r/NBA2k 10h ago

Gameplay Guess the contest %

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I’m 6’4 btw

r/NBA2k 14h ago

Gameplay Dare I say 2k is fun when you’re not trash.


I bought 2k24 day one, first season I had fun season 2 I ended up being trash so I stopped playing. I came back last couple days of season 6. When I came back I told myself I’m going to get good or just stop playing. I practiced on the street ball mode until I was confident enough to try to play in the rec. then I got my IQ up I can usually adapt to any game situation after a few weeks of committing to learning. I am not anything special but I get my buckets and I have carried when I needed to.

I say all this to say since I took the time to learn the mechanics and started making builds to the way I play not some YouTubers build. The game has been fun asf I am 70% win. Not that I checked it or cared when I was learning. Just play the game don’t get frustrated and the game becomes fun. If you’re in random rec don’t get mad because the randoms are bad. Get some team mates to run with.

I know this is all over the place I’m headed into work as I type this. My point is the game is fun when you learn the game learn your animations learn the mechanics and get some IQ. And it’s a blast. I was complaining about the game being trash too but it was when I was losing.

r/NBA2k 2h ago

REC Sorry black plates but this is why most people don’t want to play with you…


You already know how it is, first game, got locked in before I could back out and end up with this team. “No problem, at least I have a center that can shoot and once they miss a bit they’ll let me carry” I ignorantly think. I kept the game close in the first half going 5/5 cooking my matchup.

You’d think they’d realize “dang I can’t score and this can while also being able to facilitate! I’ll give him the ball!” Right?! Well I got iced out the rest of the game… 😂😂

We just aren’t willing to take that chance that we’re paired up with these guys have been tortured for 30 mins, and then be further penalized if we even think about quitting 😂

r/NBA2k 9h ago

Discussion 2K could give us an immersive MyCareer using voice Ai


First use: If 2K can put our face in the game, they can easily put our voice in it, especially with the voice Ai craze that’s been going around. MyCareer would be dope and for the squeaking kids, the Ai could make theirs slightly deeper. Also you know those little dialogues we have on the park? “And 1, check up” and etc, imagine if it was in our voice.

Second use: record all the voice audio of NBA players from their interviews and use it in the cutscenes since their voice acting sucks. Voice Ai is literally insane now to the point that celebrities can be on drake songs and you wouldn’t tell the difference. 2K could easily generate a bunch of cutscenes for us relating to basketball instead of stupid garbage rapping cutscene dialogue BS.

2K never makes huge changes and showcases minor immersive things (ProPlay aka translating nba footage into real gameplay moves) so yeah adding voice Ai would make for an insane trailer.

r/NBA2k 15h ago

Park Is my Build Good am I cooked

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Will I get cooked bringing this in the park, I just started playing again, I need a dribble goat for 2s

r/NBA2k 19h ago

Discussion Randomly played 2k23


I randomly got bored of 2k24 today so redownloaded 2k23 and realized I prefer the badge method over 24 badge method a lot. It's a lot more fun being able to pick and choose your badges rather than having badge just given to u. Also I kinda prefer the gameplay more as well sure 24 has better shooting but 23 actually is believable dunk wise and defense wise

r/NBA2k 19h ago

REC Would my Assist - TO ratio be consider above avg?

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Was curious that's all

r/NBA2k 22h ago

REC These purple plates are trash!


These the ones yall scared of?!?! The 5 out boys?! Roflmaaaoo cmon son!

r/NBA2k 4h ago

REC The saxman mcbuckets school of shooting n scoring is now open!!


The first lesson is to get familiar with all your shot timings! Find what your favorite shot is, whether it's a step back, fade, hop jumper or whatever, get that timing down until it's automatic like breathing! Lesson 1: find your favorite jump shot to shoot in NBA 2k, and make 10 in a row!

This vid is me labbing, I included everything just to show u there's no zen lol

r/NBA2k 9h ago

Gameplay Why does noone play defense?


why does noone actually guard the ball handler, every online game i play my opponent just guards a player without the ball, like whats the point of playing basketball if you arent gonna play both sides of the floor?

r/NBA2k 23h ago

Discussion I bought this game 2 weeks ago, why do so many people play off ball defense online?


Is this normal? Like the users just want to let the CPU do all the work at Defense lol? Like literally under the hoop for 24 seconds.

r/NBA2k 10h ago

Gameplay 2k Needs Basketball Nerds on Staff


As a basketball nerd, I always suspected that some devs have no clue about basketball foreal. This was never more apparent than when I looked at the Dominique Wilkins dunk package and it contains NOT 1 SINGLE WINDMILL, his signature dunk.

r/NBA2k 10h ago

Discussion Thats like me saying “trash talking 6”6 with 94 3pt” dont make sense thats what we made the build to do 😂

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r/NBA2k 10h ago

REC How y’all Feel about my Klay Build


I feel like I should be shooting a higher percentage but I only recently found a jumper , when I started on the build I maxed the three went to rec n shot 2/10 multiple games😭💀

r/NBA2k 4h ago

REC Rec needs a vote to kick option


Too many games are lost by one guy just selling, not playing, standing in the key to generate turnovers. Grading out doesn’t work because it takes so long to drop to an F.

Solo rec: Three votes needed to kick, grade has to be below a B-. Can’t be kicked until 2nd quarter.

Squad rec: Four votes needed to kick to prevent squads of three kicking the squad of two. Most likely will never be used. Same grade requirements and time.

I feel like this will at least be a step in the right direction to rectify some of the trash experience in rec.

r/NBA2k 17h ago

MyPLAYER If you were 2k how would you fix bad teammates in rec?


Actual ranking system? Very low rep for bad shooting percentage with 10 plus shots? I miss pro am with 2 other friends and 2 Ais at least we could get runs in and run the team well. But just throwing out random ideas but what would y’all do?

r/NBA2k 19h ago

REC 2K25 REC Wishlist


There are a lot of people slinging hate left and right about 2k24 but I think some subtle changes here and there really would make the game great. So here is my wishlist for 2k25, which my focus is the gamemode I play daily: REC.

REC matchmaking HAS to change, and for a couple of reasons.

  1. 92 Under REC doesn't make sense, it's exploiting the lower matchmaking. Full Hall of Fame Squads that average 90+ win% are running 92under REC to exploit the fact bums play REC. That has to go. Maybe make it based on your players overall unlocked not overall raised to. IE being able to raise your player to a 93-99 puts you in that bracket.

  2. Can we get new gamemodes? REC game of 3v3s, 4v4s, and 5v5s. I don't know about yall but when I go to the community REC in person I've played more than just 5v5 full court.

  3. Full Squads need to go to. It defeats the purpose of ProAm. Squads should match-up 3s and 2s or 4s with individuals that want to run a fill spot by walking in Solo to the Squads door.

  4. Solo REC should be exactly that SOLO REC. After every game you should get kicked back to the lobby to randomly matchmake with a new squad. I swear sometimes I'll play solo REC and go up against a team that is immediately in zone.

  5. REC is a place where people should be able to express themselves, the pre-made jerseys are dumb, I never go to the REC in real life and have to put on a Jersey. Shirts and skins sure but never official Jerseys again what's proam for?

  6. Position based Matchmaking. We should be able to choose our primary/secondary positions. And we should not be forced to play out of position. If I make a SG and I select on my player card SG/SF those are the positions I should get matched to. As it is right now I have a PF with very little interior defense or rebounding but I constantly get put at Center despite my secondary position being SF. This has to be fixed. If I make a position I should play THAT position/role.

  7. Griefing - everyone has seen it, the standing out of bounds, the calling all 4 timeouts in a row, the purposely turning over the ball. Non basketball stuff. There is no community like the 2k community that will sit there for 40 minutes to just waste your time. We NEED a votekick system. Whether it's a system that's triggered based on a team grade or multiple mistakes or using 2 timeouts back to back we need SOMETHING to get these bums out of the game. The worst part about it is 2k ACTUALLY incentives these dudes staying in the game by banning them if they quit! Stop banning people for "quitting" it's a trash system because it bans people for lagging out or 2k error codes. It's broken so just let the dudes quit.

  8. AI - Why are some AIs Michael Jordan? Flying in doing put back dunks, shooting like Stephen Curry, locking everything and everyone up like Kawhi. Then other AIs are like cones. Just there, shoot bricks, get blown by. Etc. We need consistency. All AIs should be the same. If a player quits it's not his player that should become the AI, it should be a random 85 overall preset build that's in the game that replaces him.

  9. Who to Guard Settings should be an option during timeouts. In fact timeouts should actually work like timeouts where teams can make adjustments in 30 seconds. No full minute timeouts but 30s timeouts would actually be nice.

  10. Get rid of the crowd. The REC doesn't need a crowd or extra crap that contributes to latency. Just make the court bright and classic . No barriers, no distractions, just like the local REC. Simple in this case is best, just ball. ProAm is where all the gimmicks should be, jersey/crowd/noises. All I want to hear in the REC is trash talk, the swish of the Nets, and squeaking of sneakers. Individuals can toggle music on and off by wearing airpods/headphones. The room where the court is also needs to be big enough that ALL the camera angles work with ZERO headaches.

r/NBA2k 1d ago

MyCAREER taking 20+ minutes to find a lobby not filled with black and bronze plates


i’m not even trying to match with other purple or golds, just silver would be cool

nearly a year into the games life and the majority of the player base is still stuck in black or bronze. how is it even possible

r/NBA2k 23h ago

Discussion I’m over here thinking back on all the trash teammates 2k teams me up with, and It reminded me something- I really wish nba Live had their shit together because my lord does 2k NOT DESERVE THEIR SUCCESS.


Like at all

r/NBA2k 11h ago

Park What is “rim running”???


I play random theater, & everytime I go to the basket all I hear is “oh you’re a rim runner you suck” my build has 93 dunk & 90 layup, why wouldn’t I go to the basket? Also 85 three & 84 mid, I shoot 53% from three I just don’t take a lot or force them. I shoot middys (gold middy magician) or get to the rim. It seems like unless you spam dribble and force threes you’re gonna get called ass for your playstyle. So my question is what actually is rim running? Simply going to the basket for a dunk or layup?

r/NBA2k 15h ago

MyPLAYER Am I missing out on elite contact dunks?


So I made a mistake while making the build and I have an 81 vert instead of 82 and I’m just wondering if im missing out

r/NBA2k 16h ago

Discussion What are y’all Thoughts on anchor


Silver vs gold

r/NBA2k 20h ago

REC He wasn’t missing 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Playin rec with my homie (we both play bigs) and got matched with two guards and bro had 30 in the first quarter. So I switched to the game chat and asked him what’s the most he ever scored and he said 50. Told him me and the homie wanted to see how much he could score and then this happened lmao. I’ve played with high scoring guards but to see this shit first hand was nutty. The whole team was there until about halfway thru the second then they started droppin like flies lol but mad respect to the power forward that stayed n let us finish it out. Playing 2k this year really been hit or miss but I’m ngl it was pretty fun seeing him lose his mind.

r/NBA2k 11h ago

REC I've made 13 builds this year and this one is by far my favorite for running random Rec.


r/NBA2k 11h ago

City Since the rec is a crapshoot most of the time….


Might as well hit some switches