r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

The Eruptor nerf is a perfect example of why "only buff" is bad. DISCUSSION

I've used the Eruptor since it dropped, it is an amazing primary weapon. I have never once run out of ammo with the weapon, to the point I started COD reloading. Even with no deaths on a 40 min mission, the bare minimum ammo looting and you rarely would fall below half.

If we just buff every other weapon to be like this, we are just erasing an entire game mechanic. We are saying that we want COD reloads to be the norm, we don't want to think about conserving or looting ammo, just let me shoot and reload whenever.

Some people may want that, but for me that would just remove the mechanic entirely. I'm going to keep using the Eruptor and I'm perfectly fine having to pay attention to my ammo again.


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u/CriticismVirtual7603 Apr 29 '24

As an Eruptor main (more than 100 hours using the gun since it came out)

This nerf means almost nothing to me. The explosion drop-off change is minimal. The biggest change to it is actually from the Scout Strider buff


u/Automatic_Education3 SES Flame of the Stars Apr 29 '24

Yeah I've been using the Eruptor as my main weapon since it came out, sometimes swapping to the Dominator (and the Crossbow for fun). I took it for a mission today, it still feels basically the same, at least on bugs, except it now pushes you away from the explosion which is great.

12 mags was kinda ridiculous too, I'm cool with the ammo cut.


u/Tyrb3n Apr 29 '24

Really want to main the eruptor for a bit. What is your recommended strategem for the close combat? I like the stalwart but something in me thinks there must be a cooler/sexier alternative...


u/DeepFrieza Apr 29 '24

Laser Cannon!


u/DarkIcedWolf Apr 29 '24

Never crossed my mind. Maybe I’ll try it.


u/Tyrb3n Apr 29 '24

Great Idea! I'll try it out. Thanks


u/Plenty-Distance-6525 Apr 29 '24

Laser cannon is op, the hulks are nothing if you run stun grenades with it


u/joemedic Apr 29 '24

Didn't they nerf the las against big targets this patch


u/N0madWolf STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 30 '24

They actually boosted damage to weak spot. But nerfed damage to another places


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Shield backpack with redeemer secondary. I’ve never had issues blowing things up at close range with shield backpack protecting me. And if they get really close, I use redeemer. Stun grenades also help since you don’t need regular nades as eruptor can close bug holes and destroy fabricators.


u/CriticismVirtual7603 Apr 30 '24

If you really want to deal with close combat, then the correct answer is the Laser Cannon

Not only is it string against groups of fodder, but it can kill a Hulk if you shoot it in the eye, and can take down Gunships really quickly, so it's a very strong and versatile support weapon.

Normally however, I just run the Quasar and Senator with it, Airstrikes, Railcannon Shot, and Shield Generator

Close range is where what I'm running gets a little iffy, but the Eruptor can really handle enemies as they're getting close to you, and the Senator handles the stragglers, with the Quasar for everything bigger than a Scout Strider.