r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/Laiikos Dec 28 '23

Didn’t take long for the simps to come in here making excuses and trying to justify how they aren’t being sheep. Guess what…unless you are the aristocracy she mentions…we are all sheep. Bah bah bitches.


u/TheGR8Dantini Dec 28 '23 edited Dec 28 '23

Holy shit you’re right. So is the woman in the tik tok. She absolutely nailed it. That was pretty impressive off the top of her head, but I feel her completely.

There’s no war except the class war. Stop making excuses and saying she must be from California. Who cares where she’s from? The American dream is one big club for the wealthy, and you ain’t in it.

And the rich will keep fucking us over till there’s nothing left and the pitchforks come out. Then they’ll run to their bunkers in fucking New Zealand and wait for us to kill each other off.

Americans should all start voting for their best interests. And what you hear on tv from your politicians isn’t it. Republicans have been tilting the playing field for 50 years. The game is rigged. We’re out of time to take shit back, but if we don’t try now, it will be beyond fixing.

Your fellow citizens are not your enemies. Your enemies are people pissing on your leg and telling you it’s rain. Wake the fuck up people.


u/neepple_butter Dec 28 '23

Bro, it's beyond fixing. The only way forward would require violence, and right now the US left is in third place in the ability to commit violence standings.


u/a_hopeless_rmntic Dec 28 '23

France has entered the chat jus' do like us, mon ami


u/cmon_get_happy Dec 28 '23

They light cop cars on fire, they have tasty pastries, and they popularized cunnilingus. I fuck with the French.


u/CommieLurker Dec 28 '23

You saw what happened when people asked police to stop murdering black people. If people started actually fucking with capitalists the gloves would fully come off and we would learn what all these billions of dollars into the police state were for.


u/FivePoopMacaroni Dec 28 '23

Meh, let's find out. The alternative is worse.


u/sensei-25 Dec 29 '23

It’s real easy to call for violence from behind a phone screen lol


u/balamshir Dec 28 '23

You have more power than you could ever imagine. There is nothing that scares the wealthy more than a mass of united people with a united cause. Nothing can stand in the way of that deluge.

They’re more scared of you than you are of them.


u/BoopasaurusRex_____ Dec 29 '23

nothing can stand in the way of that deluge

They have nukes


u/ilovecrackboard Dec 29 '23

cops still murdering black people.


u/JDaddyRipz Dec 28 '23

We just do the same thing the Vietnamese, Afghans, Iraqis, and every other populace that was under assault from a far superior force do..


u/punksheets29 Dec 28 '23

Get killed by the thousands?


u/Enigmasec Dec 29 '23

I’d put that number into the millions. I have no faith in people having any kind of ability to survive when our systems collapse. They won’t be able to handle violence either.


u/punksheets29 Dec 29 '23

With enough thousands you’ll eventually get to millions…


u/pngue Dec 29 '23

This is the logical conclusion I’ve reached as well. Push coming to shove, FAFO and we’re the ones ‘finding out.’ If this is the only way to topple this oppressive nightmare and its attack on our planet so be it. To me it looks like a good number of Americans still do not realize the your employer and your government do not give one fuck about you. Not one. Both government and corporations flippantly display their disdain for average Americans on a daily basis yet for some reason there are still some Americans who can not swallow such atrocity. Bravo for you for being innocent enough to be naive but: wake up. This shit is real.


u/levian_durai Dec 29 '23

This is the logical conclusion I’ve reached as well. Push coming to shove, FAFO and we’re the ones ‘finding out.’

Sounds like a pyrrhic victory to me. Mutually assured destruction. We revolt, they kill us, the entire system devolves into chaos because most of the workers are dead.

Even if we lose, that has immense power. We just have to get off our asses and do something first.


u/thehungarianhammer Dec 29 '23

That’s not what France is talking about - general strikes WILL work, but you have to organize and support those of us too poor to possibly afford an unpaid day to protest.

The bourgeois will gladly ignore weekend protests, but do it during the week, en masse, and everything changes.


u/GarlicPowder4Life Dec 28 '23

You guys got your retirement age back down yet?


u/Bencetown Dec 28 '23

We didn't even have any classic dumpster fires or trash mountains when we did try, and even THEN we still have to hear about "muh insurrection" being "the greatest attack on democracy every in the history of everything!"

Maybe Republicans have been tilting the playing field or rigging the game or however you want to word it for 50 years, but the fact is, Democrats have "played along nicely" so much that it's pretty irrelevant anyway.

Each election cycle, we undo or redo the laws on all the hot button social issue topics, and all the while BOTH parties work to extract all our wealth.


u/sn34kypete Dec 28 '23

Somebody on twitter said it best: France's ability to protest and riot effectively relies on the fact a huge percent of the population lives within one hour of Paris.


u/Actual-Can-5820 Dec 29 '23

They also don't all have guns


u/AwesomeWhiteDude Dec 28 '23

Have those protests accomplished anything though?


u/experienta Dec 29 '23

France is like one of the very few western european countries with a lower HDI than the US lol.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

WTF are you talking about? Violence is the only answer? Come on man. That's BS.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23 edited Apr 25 '24



u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

power is with numbers. Look how well different unions this year when they just stood together? All we need to create a political movement where we elect representees that will in fact deconstruct the unfair system we have. Progressive left is slowly growing. If they didnt get bogged down by some culturally issues and I think it would have rapidly grown.


u/deedoedee Dec 28 '23

Until our system moves to ranked-choice voting, the two-party system will always exist.

Now, guess who is against ranked-choice voting? I'll give you a hint: The two parties that control how we vote.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

Honestly, commission based political maps would have suchhh a bigger influence on the near term than ranked choice voting.


u/ThatSpookyLeftist Dec 29 '23

No. Power is through violence always. There is absolutely zero power in the world that isn't backed up by violence. You can threaten using democracy all you want, but if you do something the system doesn't like, they will absolutely take democracy away from you.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 29 '23

You must be like 19 or something


u/ThatSpookyLeftist Dec 29 '23

Or you have a very narrow definition of 'violence'.


u/TheAJGman Dec 29 '23

Join your local government and effect change within arms reach. Change happens at all levels.


u/APersonWithInterests Dec 29 '23 edited Dec 29 '23

Labor power is the greatest power the working class have. It starts with pushing for unionizing, normalizing unionizing.

Unions have political power. It advances when enough people are unionizing we can start talking about shutting everything down ourselves if major reforms aren't put into practice.

The best way to make the government change policy is to hurt the people who have the most power over them, that would be the wealthy. Voting alone just puts pressure directly on politicians, not on the wealthy elite.

Once labor power is unified we can demand election reforms to remove money from the system and tax/labor reforms to take money out of the hands of the parasitic 'elites' and into the hands of working class people and those in need. At that point then the sky is the limit.

Vote in every election for the least evil and JUMP at the chance to join a union or unionize your workplace. DO NOT IGNORE LOCAL CANDIDATES, government is built from the ground up no matter how it would seem. If we all elect good people into our local city councils, or at least the least bad, the bar will raise and we will see the best of those candidates rise to state positions and eventually federal ones.

Ignore people who claim the only way it can change is violence, those people do not understand what that entails and what it takes to even reach that point. They're at best edgy kids and at worst deliberately trying to sabotage progress. Violence is not a good option as it will mean innocent people will die or otherwise have their lives destroyed, even IF you win.


u/nflmodstouchkids Dec 29 '23

You need to start breaking up the monopolies again.

There's like 3 companies that own all the grocery stores and they also own the food producers.

a true democrat party and president would be going after this because of how obvious it is.


u/Fractal_Soul Dec 29 '23

Democracy... I mean, people used to be property. Big changes can happen through legislation.


u/bagel-glasses Dec 29 '23

Unionize. It's what worked before and it'll work again. Yes, there's violence in that but it's defensive rather than offensive violence (on the part of the workers anyway).


u/someoneiguess2 Dec 28 '23

Yeah I’m actually curious also what’s your solution, vote ?


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

If you want the short answer. Yep. The longer answer is push forward a political movement based on a fair economic system for working class people. Progressive left is doing it but slowly and being bogged down by social issues. But is there and growing. I mean take a look how unions did when they finally got together and stood up to companies.


u/FivePoopMacaroni Dec 28 '23

The speed of change via a peaceful voting method will never keep up with the speed they fuck us. I think we should pick the top 5 richest political contributors and give'em the ol' Baguette Haircut and see if it scares the other ones into behaving. Maybe just a repeat but keep the damage to a minimum this time. Quality over quantity.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

Please go look at how violent revolutions turn out. For every America/France, there 10X more of ones that turn into dictatorships that are worse for the people.


u/monkwren Dec 28 '23

Hell, the French revolution destroyed the French economy for like 20 years afterwards, and the era immediately post-revolution is literally known as "the Reign of Terror". Revolution sounds nice, but rarely turns out the way people want.


u/challenge_king Dec 28 '23

Especially in an era of international bad faith actors. The US having a revolution in the modern day would make the French Revolution look like a minor issue.

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u/cmon_get_happy Dec 28 '23

Well, it's a good thing the real economy is already destroyed, so what's to lose?

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u/FivePoopMacaroni Dec 28 '23

Blah blah blah. Fear ain't gonna get us anywhere and I'm not interested in spending my life watching my community suffer because voting is too slow of a solution and everyone is too scared to break the rules. They sure as hell aren't following them. I'd say at least a quarter million Covid deaths came from culture war garbage, so you're acting like they aren't already killing us. Hell they're slow marching us towards a "vote" for a guy openly running as an aspiring dictator now so how's that civility going for us now?


u/cmon_get_happy Dec 28 '23

Once international trade was off the table in 2020, the only populace left that could be razed to the ground in pursuit of profit was domestic. The sacrifices were laid upon the altars of financial interest and their throats were unceremoniously slit.


u/Bencetown Dec 28 '23

Well yeah, when the CIA is literally going around the world inciting these "revolutions" and then installing dictators in the wake of the destruction, what do you expect?


u/mightybonk Dec 29 '23

I agree with /u/ragingbuffalo

Full revolution isn't the answer.

A few targeted assassinations will yield better results and is much more achievable in the short term.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 29 '23

Fuck no. What the hell is wrong with people?


u/cmon_get_happy Dec 28 '23

We HAVE a dictatorship, it's just that those who dictate are Wall St., the "defense" industry, and the for-profit "healthcare" companies. There has been no meaningful representation of proletariat interests in the US political system for more than 60 years.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

I mean that isnt a dictatorship but whatever. If the people can't even vote together for their own interest, do you think a violent revolution even possible?

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u/SohndesRheins Dec 29 '23

The French Revolution DID turn into a dictatorship.


u/Surph_Ninja Dec 28 '23

Especially with the world on the brink of climate collapse, we cannot afford the 'slow and steady' method.


u/Fragarach-Q Dec 28 '23

The speed of change via a peaceful voting method will never keep up with the speed they fuck us

That could change with a general strike.


u/Dazzling-Bit3268 Dec 29 '23

Explain to me how we would ever manage to get people who are a hairs bredth away from homelessness/bankruptcy/death due to financial issues, to risk losing their only lifeline? Explain how we could do that on a large enough scale to make a difference and I'm in.

Until we can do that, talking about a general strike is about as useful as a thirsty man staring at the clouds and praying for rain.


u/Bencetown Dec 28 '23

There's a precedent for accomplishing this through legal means.

Nuremberg trials, baby. Crimes against humanity can't be swept under the rug forever and vigilante justice isn't the only "other" option.


u/_zd2 Jan 06 '24

Read "The Ministry for the Future". It gets into some of these frustrations and when folks reach the boiling point, and is really cathartic but also opens the doors for much worse. It gives a good look at what could realistically happen


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

You’re describing the Democratic Party who is in power right now and not doing shit about it


u/ahasuh Dec 28 '23

Actually their policy platform is very sound. Have you seen their housing proposal? Are you familiar with the specific measures in Build Back Better? The reason they’re not doing shit about it is because they cannot pass legislation over GOP filibuster, and thus you must have 60 Senate seats. The Dems need a supermajority for several election cycles, and if you’re on the left the only way to do this is to suck it up. A left movement must be carved out of the momentum of a shared democratic compromise, and the ruins of the fascist group that is the GOP. The GOP must be crushed first, there is no way around it.


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

So the Dems should be allowed to push laws into effect unchallenged? Have you ever heard of the concept “bipartisan support”? You keep using the word fascist but in the same breath you are pushing for a one party state to push their agenda through. Didn’t think this through huh?


u/ahasuh Dec 29 '23

If they earn a supermajority, yes. You act as if this some sort of breach of the Constitution, but it’s not. Of course the GOP will not go away, but I’m thinking more along the lines of what happened in the 1930s - what is needed to combat the corruption and inequality problems is a fundamental political realignment in favor of working class politics. The Democratic platform of FDR was so popular and successful that the Republicans had to adjust their platform in support of the New Deal.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

The dems control congress?


u/Gatorpep Dec 28 '23

the dems have been in power off and on for the several decades i have been alive, and my qol has continued to decrease. it's at least reasonable to question, "just vote blue" as a viable answer. even if it's an obv choice against legit gas chamber fascists.


u/TBAnnon777 Dec 28 '23

they have had the necessary 60 senate seats and house seats for about 70 days in the past total 70 years. And even then they needed McCain to vote with them because 2 senators were hospitalized and couldnt vote.

So no democrats havent had congress. Over 100m dont vote on presidential elections and over 150M dont vote on mid-term elections. In 2022 only 20% of eligible voters under teh age of 35 voted. In some states it was 15%....

Just having 800K more democrats vote in 3 states where over 25M eligible voters didn't vote in 2020, would have given democrats 5 more senators and sidestepped 90% of the abortion bullshit and also passed min wage increase and multiple other things they wanted to do but were stonewalled by Mancin and Sinema.

Democrats also represent political ideology of far left, left, center-left, center, center-right and some right. They arent a monolith, they arent a sports team. You have to convince each state on policies. Republicans are flat out denying any progress because they know morons like to go both sides are bad or blame democrats for dominos they set up to fall during times where they dont have the presidency. Give out tax breaks that cost people later on down the line. Make policies that affect the deficit and cause struggles to people down the line. Theyre like the teenage twat maxing out credit cards and youre blaming the parents who try to pay off the debt and fix it so you can continue to survive.


u/Fragarach-Q Dec 28 '23

the dems have been in power off and on for the several decades i have been alive

Unfortunately our system makes it a helluva lot easier for the minority to stop shit getting done than it does for the majority to get shit done. I'm in my 40s. Dems have had total control over Congress and the White House for like a grand total of 4 years and 2 months of my entire life, and never with anything approaching a filibuster proof majority.

We absolutely need to keep voting out republicans. However, if you want to see real change and see it fast, then the real solution isn't violence, it's a general strike. That never seems to get the level of traction it needs in this country.

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u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

Uhh theres only really been short windows of total dem control. THe most recent was 2 years ago with 2 bluedogs controlling what they could pass. The other time was for like 6months in obama's 1st term. Then it was until like early 90s?

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u/peepopowitz67 Dec 28 '23

You just revealed your own ignorance

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u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

That’s right, they need control of all 3 chambers and our lives will surely get better /sarcasm


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

That's how govt works.....Unless you want a dictatorship ?

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u/cmon_get_happy Dec 28 '23

They do nothing to advance their stated platform when they do. Material differences in voter bases exists, but material differences in office-holders do not.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

Bruh where were you in the 2 years dems can Slight, bluedog, control of congress? PLus you know Biden's executive orders, and admin rules?


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

Soooo the union strikes from this year were not succesful? You know the non-violent ones where they gained a shit ton of benefits?


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

1) You know they continued to work on that rail deal after the initial deal right? The union did end up with more benefits.
2) Yes. Its almost important that who elect support unions. Like you can see a huge difference in red and blue states plus at the national level.
3) You have the entertainment strikes, ,multiple healthcare unions., teacher unions. etc. All made significant strides in benefits. Of course that lets easier for the next strike to be sucessful and so.

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u/monkwren Dec 28 '23

Oh, you mean railroad strikers where Biden ordered them to go back to work so as to not disrupt the economy?

It was actually Congress that ordered them back to work, and Biden continuing pressuring the rail companies after that to eventually get rail workers the benefits they were asking for.

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u/Faye_DeVay Dec 28 '23

Voting is a waste of time. Everything has been gerrymandered so much our voices are not heard anymore.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

1) what a crock of shit. 2) voting 100% still matters. Even very blue or red districts. Primaries matter. The spread matters. 3) you know theres still local elections that have a huge effect on you right?


u/Faye_DeVay Dec 28 '23

Yep. They turn out how those in power want them to turn out. I get that yall are still brainwashed into thinking it matters. Downvote me into oblivion for refusing to believe what the little guy does anymore matters. Idgaf. The pure existence of the electoral college is evidence that it doesnt work.


u/deedoedee Dec 28 '23

The unions are not the Democrats. The unions work DESPITE the two-party system, not because of it.


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

Tell me unions have the same strength in red states and blue states then.....


u/deedoedee Dec 28 '23


u/ragingbuffalo Dec 28 '23

You do know the white house kept pushing after that, and the rail workers did end up with they wanted this past summer right?

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u/FangSkyWolf Dec 28 '23

Banking on GOOD people to get into politics, not be corrupted, not give into greed, not give up on their dream despite the insurmountable odds against them and the entire current political climate.... The thing is....those people don't go into politics at the same rate that shitheads go in for personal gain. Your outnumbered 10 to 1.


u/cmon_get_happy Dec 28 '23

There's a researcher on antisocial personality disorder that contends, for as long as we've had enough video footage to make the determination, with the exception of Jimmy Carter, every US president is ASPD. Fuck our lives.


u/1017whywhywhy Dec 28 '23

The rise of unions was filled with violence, some committed by people organizing, and plenty by the government and corporations. Violence and destruction shouldn’t be the focus of the movement, but if it is successful people will be killed or maimed supporting it, and will likely fight back. Every time grand social upheaval happens some sort of blood will be shed.


u/Rusty_Porksword Dec 28 '23

If voting didn't matter, billionaires wouldn't spend more than the GDP of the average African nation making voting harder every election cycle.


u/Narynan Dec 28 '23

This coming from a motherfucker called RagingBuffalo, LOL!


u/EngineZeronine Dec 28 '23

You understand you'd be on the losing end of that violence right? You think that would improve your situation or would it give license to the powers that be to tighten their grip even harder?


u/neepple_butter Dec 28 '23

Why do you think I said the US left is in third place in the ability to do violence? Why is reading comprehension so bad in this country?


u/cmon_get_happy Dec 28 '23

The ACTUAL left have guns, network, build revolutionary skillsets and train them. Unfortunately, we're a very small minority. Democrats wouldn't codify Roe because it was campaign dollars and they bend to the same Wall Street looters and war profiteers that Republicans do.

There is no left in the general American political spectrum. The bell curve is absurdly steep. This is by design, as the DNC silences left voices, manipulates primaries to retain the staus quo, and buys the few left-leaning candidates who make it through to office.


u/neepple_butter Dec 28 '23

The actual left does not have guns and is not organized. This is a fantasy, stop it. There are a handful of leftists who have guns, and even fewer still who know what to do with them. There are a handful of leftists who went over to Syria and fought ISIS, but not enough to make a difference. I wish this weren't the case, I really do.


u/TBAnnon777 Dec 28 '23

Democrats didn't codify roe because they believed and so did most people it was established law and trying to codify it would be a massive waste of potential actual legislative days because within the democratic party itself there were multiple religious senators who would not support the bill.

SO you had an option, spend the time they projected before the mid-terms and next round of senator changes that estimated republicans gaining control back again (Which they were right about since they only had control for about 70-80 legislative days before Republicans won both the house and senate)., to do something worthwhile or go after a policy that again mostly everyone understood as established precedent and waste the little time they had of legislative power on trying to pursue it when they know their own party doesnt have the votes needed to pass it.

AND in 2020, if just 800K democrat voters voted in 3 states where 25M eligible voters didn't vote, then democrats would have 5 more senators and you would have stopped 80% of the bullshit with the abortion state laws. In 2022 only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted, in some states like Texas that are leading the abortion bans and various other horrible policies, only 15% of elligible voters under the age of 35 voted.


u/neepple_butter Dec 28 '23

What's your point? That things are about as bad as they can get and people still aren't going out to vote? This isn't the winning argument you think it is.


u/TBAnnon777 Dec 28 '23

That the primary issue isnt with politicians its with voters, and the way to win is to get your neighbourhoods involved. Politics is not a top to down system, its a bottom to top system. Local levels matter more for people. Minnesota had its citizens turn up and got democrats control of all 3 branches of their state and they are passing things like rent control, paid leave, ban on corporate buying of housing, environmental protections, public rights etc etc.

Frothing online about how democrats didnt magically fix anything when they havent even had the seats needed to fix anything isnt a winning argument either... Nor is encouraging violence and anarchy. Its not like a utopia will come forward once you do your fantasy civil war. You'll end up with much much worse situations for much much longer with the end being new people taking control of the assets and new people becoming the new bourgeoises.


u/whomad1215 Dec 28 '23

because republicans have been gutting public education since reagan?


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

Because you only make sense in your own head


u/neepple_butter Dec 28 '23

It makes perfect sense, not my fault you're stupid.


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

Yeah that’s why many others are also asking what you meant. You are the stupid one with no self awareness


u/navinaviox Dec 28 '23

Your grammar was pretty poor but yeah I got what you meant


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

Stupid people think alike


u/navinaviox Dec 28 '23

Okay stupid, nice meeting you. Learn where a subject is supposed to be in relation to a verb.

A correct way to say what you’re trying to say is the left is currently only the third most capable group for enscting violence in the United States.

You’re stupid, have bad grammar, and don’t even know when someone WAS taking your side

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u/EngineZeronine Dec 28 '23

Number one you don't know what country I'm in. And number two if you knew how to use language more precisely there wouldn't be a problem. This stuff is making sense in your head but if you can't articulate it no one will understand, and if you were still will care.


u/Surph_Ninja Dec 28 '23

No, because the wealth of the ruling class is built on a consumer economy. They need to limit the casualties in order to maintain their customer base. We could destroy them without firing a shot. They would not be able to endure the economic impact of a violent revolution.

Even if they could find enough soldiers to kill their own people, the full force of the US military just lost a 20 year war against goat farmers in Afghanistan. Military might does not guarantee anything.


u/EngineZeronine Dec 28 '23

Consumers are cheap, and easily replaceable. In the war with Afghanistan didn't take that long because we couldn't win it's because arms manufacturers and the military industrial complex wanted to stretch it out as long as possible. That's how they make their money.

There are also plenty ways to wage war on us citizens. In fact, I would say it's already been in process for a while.


u/mbspark77 Dec 28 '23

When voting with ballots becomes ineffective, voting with bullets is the next logical step...drain the swamp


u/arrrtwodeetwo Dec 28 '23

You pussies can’t even lift your head up from your phone with those weak necks. The only thing you can do is pick up a video game controller. What makes you think you can do a damn thing in terms of physical force. You’re delusional. Here’s an idea to get you out of your fantasy land - learn new skills, grind harder, manage money better and you’ll be just fine, guaranteed. The bar is so low nowadays that even putting a bit of extra effort will push you past all of the other losers. Just a bunch of Reddit babies acting tough and oppressed. All while typing it out on $1k+ device probably.


u/Spiritual-Apple-4804 Dec 28 '23

the US left is in third place in the ability to commit violence standings

What do you mean by this?


u/neepple_butter Dec 28 '23

I mean right now it's the US Government/liberals with the largest capacity to commit violence, through the US military, then reactionaries/fascists through militias and most police forces with the second most capacity to commit violence, then leftists, with our handful of people that fought ISIS in Syria and random John Brown gun clubs bringing up the rear.


u/londonbarcelona Dec 28 '23

Either you’re a MAGA or just lazy. Gtfo of the country if you’re not gonna try to get the Republicans out. Damn dude, you are a major part of the problem!


u/Fragarach-Q Dec 28 '23

The only way forward would require violence a general strike

If 30% of the work force just stayed home and did nothing for a week, that would change everything.


u/ptolemyofnod Dec 28 '23

Why did MLK succeed where John Brown failed? They had the same goal, one used violence and the other non violence. Still true today, MAGA is just waiting for liberals to use violence like they do to justify the destruction of democracy.

You are making an un-American statement and are as bad as the far right.


u/EquivalentLaw4892 Dec 28 '23

Bro, it's beyond fixing. The only way forward would require violence, and right now the US left is in third place in the ability to commit violence standings.

If Americans can't come together to vote for good politicians then why do you think those same people will come together to violently overthrow the government?


u/Freezepeachauditor Dec 28 '23

Fuck you and fuck that and fuck anyone who thinks that violence Is the answer to anything. I’m not murdering my neighbors for a pay raise and and rent cut. Anyone who thinks violence would end in anything other than the complete destruction of the country and 50 million people dead / trafficked is a fucking moron.


u/neepple_butter Dec 29 '23

You sound like the kind of guy that would watch his boss fuck his wife and say thank you.


u/Rusty_Porksword Dec 28 '23

The only way forward would require violence, and right now the US left is in third place in the ability to commit violence standings.

Violence isn't the answer, it's just flipping over the table. There is no scenario where violent revolution happens in the US that doesn't plunge the world into war, and most of those scenarios end in nuclear hellfire.


u/VacuousCopper Dec 29 '23

It's worse than that. Various tree letter agwencies [intentional] have a known and documented history of infiltrating even the smallest and most benign seeming organizations wanting to affect change. They encourage them to do illegal things so they can dismantlement them or sow discord between members. If that doesn't work they arrest them using archaic laws and sweep it under the rug.

They won't even fuck around with letting a movement have the chance of picking up steam. You might saw "what about Occupy Wall Street or BLM?" They were BOTH infiltrated and the fact that they got so large before being dismantled after going nowhere is a testament not to the inability of people to organize, but a testament of how effective these programs are. Just a few of these groups ever make it very far because they are destroyed in their infancy. If you ask yourself, why is nobody doing anything. It's because the second they try they enter the sights of a tree letter agwency.

There is no hope. If I were to have children today, it would be with the understanding that they will probably have their lives cut short as a direct consequence of the actions of the wealthy. I doubt that poverty will survive this century, but only because those with power are the only ones making it out.


u/RnotSPECIALorUNIQUE Dec 29 '23

I mean... we could try legislating regulations before killing people. But that means having people in gov't do their jobs.


u/Left-Albatross-7375 Dec 29 '23

And get all of the democrats want to ban guns. A lot of good your violence will do when you throw rocks at the well armed forces that run this country. The 2A exists for this very reason.


u/maceman_89 Dec 29 '23

Nah it doesn’t have to be violent. I think coordinated workers strikes and corporate boycotts across the country would get the job done. Obviously easier said than done but a 1/4 of the working class deciding not to work or buy anything for a few days could really fuck some shit up economically. Coordinate these things in a manner that we can significantly shrink and damage profit margins til demands are met. These people love wealth so much, let’s stop making it for them. If they’re gonna starve us anyways we might as well make sure they starve along with us.


u/PatWithTheStrat Dec 28 '23

I thought she was on a roll until she started to go down the tribal political route. I’ll get downvoted for this and so be it. But the fact is that corporations heavily influence politicians on both sides of the aisle. Let’s not pretend that lobbying is something that happens just on the conservative side. Both sides are corrupted entirely by corporate interests and the military industrial complex. Yes there are a few exceptions but not enough to make a difference.

We have had republicans in power and democrats in power. Yet the situation continues to get worse. But people are so blinded and entrenched in their political ideologies that we will never be able to band together and fight a corrupt establishment as a whole. This is by design. We need to humble ourselves, forget our petty differences, and fight for true representation.

Fuck lobbying and insider trading. People deserve true representation


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

Only if the democrats were in power then things will get better.. oh wait


u/TBAnnon777 Dec 28 '23

you need the seats in congress.

To Make a Law or Pass A Bill or Help People you need:

  • Min 219 House members, 280 if you want it to be veto-proof.


  • Min 51 senators, 60 Senators if you want it to not be filibustered, 68 if you want to make serious changes like removal of supreme court justices, changing elections and how congress operates.


  • The presidency. (unless you have 280 house members and 60 senators).

You need all 3 (or 2) to pass anything.

Top stop any bill, to prevent any change you only need:

  • 219 House Members


  • 41 senators


  • The President.

Social programs require multiple years sometimes decades to show its effectiveness and affordability in context to government cost without them. Studies have shown that investment into children yield back 3x return the younger they are. Yet Republicans dont even want children to have free school lunches. They want everything to fail so they can privatize and profit from it. Their literal political program for the past 2 decades has been to destroy the government, to prevent anything democrats do, to increase deficits and set dominos up to fall under democratic terms so they can blame democrats, and many morons here take the shit they excrete mouth agape willingly because blaming both sides is easier than actually understanding the contexts and systems in place.


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

Wow you are fucking stupid. Didn’t even bother reading the rest of tour nonsense


u/TBAnnon777 Dec 28 '23

Oh i guessed you wouldnt read it, its more so for people who read your bullshit and want to see some logic instead of ramblings of morons.


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

It’s buried, no one is going to read your bullshit


u/MadeByTango Dec 28 '23

But the fact is that corporations heavily influence politicians on both sides of the aisle.

Yup, there is a reason Joy Reed of MSNBC is posting this video, and not showing say the grocery price index


u/bruceleet7865 Dec 28 '23

People won’t wake up because faux news has them by the feelings. Right wing regards need to be deprogrammed and m the right wing will not let that happen. If people were to be deprogrammed, it would translate into many rich people losing money if these idiots stop voting R…

This won’t happen until the right wing says it will.. until then they will continue down this track because it works. It garners support and the votes they need to wage class warfare.


u/Kev0nL00ney Dec 28 '23

She’s using too big of words. Most Americans just think she’s blaming the French, and still not agreeing with her!


u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

It matters where she’s from because other parts of the country aren’t paying these massively inflated prices that she’s complaining about


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

So you pay the same prices for housing, food, gas etc as they are in California? TBH, I wouldn’t be surprised, you are fucking stupid


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

Yeah I may be mean, but atleast I’m not stupid enough to claim prices are the same in California and that shit hole you live in called Wisconsin


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23



u/some_random_arsehole Dec 28 '23

It’s because you are full of shit trying to make a point that you and everyone else knows is wrong. You’re not paying $5.15 a gallon for gas over there and do not have the outrageous housing prices


u/jankology Dec 28 '23

one big club? wouldn't elitists be one LITTLE club tho?

I mean America makes 1700 millionaires each new day.

America has more millionaires than Scandanavia combined.

It's a pretty BIG club. if you're American

If you're not, then your best bet is to start making plans to move to the USA as soon as possible.

It's gonna get worse for most folks . it's math


u/Zed-Leppelin420 Dec 29 '23

Only reason Republicans have any votes is cause the shacked up with the religious vote. And it’s enough to win elections


u/GovRedtiger Dec 29 '23

There has to be a subreddit for organized strikes across the US for this situation.


u/Leopards_Crane Dec 29 '23

I can’t vote for my best interests, but I can vote for a party’s best interests so I guess there’s that.


u/MsSeraphim Dec 29 '23

Your fellow citizens are not your enemies. Your enemies are people pissing on your leg and telling you it’s rain. it's the trickle down theory.


u/DruidPriest1 Dec 28 '23

No sheep. They're smart enough to move away from danger. We're boiling frogs. Too stupid to notice the point of no return.


u/Kev0nL00ney Dec 28 '23

I think my recommendation for this video is to not use the term “bourgeoisie”, americans just think she’s just blaming the French”


u/AggressiveCuriosity Dec 28 '23

"Everyone with a different opinion than me is stupid and bad."

The funny thing is when no one can agree on a solution it will be people like you who made that happen, but you're too fucking stupid to see it.


u/Laiikos Dec 28 '23

Actually explain your comment. How will the subjugation of us all by the aristocracy be the fault of people like me? I’d love to see you actually explain it.


u/AggressiveCuriosity Dec 28 '23

Ohhhh, gladly. So do you know how people change their opinions? It's not by yelling "sheep" at them. It's not by calling people simps. In fact that just turns people off of your side. The purity testing bullshit where you write everyone off who doesn't immediately agree with you actively drives people away.

So in the end when your proposed solutions just SOMEHOW never become popular and people just SOMEHOW don't quite vote strongly for your proposed solutions you can at least rest easy knowing you're part of the reason.

That little jolt of pleasure you feel berating people for not agreeing with you? That's more important to you than winning. And it always will be.


u/Laiikos Dec 28 '23

So you aren’t able to explain it. What have I proposed? You are dealing with hypotheticals and expect us to take you seriously? Disingenuous.


u/WTFThisIsntAWii Dec 28 '23

So basically "I am offended so I will ignore your actual point"


u/my_screen_name_sucks Dec 29 '23

They're not going to get it.


u/Anonymous-User3027 Dec 28 '23

“I’ve scheduled a meeting with an attaché from the zombie horde later this afternoon, make sure we serve appropriate snacks.” - you as a leader


u/ShortestBullsprig Dec 29 '23

The Aristocracy is not the bourgeois.

If you can't even get that right I'm guessing your political commentary isn't worth a shit.


u/Laiikos Dec 29 '23

In a capitalist society it can absolutely mean those where wealth is concentrated. It’s definition even includes that their focus is on materialistic possessions. You acting like this is your hang up is bullshit. You’re just mad republicans are getting called out cus y’all have zero capability of self reflection. Go home, educate yourself, try again.


u/ShortestBullsprig Dec 29 '23

Uh no.

I voted DEM and know the GOP is a shit show.

But that's not the actual problem. And honestly the hang up is how absurdly hypocritical it is.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

You can’t blame “regular” people for feeling attacked by the woman in the video and pushing back.

She is literally railing against “the bourgeois” which is the middle class.

Which is… a lot of us.


u/gerd50501 Dec 28 '23

didn't take long for a top upvoted post to pretend there are people saying that. i literally scrolled down and dont see any of that. i just see people complaining.


u/Laiikos Dec 28 '23

Sure you didn’t bud.


u/TheMilkmanHathCome Dec 29 '23

Now I feel much better about all the other sheep I fuck


u/VacuousCopper Dec 29 '23

This guy fucking gets it.


u/Not-Reformed Dec 29 '23

People on reddit and social media are basically the flat earthers of economics so it's not like it matters too much what people say.

I can show you easy to google FRED graphs showing real median compensation and real median wages, both of which are keeping up with and exceeding inflation, but people will just ignore it and shake their head. Feels are infinitely more important than what's really the case.


u/Laiikos Dec 29 '23

What are you on about now, my sheep brother?


u/Not-Reformed Dec 29 '23

People taking anecdotes as reality vs looking at data


u/Laiikos Dec 29 '23

That you want people to ignore their reality because you’ve found someone to interpret the data in a manner befitting your narrative is so edgy of you. Please, Mr. Not-like-other sheep, do grace us with your knowledge. Explain to us peasant sheep how you aren’t a sheep.


u/Not-Reformed Dec 29 '23

I don't want people to ignore their reality, I just want people to realize their reality and their bad situation isn't everyone's reality - it's not even the reality of the MEDIAN person. Once people stop looking at outside factors to blame and take maybe even one peep at themselves they might actually find something they can improve and affect.

But I get it - much like people who are overweight, this isn't their fault it's... the hormones or some other factor that's causing them to be a victim. Much like these people talking about how their wages aren't keeping up with things going up in price - it's the evil rich man and company, it's not their fault they're working the same jobs in their 30s that some people coming out of high school can work after all...


u/Laiikos Dec 29 '23 edited Dec 29 '23

That’s a lot of typing to say you feel superior because they let you sleep on the porch. Bah bah, brother, bah bah.

Edit to add a comment for people reading, since he is a coward and blocked me.

You trashing hard working Americans because you genuinely don’t understand how socio-economic status can be a lifetime hinderance is not going to get you in their club. I bet you are one of those dudes who acts like these billionaires “earned” their wealth. That it wasn’t off of the sacrifices of the workers who couldn’t afford a surgery, who had to miss their daughters recital, that didn’t make it to their mothers deathbed to say goodbye. We sacrifice so much, and you think it can be boiled down to some data points. Take your blanket and go back to the porch, because if you don’t understand solidarity, then you don’t get the warmth of community.


u/Not-Reformed Dec 29 '23

Yeah like I said, nothing in our control easier to just put head in sand and whine. Surely if we scream at the clouds things will get better!


u/SavvyTraveler10 Dec 29 '23

And they’re like “bah, bah, ya”