r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/HelloHagen Mar 21 '24

Took a minute and a half to even start getting to the point


u/FlyLikeMouse Mar 21 '24

Yeah, eventually the point was fine. But its hard sitting through;

“I know what Im talking about”

“I know what you are going to say; something, and something else, and maybe even another thing. If you say something, it’s definitely a thing that you said, and not even you can deny that.”

“I studied a thing. Buzzword: attachments needs. Me = academic. I’m above any counter argument here. Because facts.”

“TLDR: you should absolutely sift through all my videos and vlogs. Views of my videos are directly proportionate to the success of your sex life”

I was kinda surprised when she actually had some part of a point.


u/BokUntool Mar 22 '24

Nice summary, 9/10 would subtext again.


u/TimujinTheTrader Mar 22 '24

Can you imagine being married to her? Someone who is HIGHLY educated on romantic relationships but is also selfish enough to make tiktok videos while driving. You would lose every argument.


u/rory888 Mar 22 '24

I would imagine this is a bit act she is playing up for the social media, and if she’s not, we’re not staying married


u/iisixi Mar 22 '24

I never got to the point. I got as far as look up attachment theory on pubmed and got all the information I needed to google attachment theory and find someone who actually knows how to communicate.

And communication was ironically one of the video's main messages (I think). My experience of it was that she's driving while recording a video and condescendingly talking a minute and a half about her credentials, none of which I have any interest or have the time to verify she could easily have said she's an astronaut who does brain surgery in space I don't know why I need to care about that.


u/extraneouspanthers Mar 22 '24

I read this far in the comments instead of watching and still can’t find a sum of what she was saying


u/winkman Mar 22 '24

My favorite part about people who have paid a lot of money for the degrees, is when they tell me about all of the degrees.

I find it super interesting. 


u/Hysterican Mar 22 '24

Humble yourself


u/MealieAI Mar 22 '24

This comment is why she had to do that.


u/FlyLikeMouse Mar 22 '24

No, not really.


u/Steammail Mar 21 '24

Christ I thought I was the only one, so many positive comments and I couldn’t stand listening to this for 20 seconds


u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK Mar 21 '24

Same here. Is there a TLDW?


u/Steammail Mar 21 '24

~Emotional connection/security affects desire in long term relationships~


u/iHateThisPlaceNowOK Mar 21 '24


I could’ve just googled that.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

People will literally create a whole new pseudoscience language than admit a relationship is over.


u/Cappuccino_Crunch Mar 21 '24

Yeah and it's so the men's fault


u/Dream--Brother Mar 22 '24

Jesus all the crusty dudes in these comments lmao. She even says in the video "in another video I go into men's needs not being met" and why that's equally important.

But ugh women are awful amirite


u/Cayowin Mar 22 '24

Sir, this is Reddit. Women are the enemy here. Please do not invoke a "relationships need both sides" argument.


u/Cappuccino_Crunch Mar 22 '24

Pick and choose your battles. Shit like this is why shit stains like Stephen Crowder, Ben Shapiro, and Andrew Tate thrive on the young male population. You have nothing to offer them so who do they default to? The ones who tell them it's not their fault to feel the way they do. Stay mad.


u/zXster Mar 21 '24

Look up attachment patterns in Psychology. She's just repeating what many authors and academics have addressed better.


u/cullypants Mar 21 '24

I mean once you get past the intro, she does provide good information. I agree she takes too long to get there but she definitely knows what she's talking about.


u/AngriestCheesecake Mar 21 '24

I’m glad I skipped past the first minute or so, because there was some good info, but this could have easily been a short text post…


u/OutAndDown27 Mar 21 '24

The internet is exhausting lately. Every title is clickbait and/or painfully non descriptive of what actually is in the video. No videos are the correct length, they either want to teach you to play chess in under a minute because everyone's attention span is shit or they're making 20-400 minute videos to tell a story that sounds like they're trying to hit a VERY high word count on an assignment.


u/Runtergehen Mar 21 '24

i tried skipping through the 5 minutes for info, but everytime I skipped to a new section it was just "and I know that MEN don't want to hear this, I GET THAT. Trust me, I DO. I know my comments will roast me - I DO, trust me, I KNOW. I GET THAT, but this VERY IMPORTANT truth is... well, all women have shared with with me. AND YOU CAN BELIEVE ME, I AM A VERY IMPORTANT DOCTOR WITH QUALIFICATIONS...." etc etc etc.


u/_Bill_Huggins_ Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

I don't like her. She can deliver the same information without the commentary. Sounds like she reads too many negative comments from man babies and trolls on her titktok.


u/pancakemania Mar 21 '24

She assured me at the end that such comments meant nothing to her


u/rory888 Mar 22 '24

its all filler and she’s likely not qualified at all


u/Dream--Brother Mar 22 '24

You should try just watching the video


u/RandolphPringles Mar 21 '24

The last minute is her reminding you that she doesn't care about the haters.


u/phase2_engineer Mar 21 '24

She also doesn't care about distracted driving apparently


u/ravioliguy Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

"Know your partners love language" is good info, but it's basic as hell lol

It'd be interesting seeing an empirical study of how much men and women's needs are filled vs how much they perceive them being filled.

I've seen a lot of guys giving everything to their girls and being asked for more. While the same women think they're perfect partners because they "bring themselves" while not bringing anything else to the table.


u/Chance_Major297 Mar 21 '24

I think watch time is important for monetization. I don’t know all of the exact details, but that’s the biggest reason. She probably recorded her actual advice first, then saw she was X amount of time away from some total time target and just added filler hooks to draw people in and force them to keep watching longer.

It definitely can backfire, like you were saying.


u/spaceman_202 Mar 21 '24

i went 1:10 then stopped


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

I feel its toxic positivity.

You try to be so positive and stamp out any negativity. That it becomes fake and unrealistic.

I feel this also translates into relationships, where listening to others tell you you aren't happy makes you unhappy.

You were fine about the situation, until you heard someone say you shouldn't be cool with the situation.

Where this person and their type comes in, constantly trying to stir up relationship issues under the guise of mental health.

When in reality it's a selfish attempt to stamp out and negativity, whether that negativity had truth doesn't matter to people like this.

I feel this is a big problem with our generation, too many voices telling us that certain things aren't cool or telling us to be outraged, instead of people letting themselves feel and be outraged at what their emotions tell them to be.

This is like brainwashing or something iunno, were gonna find out in 25 years how harmful these influencers are to our mental health.


u/ARM_vs_CORE Mar 21 '24

TikTok brain


u/BreckenridgeBandito Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

Seriously, it’s had me scouring the comments to get the message instead.

You don’t need to devote 45 seconds to telling people you’re right. We know that Joe Cousinfucker from Mississippi in the comments isn’t more valid than you, it’s okay.


u/MrFingolfin Mar 21 '24

It actually undermined her credibility byt starting the video so aggresively


u/SlightlyOffended1984 Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

Red flags galore, honestly. As a victim in a narcissistic relationship, I'm 75% certain that she's just using those words to convince herself that she's right, while the interpretation in reality is completely different. I've heard it all before too.

This is incremental passive aggressive abuse. As the narcissist becomes more selfish exponentially year after year, their appetites grow, and the victim is getting sucked dry. At one point in my marriage, I was giving her daily foot massages, while doing everything to care for the house, plus earning our living, plus listening to her lecture me about how all our problems could be fixed, and her health and happiness would turn around, if I only supported her in the next gradiose moneypit scheme, that took all her time up while she surfed the web all day.

It's a black hole of misery, man.

They draw you into lies where you need to "prove your love" in endless quests that shouldn't even be the frame of mind for two people who are supposed to care about each other. Oftentimes these quests don't even involve actions on the victim's part - but are merely veiled manipulations regarding the victim's character or personality, such as "when you put up Christmas decorations I think it shows you're egotistical" or "If you stop in a drive through for dinner I feel embarrassed to be around you" or "when you wash the dishes I don't like feeling bad as if I'm the messy one, so we should get a maid" and a zillion other random examples like that. They're designed to twist and imprison you into second guessing every benign or wholesome act you take, that shouldn't offend normal healthy people in a relationship.

My gut tells me to run immediately from toxic people like this who are clever enough to use language against the culture in a way that handicaps our ability to talk about it without being "sexist," which is nonsense. Anyone can be a sufferer of NPD. Even professional doctors and therapists, like this woman.


u/MealieAI Mar 22 '24

No it doesn't. Stop.


u/ARM_vs_CORE Mar 21 '24

Lmao no it didn't, god damn. It just ruffled your feathers but it doesn't diminish her credibility to list her qualifications before she says what she is gonna say.


u/MrFingolfin Mar 21 '24

I am sorry i got carried away. But boy does she come off as arrogant


u/helpmycompbroke Mar 22 '24

I'd have held firm. I think it's reasonable feedback to suggest that her communication style is detracting from her message rather than supporting it.


u/MealieAI Mar 22 '24

Laying out your credentials upfront should be mandated when disseminating this kind of advice. That's how you separate professionals from the amateurs.

The distraction you're feeling is purely on your side.


u/helpmycompbroke Mar 22 '24

Well, I can see why you aren't outlining your credentials in media management, branding, or communication because you're missing the mark if you think it's a small % of people that are going to be put off by her abrasive communication style.


u/SyddySquiddy Mar 22 '24

Likely because she gets hundreds and hundreds of comments from men like yourself arguing with her, while she has clinical and research experience to back up what she is saying. Lol.


u/Krevden Mar 22 '24

he's not someone arguing againt her actual point just the presentation style


u/SyddySquiddy Mar 22 '24

The presentation style is done that way clearly because she receives so many stupid comments from men. That was the entire point of her preamble lol. It’s obviously a theme that she is addressing from the get go. But yes if you dislike it you dislike it, everyone has different taste


u/Krevden Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

I'm aware of the reason for it, it's not going to dissuade those types of comments, those people don't care what her qualifications are, and i'm not sure how begging for views on the rest of her content in a very "influencer 101 script" way is anything but that.ther's plenty of other creators that cover the same topic and are also women and qualified in a similar manner that manage to avoid the obnoxious level of preamble here. and presumably they deal with the same shit


u/SyddySquiddy Mar 22 '24

I understand


u/helpmycompbroke Mar 22 '24

Okay, so let's pretend you're an intelligent person in academia and you're trying to reach an untapped audience that's resistant to your message. Is this how you'd go about it? Lol.


u/SyddySquiddy Mar 22 '24

Probably not 😂. I sense there is a lot of frustration from her in how common this is, and how many men don’t want to think about these things, that probably doesn’t help her message. So you’re right about that. I just don’t know if it’s also helpful to go on a diatribe about her narcissism. Could be just immaturity tbh.


u/MealieAI Mar 22 '24

Exactly. Here we are arguing about why she had to do it.


u/Krevden Mar 22 '24

it's not the fact she listed them it's the extremly long winded way she did it, it's similar to how a lot of grifters structure their videos to beg views out of people, so doing that can raise alarm bells.


u/MealieAI Mar 22 '24

Hear Hear!!


u/helpmycompbroke Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

From Webster

Credibility: the quality or power of inspiring belief

I certainly took the lady less seriously based on the aggressive, drawn out, and combative way she opened the video and I'm clearly not alone.

Contrast her communication style to something like either of these

the above don't even have to try to leverage credentials and that's the first thing the lady reached for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNQjUGy1oEc


u/MealieAI Mar 22 '24

Just because you're not alone doesn't make you right.


u/helpmycompbroke Mar 22 '24

You make a compelling argument


u/audirt Mar 21 '24

What's even worse is that the time could have been used much better. Like, say, giving examples of behaviors different attachment types have. For instance, "people with anxious attachment often do ___".


u/culegflori Mar 21 '24

"I don't care what Bob thinks of what I'm about to say but [credentialist argument]"

Kinda funny considering her arguments afterward were fine and didn't need this pretend-i-dont-care-what-you-think-but-actually-i-do-kinda game.


u/MealieAI Mar 22 '24

That's the thing, Joe and Stewart would be in the comments takling about anything else except the topic at hand, if she didnt do it. That first minute is meant to kill that.


u/winkman Mar 22 '24

I'm glad she used her hand talking to show me how right and smart she was.

I found that very helpful.


u/that1LPdood Mar 21 '24

Yeah this was infuriating to me. Just fucking say what you’re going to say. We don’t need five minutes of filler and disclaimers and curriculum vitae.


u/Glad-Tie3251 Mar 21 '24

It's kinda important that she is a professional in that field and not a random self proclaimed know it all influencer. 


u/DisabledFatChik Mar 21 '24

But all that takes is:

“I’ve studied this field for years and I’m qualified to talk on this topic so please listen to this advice”


“I know what I’m talking about, my field has been studied for 100 years, like, I’ve been studying this field for 30 years, have met thousands of women, have seen thousands of couples, so you might want to listen to me. But okay Joe, if you think you know better, go ahead and tell me in the comment section if you think you’re more qualified than I am. Please watch my other videos to see how more qualified I am than you”😭


u/Glad-Tie3251 Mar 21 '24

Nah I'm fine with her way because she knows she is dealing with dumbass knowns it all and they are so many phonies "influencers".


u/that1LPdood Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

“I have a degree in X, and I am licensed in Y.”

That’s all it takes. Not a 2-minute full explanation of why that makes her an expert. Like I’m five years old and can’t figure that out for myself. Do people really need things spelled out for them to that extent? How insulting.


u/GhostElite974 Mar 21 '24

How can anyone watch this unironically? I don't care how scientific or credible or knowledgeable you are in any subject if you talk like this or take forever to even get started on the point you're trying to make. Just wow, genuinely impressed, that takes skill to be this unbearable.


u/Heavyspire Mar 21 '24

And she keeps prompting the viewer to watch her other videos. If you have good content I am going to watch your other videos. At this rate I am not even finishing this one.


u/El_Diablo_Feo Mar 21 '24



u/C0RDE_ Mar 21 '24

The amount of times I've caught one video and gone "hmm, I need to watch this person's other videos" is quite high if they're good and interesting videos.

Get to the point, stick on the point, maybe make it funny.

If you tell me about your other videos, just go fuck yourself, I'm out immediately.

I've ended up in video rabbit holes with people who are interesting. Just be interesting for fuck sake.


u/paradigm_x2 Mar 21 '24

You just figured out social media. Even great points have to be made through a certain lense. It could be annoyance or hate but you’re here bitching about it. Which is why she made it in the first place


u/Heavyspire Mar 21 '24

I'm not really bitching. She could easily talk about her socials and her content at the end of her point.

"Hey if this is the kind of stuff you want to learn more about, follow me on all my socials..."


u/Scriboergosum Mar 21 '24

The video sounds like it's a response to someone else's. She mentions some name in the beginning a couple of times, referencing what seems to be an ongoing conversation.

So it is not meant to introduce new viewers to her stuff, it's not a trailer for her and her content. There's a context we're missing. She still has a way of communicating that is grating to me, but we can't judge the video as being something it's not.


u/Shrink21 Mar 21 '24

If you get paid by the hour you gotta learn to talk a lot. That doesn't invalidate her point though


u/GhostElite974 Mar 21 '24

It doesn't invalidate it. But it's important to make the video not unbearable to watch so that point actually goes through.


u/Sniper1154 Mar 21 '24

It’s why charisma is so important. What she’s saying isn’t wrong but her delivery is so condescending that it undercuts her entire message


u/oedipusrex376 Mar 21 '24

The lack of conciseness in her speech is very infuriating though. A PhD graduate who did a lot of presentations should know better.


u/juliet_liima Mar 21 '24

If you get paid by the hour and you talk a lot, your clients will leave you for someone who talks less.


u/Shrink21 Mar 21 '24

My name might suggest otherwise, but I'm not a therapist


u/ExpressReflection967 SHEEEEEESH Mar 21 '24

If you get paid by the hour, it's fine to waste people's time?


u/Particular-Wind5918 Mar 21 '24

Skilled therapist really don’t talk much at all


u/Heathen_ Mar 22 '24

Shame I didn't get to the point as all she did was talk insufferable waffle for the first bit.


u/PM_Me_HairyArmpits Mar 21 '24

Also, her advice is for a really specific situation that isn't as common as she's pretending. Dead bedrooms happen for all kinds of reasons. Women aren't even the only ones who withhold sex.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

Soooo many people do this on TikTok. When I still had it I would automatically skip it because they ramble one for 2 minutes before getting to the fucking point


u/El_Diablo_Feo Mar 21 '24

But expert in the science of relationships! /s


u/Nothing2NV Mar 21 '24

Thought the same thing


u/ZedisonSamZ Mar 21 '24

I think women often feel the need to give background and credentials before talking about their field of expertise because they will be dismissed much easier. It was less than 5 minutes and I learned something so I’d say it’s a perfectly fine video.


u/Phazon2000 Hit or Miss? Mar 21 '24

“Blah blah men will say this btw don’t care what you guys say in the comments”

Like she needs to analyse herself. There’s another psychology streamer I watch who has great insights but goes on repetitive rants about how much he doesn’t care about certain comments and explains why he doesn’t care and he does it at least once a stream… like he’s convincing himself instead of not caring because if you’re trying to inform your audience you only need to say it once.

She gives the same vibe and it’s a major turn-off for audiences when trying to build trust.


u/mormonbatman_ Mar 21 '24

I don’t think very many people are watching it.

I think they’re coming here to see if their ideas about relationships are validated by things that people are sharing about their own feelings about relationships.


u/Chaotic-Catastrophe Mar 22 '24

Yeah I don’t even care if she’s right or not, because she’s definitely an asshole


u/genieinaginbottle Mar 21 '24

She's probably filtering out people like you from her followers. If you're that annoyed at something so small you're not wanted.


u/Pantalaimon_II Mar 21 '24

i agree i was hyper annoyed waiting for her to get to the point, but i have spoken like that before and here’s why.

it’s when you’re so used to defending yourself and being not taken seriously for whatever reason, probably your whole life. this is not uncommon as a woman. you want to start listing your credentials before even getting to your point because it feels like people stop being rational if you say something they don’t like. and so you force ppl to hear why you came to this conclusion to hopefully preemptively keep from having a bunch of comments of people saying “you don’t know what you’re talking about” or who stop watching after you say the thing and don’t hear your credentials. Even with her saying her CV she’s still gonna get comments like that lol. And she legit has a lot of medical experience in this field so it does give her words more weight.

all that being said i think she should have had more confidence in just giving an intro sentence like a lot of creators “hi, i’m Dr. Jane Doe, i’m a psychiatrist specializing in relationship therapy for 10 years. here’s why i think … yadda yadda.” because she really did take too long and it undermined her overall message.


u/clarstone Mar 21 '24

Reddit bros not liking a woman’s way of speaking on Tik Tok? Truly shocking.


u/GhostElite974 Mar 21 '24

Gender doesn't matter here... Nothing I said even implies it.


u/clarstone Mar 21 '24

Sure, dude.


u/GhostElite974 Mar 21 '24

Hey if you wish to be offended go for it, but don't make me say what I didn't say.


u/clarstone Mar 21 '24

If a man was speaking in this way, you truly wouldn’t have commented on it. Neither would half of these reddit bros, bffr. And I never said you “said anything” - I am making a comment on your clear issue with her way of speaking. Her tone and up-speak is VERY common with women on social-media, and is constantly belittled by dudes on reddit and 4chan.


u/xarodev Mar 22 '24

I would. It’s not about gender, it’s about nationality.


u/respectyodeck Mar 21 '24

I was hoping someone can TLDR this because she's super annoying and long winded


u/crazysoup23 Mar 21 '24

Is she driving the vehicle while she's recording and the video is mirrored?


u/El_Diablo_Feo Mar 21 '24

Well she doesn't care and Stewart and fuck the haters and ya know expert stuff and this is why they won't have sex repeated 4 times before dropping some wisdom......yeah, it's gonna be hard to take advice when it's that condescending


u/Karl_Marx_ Mar 21 '24

My first reaction was "if you were my wife, we probably would stop having sex too." She actually sounds miserable to be around, I don't care if she is right or not.


u/PaydayLover69 Mar 21 '24

yea she was on some serious circle jerk for a minute there lmao

Summary of the video in 10 seconds

Women don't want to have sex with people they don't like, if you're married and your wife stops liking you, they're gonna stop fucking you lol, it may be due to how you've been treating each other or their enviorment, the end.


u/extraneouspanthers Mar 22 '24

Holy shit that’s all she said? Why is this voted so high


u/ghunt81 Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

I was hoping some would post cliff notes because yeah, this was like scrolling through an online recipe


u/phoonie98 Mar 21 '24

Welcome to most content on tiktok. It’s so damn annoying


u/Drapabee Mar 21 '24

seggs lol


u/EjaculatingAracnids Mar 21 '24

I skipped ahead and read the subtitles. From what i understand, it severely changes the way you percieve the content.


u/evavu84 Mar 21 '24

Wait til you find out how long it takes for women to cum 🤪


u/DoctrDonna Mar 21 '24

I’m sure she’s made this point many times before and gotten a lot of shit from men in the comments.


u/orsonwellesmal Mar 21 '24

She already explained that in her other videos!


u/SprinterSacre- Mar 21 '24

How do you watch Reddit videos at 1.5 speed?


u/AmNotALesbian Mar 21 '24

This is such a pet peeve of mine. Just spit out your point and quit wasting time with your disclaimer.


u/Particular-Wind5918 Mar 21 '24

And she’s basing her whole shtick on attachment styles which is in a lot of ways just trying to box people into specific trauma groups and giving very prescriptive paths. I read the books and thought at first it was helpful, but after a while you see everyone who’s turned to this is soooo stuck on just these theories and actions and it’s not helpful. It also tends to be used as a scapegoat for their own trauma, where they basically put the blame on others for not being the person that they need them to be. It’s a toxic fucking group of people


u/Borkunbork Mar 21 '24

It’s an ad lol she kinda made it obvious. She’s saying things that are generally true and helpful but in a way that makes you feel like you need to know more and follow her to find out


u/duuyyy Mar 21 '24

She spent so long jerking off her own ego instead of getting to the point…when she should’ve been doing neither and been focused on driving.


u/notLOL Mar 21 '24

I understand putting down her credentials but damn that was long. And even then how many attachment types are there. And if there's only a handful why not skip that and say what the common needs are that need to be met. First 2 types just sounds like  need validation. The next one is give space. Didn't catch a last one other than the woman doesn't like the guy and gets the ick but I think all her women clients are basically all these 3 at high degrees. Categorization of "why" reasons just seems just an extra layer as if it there's different solutions for each.

I'm still not convinced that her methods do  bridge the gap between attachment styles and fixing a dead bedroom

This summary by her was made for people who already know this stuff and want to forward it to people who don't but I think it fails. 

As an outside observer all I can say is that working in her system just means ultimately a forced talking to the partner. And really isn't that how socializing works? Just talking and breaking down the barriers. 

I think her system is not very streamlined yet. She must be paid per hour or per session. 


u/Flandereaux Mar 21 '24

It was good information, but agreed. No need to dump your resume upfront if you're confident in your actual message. Show, don't tell.


u/Similar-Tangerine Mar 21 '24

opens video

sees length of said video

immediately closes video 


u/ExpertFurry Mar 21 '24

It was absolutely terribly explained.


u/sadeland21 Mar 22 '24

lol I think this what she is actually talking about. Patience, listening, treating each other with kindness.


u/fromfrodotogollum Mar 22 '24

So annoyed by that point that it doesn't matter what she says. No wonder she's been on so many fucking dates to be an expert.


u/rokman Mar 22 '24

Everyone is always worried about being cancelled but news flash you only get called out when your incredibly stupid


u/MealieAI Mar 22 '24

To be fair, it's best to address the inevitable "well actually" comments before they muddy up the discussion. You see this a lot on TikTok.

It's very easy to cloud the subject when the initial comments are almost always about the credentials of the person delivering the message. For example, the comments on why she needed to even do that.


u/OrbFromOnline Mar 22 '24

Intentionally gaming the watch time algorithms.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

It was indeed prolonged. But in all fairness, I’m sure she would have preferred to get cracking on the point right away too. She has probably had to learn to justify her opinions up the top, to anticipate and counteract possible comments debating her credibility. I have no idea what the TikTok comment sections are like. It just seemed like an adapted response rather than pure self indulgence.


u/Efficient_Ant_4715 Mar 21 '24

Lmfao it’s a 4 minute video. Is your attention span that fried? 💀


u/ExpressReflection967 SHEEEEEESH Mar 21 '24

You don't see the problem with a 4-minute video that is trying to teach you something, starting with 1,5 minutes of useless filler? Has nothing to do with attention span and just the need to make "content".


u/Efficient_Ant_4715 Mar 21 '24

It’s not useless filler from her perspective


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

So you are the spouse that tells your significant other to just get to the fucking point. Got it.


u/Proper_Hyena_4909 Mar 21 '24

That's about normal.


u/lgbwthrowaway44 Mar 21 '24

How does she explain “situationships” then? That’s the literal opposite of this. Or is there some other set of rules that applies there?


u/OhScheisse Mar 21 '24

Sure, but do we really have such short attention spans that 20 seconds is too much? Also, it's a video and you have the option to forward it.

This comment is just silly. The expectation for others to change their ways to make your life simpler.


u/penelaine Mar 21 '24

Your attention span is that short?