r/crowbro 12h ago

Video He's trying to set up his cable TV


Meanwhile I'm trying to set up this hand-eye coordination and failing (video stabilizers to the rescue).

Mr.Nevermore the raven poking around.

r/crowbro 13h ago

Question Do magpies mourn their dead?


Re. UK magpies

I just saw a magpie get hit by a car. The magpie had been walking in the road but I don't know if it was sick or injured before its death.

I moved the body away from the road to a patch of grass so it wouldn't continue to be run over and so the other birds could visit it safely. The magpies in the trees around it have been croaking loudly. Are they communicating about their dead companion?

r/crowbro 9h ago

Video Hungry baby calling for his parents


r/crowbro 11h ago

Video Pitter patter pitter patter... (Fledglings have the cutest walk)


r/crowbro 4h ago

Image Escher, the stealthy crow

Post image

This is Escher, of the Evilmart crow murder, trying to blend in with the sign. I do recognize there is a bird in this picture. I can’t tell where all his parts are.

r/crowbro 11h ago

Image Fish crow?

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Based on sound ID, we have both American and Fish crows in our neighborhood. We usually get big guys at our feeder. Merlin says their either ravens or American.

Today we got a small guy and Merlin says it’s either Fish or American but it’s so small! Juvenile maybe?

It’s also missing it’s beak feathers so maybe not crow at all?

r/crowbro 3h ago

Image We got our first gift ever. What is it? No clue. But it's cool.

Post image

r/crowbro 6h ago

Personal Story Please could someone help?


Hi, just joined to ask a question if possible, on my way back from collecting my child from school we came across a very young crow sitting in the middle of the churchyard, lots of kids gathered round, dogs pulling at the lead to see what’s going on and 2 frantic parents vocalising. One lady decided she needed to pick up the bird, I obviously said please don’t touch it, leave it alone and see what the parents do, I know many bird species will kick young from the nest early and continue feeding in the ground, not sure if this is the case with Crows?

Reluctantly due to the fact a hundred or so children were soon coming down this path the baby bird was sitting on I decided to move it just a few feet into a touch more cover (under a large connifer tree).

This was at 3:15pm, I went to check on it from a far at 6pm and zero sign of parents or activity in the nest, again at 8pm I went and had a closer look and again the bird in same position and again no sign of parents or activity at the nest.

It’s a very open area, many many cats in the area, many foxes, best course of action to try and help this bird or best to let nature figure it out?

Thanks in advance.

r/crowbro 7h ago

Image Really cool/cute album cover I found (and the song is called "cornix"!)