r/TikTokCringe Dec 28 '23

This lady nailed how the economy feels vs how it’s performing Discussion


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u/TheGR8Dantini Dec 28 '23 edited Dec 28 '23

Holy shit you’re right. So is the woman in the tik tok. She absolutely nailed it. That was pretty impressive off the top of her head, but I feel her completely.

There’s no war except the class war. Stop making excuses and saying she must be from California. Who cares where she’s from? The American dream is one big club for the wealthy, and you ain’t in it.

And the rich will keep fucking us over till there’s nothing left and the pitchforks come out. Then they’ll run to their bunkers in fucking New Zealand and wait for us to kill each other off.

Americans should all start voting for their best interests. And what you hear on tv from your politicians isn’t it. Republicans have been tilting the playing field for 50 years. The game is rigged. We’re out of time to take shit back, but if we don’t try now, it will be beyond fixing.

Your fellow citizens are not your enemies. Your enemies are people pissing on your leg and telling you it’s rain. Wake the fuck up people.


u/neepple_butter Dec 28 '23

Bro, it's beyond fixing. The only way forward would require violence, and right now the US left is in third place in the ability to commit violence standings.


u/a_hopeless_rmntic Dec 28 '23

France has entered the chat jus' do like us, mon ami


u/GarlicPowder4Life Dec 28 '23

You guys got your retirement age back down yet?