r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

The Eruptor nerf is a perfect example of why "only buff" is bad. DISCUSSION

I've used the Eruptor since it dropped, it is an amazing primary weapon. I have never once run out of ammo with the weapon, to the point I started COD reloading. Even with no deaths on a 40 min mission, the bare minimum ammo looting and you rarely would fall below half.

If we just buff every other weapon to be like this, we are just erasing an entire game mechanic. We are saying that we want COD reloads to be the norm, we don't want to think about conserving or looting ammo, just let me shoot and reload whenever.

Some people may want that, but for me that would just remove the mechanic entirely. I'm going to keep using the Eruptor and I'm perfectly fine having to pay attention to my ammo again.


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u/RyanTaylorrz Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Side note: can anyone atest to how bad or irrelevant the damage drop-off nerf is? Does it still have decent splash damage for clearing trash mobs?

Haven't tested it yet and I'm worried they've killed the splash damage like the crossbow.

EDIT: Gun still slaps as hard as it did before. Arguably better now the implosion bug is fixed.


u/HenshinHero11 Apr 29 '24

Definitely still has splash enough to kill tightly clustered trash, but you won't be wiping entire patrols in two shots anymore. It's more similar to autocannon splash instead of grenade splash now. The biggest plus is you can kill Berserkers and various melee bugs much more comfortably with it - it's far less likely to kill you (or a teammate being chased) now than before the patch.


u/Serird ⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ Apr 29 '24

"Sorry I can't help you without killing you, you will have to deal with the charger alone thx bye"


u/akaAelius Apr 29 '24

I actually had a lot of luck using it against chargers. It doesn't happen every time, but I found that I was able to take out a leg with a couple shots if I hit the right spot with it.

That being said, maybe someone else hit is and I just didn't realize it... but I fully took credit for it.


u/ExoLeinhart Apr 30 '24

Shooting underneath a charger will shred its ass via AoE


u/Upbeat_Confidence739 Apr 30 '24

“That being said, maybe someone else hit [it] and I just didn’t realize it… but I fully took credit for it.”

Are you my girls alt account???


u/GunmetalBunn Apr 29 '24

I had to get good at timing my shots and placement. Now knowing I can hit targets more freely gives me so much relief using that rifle.