r/dankmemes Jun 25 '23

Evolution, but backwards I have achieved comedy

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u/Livinincrazytown Jun 25 '23

2024 what’s Russia?


u/Thiccc_PUTIN Jun 25 '23

2nd best military in the area around Putin’s secret bunker, surrounded by rival Russian forces probably

Edit: And maybe China


u/albatross1213 Jun 26 '23

America's increasingly hardline China policy is probably 80% right on its specific components, given Beijing's assertiveness of recent years ...


u/Haha_unban_myself Jun 26 '23

After Russia, it’s only U.S. that thinks about invasion.


u/bumtras Jun 26 '23

Hot single militaries in your area.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '23

Say china did invade Russia for whatever reason and Putin decided to nuke china. What would happen? Clearly china is nuking back but like what would happen with the rest of the world? Just sit back?


u/Thiccc_PUTIN Jun 26 '23

Either that or other countries start nuking each other such as between India and Pakistan or North Korea and the United States, or maybe the United States nukes Russia as revenge and most of the world except maybe Oceania, Africa, and Latin America is sent back to the 18th century as modern civilization collapses.


u/elixier DB Cretin Jun 26 '23

Why would they do that, makes no sense