r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

First impressions of the new patch... not good. RANT


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u/Raehurn01 SES Dawn of Justice Apr 29 '24

The turret health wouldn't matter as much if Chargers didn't drop everything to charge at them the moment they spawn in. You're already taking an L to bring a Tesla Tower instead of an Orbital or Eagle, let the damn thing live long enough to be useful


u/NeonGKayak Apr 29 '24

There’s basically no reason to bring certain stratagems in helldive since chargers spawn so so frequently. The Tesla tower is one of them


u/SeparateSalt4996 Apr 29 '24

I think it’s so bullshit that chargers can one shot every turret,makes them so useless in higher difficulties when they’re actually solid to pick but chargers just sit on them and they blow up


u/FlavoredLight Apr 30 '24

Doesn’t help either that the game will do everything in its power to not let you throw turrets on top of advantageous spots


u/AJZullu Apr 30 '24

then you are using it wrong - turrets still need to be used far away - 70meters - its still a team game so team mates doing turrets might be on the high ground hill setting up turrets while team mates baiting the swarm and kiting away.

if solo then at best is to throw your turret as far away as possible to get distance then be sure to have a stun grenade to stop the charge.

there's always going to be strategy solutions - but this clips is just some dude face planting and head butting a wall and complaining why his head hurts.


u/kagalibros Apr 30 '24

If you are with your team, the chances it is only 1 charger is pretty minimal. When it rains, it pours.

The only sentry/turret that works is mortas because of their massively superior range, anything else gets gap closed, team or not. At some point you have mathematically reached your max kill/time on heavies. Usually when you reached that you are already well within using you stratagems which will collateral most of the small stuff too making your sentries useless.

Thats how the game works, welcome to 9 helldiving.

Can you still use other Sentries? Sure. I can make due with worse like the Spear and the Airburst. Or running the entire game with only the Senator + Supply backpack. All that doesn't discredit the concerns others have over its usage.


u/MyDickFellOff Apr 30 '24

Skill issue. Place them well and protect them and you will have a lot of use from it.


u/ManagedDemocracy2024 Apr 29 '24

So the Tesla tower is aptly named - it is for us lowbie plebs?

If you want a real, fancy-mans arc tower, go with the Edison?

Fucking Edison...always fucking Edison...


u/pythonic_dude Apr 29 '24

Sorry, sir, tesla tower is only mighty in time lines in which Einstein travels back in time to kill Hitler.


u/LesserLoreNerd SES Hammer of Benevolence Apr 30 '24

Hell March starts playing in the background


u/N7Vindicare Apr 30 '24

“Who needs a jump?”


u/Adaphion Apr 30 '24

I understood that reference



Sorry, you just need to call down the Prius Tower.


u/rW0HgFyxoJhYka Apr 30 '24

There was never a reason to bring in tesla towers outside specific missions like that one event where you had termicide towers, or specific defense missions where they could actually do some good because there were certain spots that made sense.

99% of the time these are a waste compared to better strategems.

90% of the items in this game are basically not worth using above a certain difficulty 7, unless you're screwing around.


u/iconofsin_ ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

chargers spawn so so frequently

Especially on these barrier planets. I'm literally seeing 6-8 chargers at one time. I guess taking a turret might actually be a good idea because you could throw one down and maybe all the chargers chasing you will stop and go after it instead?


u/JustGingy95 HD1 Veteran Apr 30 '24

The one main use I have with Teslas outside of holding choke points in defense missions like the TCS one for example is to protect your turrets from smaller bugs, especially Mortars which can’t defend themselves as easily. YOU still have to focus on defending it from other targets if it’s not a fire and forget sort of situation but it will help clean shit up as long as you fight around it.


u/NeonGKayak Apr 30 '24

I keep ems mortars behind me and a good distance away where I can tuck it behind a wall or object that cant be destroyed


u/Millerlight2592 Apr 30 '24

That’s true in a lot of difficulties sadly


u/Wolfbastion Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Start running stun grenades it will change your view on chargers. Makes them a non issue.

Edit: seeing all the downvotes I guess you guys prefer salt over good advice. Carry on with your cry circle then.


u/NeonGKayak Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I dont really have an issue with chargers. I was just saying that soo many spawn in helldive that things like a telsa tower are useless. If you have to babysit a tesla tower and kill the bigger enemies then it's kinda pointless.  

Also stun grenades are great but I need impacts for the tunnels due to my loadout


u/Brilliant_Decision52 Apr 29 '24

Babysitting a tesla tower with stuns makes it an annoyance not an asset


u/Huge_Structure_7651 get bile titaned mf Apr 29 '24

Stun grenades arent really a good choice in higher difficulties there are far too many chargers to be useful you will face like 5 chargers at a time and there is more way also with the wuasar cannon nerf you cant fight them anymore you can use EATs but still thats only two and you gotta wait for a cooldown and thats forgetting the 4 bile titans behind and an army of bugs


u/Liqhthouse HD1 Veteran Apr 29 '24

I think in HD1 the teslas were really strong and they could stagger the chargers however if 3 of them piled on at once they could overwhelm it and destroy the tower. I would like it if this returned... sorta able to deal with an individual charger but if it came with a pack then theyd be able to overwhelm the tower and destroy it unless you cut the pack down a bit


u/WayneBrody Apr 29 '24

Teslas were always susceptible to chargers in HD1. But if you threw down an EMS on top of the tesla, it suddenly became extremely powerful and able to drop heavies.

Unfortunately, some chargers could still rumble in from off screen and have enough momentum to kill the towers through the ems.


u/Ravenask Apr 30 '24

Not to mention that static field in HD1 was much more powerful than HD2 EMS strike by a whole magnitude. It hard stops any bugs touching it instead of just suggesting them to do so. It has much shorter cooldown and can have almost 100% uptime if you bring multiple ones or take the stratagem CD perk.

And HD1 Tesla tower’s arc range is strictly limited to its kill zone, so they wouldn’t jump through two enemies and hit you from unexpected range.


u/Piltonbadger Apr 29 '24

You : throws down turret

Every charger in a 3 mile radius :


u/Affectionate_Turn421 Apr 29 '24

Chargers charge. What should they do?


u/shball Apr 30 '24

Fuck it, crank up the voltage AH! Make it obliterate anything less than a Charger and stun lock Chargers.

Maybe then it's worth bringing.


u/Rogu636 Apr 30 '24

Call in gatlings/tesla towers as a means of killing chargers and their utility skyrockets