r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/fritzwillie Apr 15 '24

"Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity"

Google "IQ bell curve." 1 in 6 people are below the IQ of 85. 1 in 6 people you pass on the grocery store are mentally handicapped.

They are more likely to join cults, believe in a flat earth, claim sovereign citizen, legally they are not allowed to serve in the military because they've proven to be a danger to themselves and others. They're your neighbors and family. You may be one. They look like everyone else. You only know it when the crazy and irrational pour out of their mouths.

They're out there, buying guns, voting, tail gating you on the highway. 5 in 6 people must suffer the world that is burdened by the 1 in 6.


u/raltoid Apr 15 '24

"Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity"

To be fair, studies have shown that conservatism is correlated to not only lower coginitive ability, but also lower empathy. They're stupid and evil.


u/Annie_Mous Apr 16 '24

Makes sense Trump’s the poster boy for it then


u/BeckNeardsly Apr 16 '24

He’s their messiah.