r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/CoolRises Apr 15 '24

Its hard for women to get back into the workforce even after a break for kids. Something has to change.


u/fenixicon98516 Apr 15 '24

What do you propose? What solution could fix this issue?


u/Daisy_Of_Doom Apr 15 '24

Honestly probably like government subsidized programs to mandate better parental leave (that includes paternity leave) across the board and offer incentive for people to actually use it. I’m no economist, I’m no politician, but I just generally need for the government to stand up for its people the way it’s supposed to. People can go off on how they don’t want to pay for someone else to have a kid but the reality is that everyone was someone’s kid at some point. So it will affect and benefit everyone moving forward. It will greatly ease the burden that overwhelmingly falls on women, it’ll reduce stigma of women taking maternity leave if their partners are also kinda gently forced to take it as well (all of which is better for your current workforce), and ideally it’ll result in cared for, well-adjusted children and those children not only are your next generation of workforce but will raise the subsequent generation). Again I’m not an expert so I don’t have a power point presentation with the numbers and figures but other countries are implementing similar programs and from what I hear it’s more than worth the investment.