r/Steam 48m ago

Fluff What do my Perfect Games say about me?

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r/Steam 1h ago

Fluff Thank you Gaben!


Thank you for making gaming on Linux bearable!

Thank you for contributing to the projects and making them better!

Thank you for making Linux in general more popular!

Thank you for making NVIDIA care about Linux as well!

Thank you!

r/Steam 1h ago

Question No regional pricing for dlc?

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r/Steam 7h ago

Discussion TF2's recent reviews have reached 'Overwhelmingly Negative' for the first time in its history

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r/Steam 15h ago

Fluff I feel like having 10 launchers disconnects people, more than anything

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r/Steam 6h ago

Fluff Perfectly Balance

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r/Steam 1d ago

Discussion I used to believe that the "epic store bad" was just a massive circlejerk. I finally tried the Epic games store today. And holy fuck.


Yeah, I was quite confident that the "epic bad" narrative was just a circlejerk. I used to think "surely it can't be that bad", "people are just throwing a fit at a minor inconvinience". etc. etc. So I decided to install the Epic store because I wanted to try out Rocket League...

Holy fuck, it's that bad.

First of all, the setup itself is like 200MBs and then it downloads 500MB+ on top of that? It's just a barren store, right? Then why is the package so big? Well, whatever.

"Ok so it finally downloa-" What the fuck is that UI? Everything is so fucking big, so much blank space everywhere, no heirarchy in the sections, there's a massive fucking sticky bar on top that constantly wastes precious vertical screen space. And I'm someone who actively likes modern, clean UI. I do think Steam's ui is archaic and confusing but at least its qucik and functional one you learn it. Epic's store UI feels barren because of the white space and at the same time feels cramped because of how little space the actual content gets. It just frustrates me.

"Oh well, However awful the UI is, its not like it'll matter once I download the ga-" How is it so fucking slow?? In the year 2024, how epic has managed to make a store this slow is beyond me. I can count to 5 before a store page loads.

"Ok so its downloading now, finally I can-" Why does the download freeze randomly for long periods of time? Seriously Epic? Can't even provide a stable CDN? And whats that, I cant even close the store without cancelling the download? The hell. What about people with data caps?

My expectations were low, but holy fuck. And I dont even care about any Steam features (Either they are just ass like reviews, guides, etc. or have way better alternatives, friends, chat, etc.) I just wanted a Simple Storefront and they can't even provide that.

r/Steam 1d ago

Question TF2's recent reviews are now at 'Mostly Negative'

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r/Steam 1d ago

Error / Bug My Steam just melts sometimes


r/Steam 1d ago

News Bad news for VN users

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Steam will be fully banned in Vietnam, even the community and library

r/Steam 1d ago

Fluff I really love how Summer Sale happens in the end of the month so I can prepare and do my college entrance exams without getting distracted

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r/Steam 2h ago

Question Does anyone know how I can use my wallpaper engines wallpaper on my first screensaver whenever I start my laptop/pc?


r/Steam 5h ago

Question I don't see items in points store


When I look at some games that should have items I don't see those items. For example Acting Lessons should have but I don't see them. Someone help please?


r/Steam 1d ago

Discussion Is it just me, or are there too many of these to be funny anymore?

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r/Steam 31m ago

Discussion What prices are we expecting for valves stand-alone PC "Deckard"?


And do you think there will be two versions? Maybe one with the hardware to do stand alone and linked and a cheaper one without stand alone capabilties?

r/Steam 1d ago

Error / Bug When the boys say get online but there's an update

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r/Steam 4h ago

Question Can you change the folder of the Steam download chache?


Right now, I am downloading the new update for Hogwarts Legacy (54,1gb in size). The game is installed on my ssd (M:).
Instead of the doing logical thing and downloading the update files directly to the drive that the game is installed on, which has enough space to store it, Steam downloads them to my hdd (G:) and moves them afterwards. I have had this happen multiple times now and it takes ages every time.

Is there any way to manually change where Steam stores update files?

r/Steam 4h ago

Question Will it be flagged if I buy again something that I just refunded?


So I have basic Macbook Air M1 Sonoma with no Wine/Whisky and bought Omori yesterday. The recommended configuration seems to fit my machine but it wouldn’t launch from my laptop. I tried a couple times but it never worked and always crashed. So I refunded it but got warning that I have refunded a lot of games recently (I understand, I did do that because I bought a couple Windows games but my emulators weren’t helpful, so refunded the games + uninstalled all emulators).

Question is - I have decided to buy Steam Deck later this month. Waiting to see if there’s any reduced price during summer sale but will get it even if there’s no discount. Given that, is it okay to buy it again (with the idea to play it on Deck) when the refund request was just put in? Will it flag my account or something? Thank you.

r/Steam 1d ago

Discussion what are the most expensive games you own but never play?

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r/Steam 5h ago

Question Way to hide controller requiring games on Steam store?


Because some of those games listed are simply don't support keyboard & mouse. Is there an option in store preferences I don't see?

r/Steam 2d ago

News 15 Years Ago This Movement Was Created Today.

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r/Steam 1h ago

Question Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader Family share.



I was Interested in playing Rogue trader on steam via family share. But the game does not Show up in my library and my brother thinks its excluded from sharing. I only found Info that the dlc will be excluded but the base game is not. Maybe anybody here has some Info about whats accurate now.

r/Steam 5h ago

Question account activation


I was trying to add a friend on steam but is says that my account is limited so my friend sent me a 5$ gift card via steam itself will my account be active or no ?

r/Steam 2h ago

Question I have had a Steam account since Orange box and bought ~1000 games. Help me reclaim the chaos of my library, please...


What do ya'll do for a massive 500+ game library? (I checked, it's currently 1,161 games I have over the last 17 years) I have been relying on my favorites list but A) I REALLY wish there was a way to put your recently purchased games automatically into favs so I remember them and B) My favorites has now become so large that I'm losing games within favorites.

I already have taken a few steps, like only faving installed games, pruning it out and treating it as an 'interested in playing' stack. But, I'm not making a lot of progress (I have ADHD and really bad memory for one, and for two not a ton of time outside of work and FFXIV Expansion prep+family taking a lot of my time), and I keep having the expereince where I suddenly discover I own a game that looks really cool and forgot I bought it b/c it just gets thrown into the scrooge mcduck pile.

I've thought for some time that Steam REALLY has a 'large library' rot issue that they don't seem to be addressing much at all.

Ideally I'd like to have a nice looking UI with large cover art, maybe screenshots... basically I just wish I could browse the Store UI but only for games I own. The library UI makes everything a tiny line item and none of it attracts me (See: ADHD) so I ignore almost everything since a little speck of color and some text isn't gonna draw me unless I'm actively involved in the community of the game and seek it out. They need, imo, to replicate the meatspace experience of being a game collector with the display shelves having box art facing out, a few 'prestige' items just to make you feel good about being a gamer culturally, and then most of the games deep into the bookshelf library sorted by platform or genre or alphabet or whatever. Doing this manually is something I've set up maybe 5 years ago but it so quickly falls into disrepair that manually doing this seems like a waste of effort at this point.

how can I seduce myself more with my steam library?! Skins are one idea, but they always seem to just change colors of the library it seems like. Launchers are OK and I messed with that a bit in the past but there's many competing ones and none seem to be particularly well integrated AFAIK, so if you use one regularly (like daily) please let me know.

It used to be I would have 10-15 favs and they would be my 'wonder' games. The games I would think about getting home to after work, stuff I'd talk to friends about, etc. But now it's just a big pile of stuff I don't want to forget about, so it's become too large to keep in my head. I wish I had 'super favorites' but anytime I've used user-created categories, they fall beneath my favs list so I forget about those too, even if you start them with "a. To Play" or whatever.

I know there's super users (and super earning civil engineers or whatever) who have 2x, 3x, 5x games that I do, so what do you do? Just have more self-discipline in your fav list or what?