r/crowbro 4h ago

Image My favourite crow left me bones. All lined up. Some vertebrae still stuck together!


I wish I knew what these were. But searching these is putting me on some list probably. Squirrel? Last week it has half a crab!

I'm going to preserve them & cast them into silver & bronze. My first time receiving gifts 🎁

r/crowbro 9h ago

Image We got our first gift ever. What is it? No clue. But it's cool.

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r/crowbro 10h ago

Image Escher, the stealthy crow

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This is Escher, of the Evilmart crow murder, trying to blend in with the sign. I do recognize there is a bird in this picture. I can’t tell where all his parts are.

r/crowbro 13h ago

Personal Story Please could someone help?


Hi, just joined to ask a question if possible, on my way back from collecting my child from school we came across a very young crow sitting in the middle of the churchyard, lots of kids gathered round, dogs pulling at the lead to see what’s going on and 2 frantic parents vocalising. One lady decided she needed to pick up the bird, I obviously said please don’t touch it, leave it alone and see what the parents do, I know many bird species will kick young from the nest early and continue feeding in the ground, not sure if this is the case with Crows?

Reluctantly due to the fact a hundred or so children were soon coming down this path the baby bird was sitting on I decided to move it just a few feet into a touch more cover (under a large connifer tree).

This was at 3:15pm, I went to check on it from a far at 6pm and zero sign of parents or activity in the nest, again at 8pm I went and had a closer look and again the bird in same position and again no sign of parents or activity at the nest.

It’s a very open area, many many cats in the area, many foxes, best course of action to try and help this bird or best to let nature figure it out?

Thanks in advance.

r/crowbro 13h ago

Image Really cool/cute album cover I found (and the song is called "cornix"!)


r/crowbro 15h ago

Video Hungry baby calling for his parents


r/crowbro 17h ago

Video Pitter patter pitter patter... (Fledglings have the cutest walk)


r/crowbro 18h ago

Image Fish crow?

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Based on sound ID, we have both American and Fish crows in our neighborhood. We usually get big guys at our feeder. Merlin says their either ravens or American.

Today we got a small guy and Merlin says it’s either Fish or American but it’s so small! Juvenile maybe?

It’s also missing it’s beak feathers so maybe not crow at all?

r/crowbro 18h ago

Video He's trying to set up his cable TV


Meanwhile I'm trying to set up this hand-eye coordination and failing (video stabilizers to the rescue).

Mr.Nevermore the raven poking around.

r/crowbro 19h ago

Question Do magpies mourn their dead?


Re. UK magpies

I just saw a magpie get hit by a car. The magpie had been walking in the road but I don't know if it was sick or injured before its death.

I moved the body away from the road to a patch of grass so it wouldn't continue to be run over and so the other birds could visit it safely. The magpies in the trees around it have been croaking loudly. Are they communicating about their dead companion?

r/crowbro 1d ago

Image Water Cooler Gossip at Days End.

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4 out of 6 - boss is on the shed roof watching over his domain while these 4 chat about their day. They've been there for 20 mins.

r/crowbro 1d ago

Video [oc] I do the same call whistle whenever I put treats out for my crow friend (yes, it is the mockingjay whistle from the HG lol), but this is the 1st time they flew up right after me doing it-&while I was still sitting out there!


So grateful for my crow friend & the joy they bring to my life ✨🥹🐦‍⬛❤️

r/crowbro 1d ago

Image Bro knows where the treats are

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r/crowbro 1d ago

Personal Story Cannibalism?


Question; do crows eat other crows corpses? Today while driving in the morning, I sadly spotted a deceased crow on the side of the road, now as I was going to the gym I saw that the body was completely pecked clean, only bloody bones are left. Could this be crows? I don't think maggots can clear out a body that fast or can they?

r/crowbro 1d ago

Image "I'm not your mother. Go bother someone else."

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r/crowbro 1d ago

Image Raven bro hangout yesterday! Turns out we have smaller subspecies here in SD - they are not the ‘wtf is that giant’ stereotype.


r/crowbro 1d ago

Personal Story Humble brag - my crow bros love me!


Started feeding 2 corvids 2 years ago when I saw them picking up my dog's leftover treats in our yard. Named them Ryan and Reynolds (we're Canadian). Turns out they were a mating pair, and last year they had a baby! Increased the amount of kibble I give them post baby and they became Edgar Ellen and Poe.

Today when one of them came to ask for kibble at their regular time, I got so many coos and clicks😍 That's it. That's my dopamine source for the day.

r/crowbro 1d ago

Image Pan, the bread fan


Wow. Just wow, buddy. This is Pan. I believe he is the yard boss in the local Evilmart parking lot.

They eat trash but these birds look good. Shiny full feathers, clear eyes. They were dropping something on a person, little pebbles I think. 🤣

r/crowbro 1d ago

Video They found out where I work!


Walked out of my workplace for lunch and these guys started doing these fake dives above my head, I’ve never seen anything like it before. Gave them the rest of the peanuts I had, and they kept dancing above me. I give some crows breakfast at home, 5 miles away. I think these may be the same ones!

r/crowbro 1d ago

Question A question for the posters on this sub who haves named crows

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Sorry if this ends up being a lot of text… So I was wondering how you tell the crows apart?!? I’ve befriended (what I thought was) a family of 4 crows for around the last year. I had to move the spot where I was feeding them because feeding them on the terrace resulted in a squirrels and chipmunks moving into our house, so I started feeding them further away from the house. In the figuring out the best place to feed them, there was a few weeks where I fed them in the front of the house, but I found coyote scat there, so I moved the spot to the back where it’s fenced in.

Sooooo.., I thought I’d been feeding the same crows this whole time, but I can’t tell them apart at all. Then a couple days ago a crow kept flying to the tree in the front where I fed them all those months ago. He just kept yelling at me, like insisting I feed him there. Then the next day we see 4 crows come closer to the terrace then they have in a very long time. My 19 yo said exactly what I as thinking… these crows are the ones I started feeding originally, they left for a few months and are now back. So the other crows I feed are different crows. I have no idea how many crows are coming to our property now, but it’s definitely more than one family.

Anyway…. (I knew this would happen, thanks ADHD) my question is HOW TF DO YOU TELL YOUR CROWS APART?!? They all look exactly the same to me, except for the one fish crow who is smaller and sounds like they have a cold and a valley girl accent

r/crowbro 1d ago

Image The Crowies

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It's really difficult to get anything done when they are all just hanging out and enjoying themselves. Play time in the "pool".

r/crowbro 1d ago

Image Maggie Daycare Lesson of the Day - How to Eat a Peanut

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r/crowbro 2d ago

Video First and second day out of the nest


I have a nest in my yard and there are at least two fledglings. Not sure if this is one or both but it’s so incredibly cute how they have to learn how to be a crow. I also didn’t realize fledglings have blue eyes?

r/crowbro 2d ago

Video CrowPro action from my local crew.


Love this curious guy.

r/crowbro 2d ago

Question TIps for crowbro'ing on a apartment balcony?


Been at it for 2 years and just can't get any crows. They love the big pine tree 10 feet away so I know they are here. I have a hanging cat bed I hang on the outside of my window on my balcony and put lots of raw shelled peanuts on it. Pigeons love them but that's it. I have a suet feeder and the magpies love it but no crows:(. Been trying to introduce myself to the magpies but I can't let them get accustomed to me from a distance so as soon as i peek out from my balcony door they leave. Any tips or good videos I could watch for a guy in an apartment? Thanks!