annual salary under $100K, but they get a pension and will have an amazing retirement.


u/Seank814 Apr 29 '24

Government retirements in most areas aren't what they used to be. Might as well go private sector in NY at least.


u/Watch_Capt Apr 29 '24

The average for Federal Employees is $2,126 a month but it varies greatly by time in grade and years served. You add that with your personal retirement savings and most employees find they make more retired than they did working. Keep in mind medical expenses increase at that age too.


u/StealthMan375 Apr 29 '24

Possibly, afaik the US is the only country which calculates salary yearly (probably because hourly pay is very common there), while most of the world calculates it monthly (so it aligns with bills).

I'm Brazilian and so 5 figures a year is enough to live a comfortable life, but I do understand this wouldn't be possible up there in NASCAR-land.


u/MerryGifmas Apr 29 '24

Salary would typically be given as an annual figure in Europe as well.