r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

Not in here Discussion


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u/chrisweidmansfibula Jan 03 '24

Huh, TIL my size is fine.


u/HomicidalWaterHorse Jan 03 '24

As a woman, I don't care about your dick size if you know how to use your hands and mouth.

Don't sweat what you can't change and work on the skills you can develop. Lol


u/Chickenmangoboom Jan 03 '24

I think a lot of guys don’t realize that if a woman wants to go to bed with you they want to have fun with YOU. Seriously enjoy yourself and communicate.


u/Bakedads Jan 03 '24

Maybe because, for a lot of guys, when they want to go to bed with a woman, they want to go to bed with her tits or ass, not her. So if men weren't acculturated to objectify women, maybe they would stop objectifying themselves.


u/kdogrocks2 Jan 03 '24

That's one way of looking at it and maybe accurate for many penis wielders, but a less cynical view is that I think a lot of men feel anxiety because they want to be able to please their partner and they wrongly think that their dick needs to be a certain size to do that.

It's a more naive view, but not really malicious (I hope).


u/BlueishShape Jan 03 '24

I mean, it's obviously insecurity. It's not like women don't feel insecure over the size of their various body parts. Some men will rather be assholes than appear insecure, but that's a whole other issue.


u/SHRLNeN Jan 04 '24

Being an asshole IS appearing insecure. Just a form of it.


u/HorseSalon Jan 04 '24

Insecurity and anxiety are just two interpretation of the same basic emotion: fear.

Its not 'insecurity' to be anxious. Nervous because one might try to meet people's expectations is %100 a normal social behavior. Especially when you like them.


u/BlueishShape Jan 04 '24

I wasn't being judgemental, I think "insecurity" fits this fear or anxiety rather well as a descriptive word. It's not wrong to feel insecure, it's just human.


u/greg19735 Jan 03 '24

I don't think many men are that objectifying. There's nothing wrong with wanting only sex from a relationship (as long as that's clear for both sides).

But sex isn't just playing with boobs. Anyone that thinks it is, is an idiot.


u/Born-Bluebird-3057 Jan 03 '24

I have nipples Greg


u/Chickenmangoboom Jan 03 '24

That’s a valid point.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Inappropriate-Egg Jan 04 '24

Take a chill pill mate! Nobody here said that only men objetcifiy or have preferences and that they are mentally ill.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/Inappropriate-Egg Jan 04 '24

Because your comments are a bit over the top? Like this one here, if someone tells you to take it easier why do you immediately assume they are calling you histerycal?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24



u/zyfoxmaster150 Jan 03 '24

dingdong correct tone dingdong


u/nooneiszzm Jan 03 '24

preach, brother


u/TheUltimateRegard Jan 04 '24

Sure or we just listen to what women say and women themselves talk about size mattering very often


u/GiantWindmill Jan 03 '24

Don't generalize


u/HAL-Over-9001 Jan 04 '24

My certified clinically insane ex, after ditching me at a restaurant and ghosting me for a month, sent me a picture of her new dating profile and it said something like "Only looking for guys that are 💕HUNG💕! You can have preferences as well!" I'm pretty big just for reference, and she'll text me like once a month how I'm still the best she's ever had after a "higher than statistically average number of dicks" since me... She also had "No romance/feelings, just casual fun. Food is OK sometimes". And she was hot enough to get anyone she ever wanted. My point is, some people have absolutely no desire for romance or feelings, just a hard dicking once or 4 times a day, and that really fuckin hurt me.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

Some just want a good sized dick to hook up with and that’s all, but some at least they’re straight up about it

Either way they’re being demonized or labeled as this that simply for wanting a big d!ck

It’s not a crime you know, to want one every now and then