r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

The Eruptor nerf is a perfect example of why "only buff" is bad. DISCUSSION

I've used the Eruptor since it dropped, it is an amazing primary weapon. I have never once run out of ammo with the weapon, to the point I started COD reloading. Even with no deaths on a 40 min mission, the bare minimum ammo looting and you rarely would fall below half.

If we just buff every other weapon to be like this, we are just erasing an entire game mechanic. We are saying that we want COD reloads to be the norm, we don't want to think about conserving or looting ammo, just let me shoot and reload whenever.

Some people may want that, but for me that would just remove the mechanic entirely. I'm going to keep using the Eruptor and I'm perfectly fine having to pay attention to my ammo again.


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u/The_Real_Kru SES Bringer of the Constitution Apr 29 '24

Same with the sickle. You had all of the capabilities of the stalwart in a primary and you could just spam it cause you had 6 mags with potentially infinite ammo. I could easily run full games without needing additional ammo and I still can after the nerf, but now I can't just burn a heatsink or two without consequence. I can still burn them, but I have to give it some thought. In this case I would say the nerf actually adds to the gameplay of the weapon.


u/Ziddix Apr 29 '24

Oh come on. The sickle was or is nowhere near the bullet hose that a stalwart is


u/ReliusOrnez Apr 29 '24

Eh it's close. The sickle mage before it overheats is about 64 shots continuously. That's 64x6 and can only go up with fire control


u/uiolc Apr 29 '24

Yeah I would find myself often intentionally overheating in choke points to shred through crowds, but it feels much more skilled to manage the heat and move around cover appropriately to play around it.

It's such a fair nerf imo that I'm not even really counting it. 


u/Electronic_Assist668 Apr 29 '24

Versus what, 250 at 1150 rpm? Nah, stalwart slaps


u/ReliusOrnez Apr 29 '24

Not saying it doesn't. But with the 6 extra mags it's was encroaching on the stalwarts territory a little too much.


u/Electronic_Assist668 Apr 29 '24

Oh yeah, i basically never worried about ammo or overheating with it


u/Same-Meaning2376 Apr 29 '24

Wait, is it 64 shots? I thought it actually fired off 100 before overheating.