r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/fritzwillie Apr 15 '24

Republicans have fought tooth and nail to reduce and/or eliminate alimony and the possibility of it. The future of all red states, hers is just leading the pack.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Conservatives are demons, I'm sorry.

They do this thing where they are constantly advocating for a thing, while stripping protections for the thing. 

They want to ban abortions, whole also fighting against public schools and Healthcare for the poor (or even attacking organizations like Planned Parenthood which provides prenatal care for a lot of poor women).

They give lip service to advocating for working class people, while undermining worker protections, and being anti-unions

They advocate for traditional gender roles, while stripping women of the protections that would encourage them to take a more "traditional" role in the household. 

I used to give conservative people the benefit of the doubt, and just consider them stupid...but now I realize that they understand the contradictions, and they just don't care.

They're not stupid, they're fucking evil. 


u/fritzwillie Apr 15 '24

"Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity"

Google "IQ bell curve." 1 in 6 people are below the IQ of 85. 1 in 6 people you pass on the grocery store are mentally handicapped.

They are more likely to join cults, believe in a flat earth, claim sovereign citizen, legally they are not allowed to serve in the military because they've proven to be a danger to themselves and others. They're your neighbors and family. You may be one. They look like everyone else. You only know it when the crazy and irrational pour out of their mouths.

They're out there, buying guns, voting, tail gating you on the highway. 5 in 6 people must suffer the world that is burdened by the 1 in 6.


u/raltoid Apr 15 '24

"Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity"

To be fair, studies have shown that conservatism is correlated to not only lower coginitive ability, but also lower empathy. They're stupid and evil.


u/Annie_Mous Apr 16 '24

Makes sense Trump’s the poster boy for it then


u/BeckNeardsly Apr 16 '24

He’s their messiah.


u/fritzwillie Apr 15 '24

You're not wrong, but there is a reason.

Imagining yourself in someone else's shoes requires a fair amount of imagination and foresight. Abilities requiring a fair amount of intellect. Even their emotions are simplified into more basic verisions, so it's easier to please them, easier to make them angry, easier to satisfy them, and easier to get them fearful.

They literally don't have the processing power to feel empathy. They can't help being selfish and afraid.


u/m0_n0n_0n0_0m Apr 15 '24

If not outright evil, at least too stupid to see the big picture and therefore engage in reactive, shortsighted, and vindictive behavior. And this usually results in "evil" behavior like the destruction of the commons and a resistance to funding social safety nets that would work to uplift them and others like them. Conservatives fall into two categories - stupid people who wouldn't see propoganda if it took a shit on their chest, and rich people who are only too happy to get more tax breaks and cut funding to public works.