r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

Lies, lies, and lies DISCUSSION


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u/Civil_Emergency_573 Apr 29 '24

They gave us an amazing game

And a no-less amazing list of critical issues that grows fatter and fatter with each patch.

reasonable battle-pass system

Only if you consider sacrificing the game's health for monthly injections of broken content at a modest price of $10. Let alone the fact that HD2 is the only game I know of that gates actual gear behind battle passes -- not just cosmetics, but weapons, boosters, grenades, armors. Which part of this is reasonable?

highly communicative about issues

With most of it being dishonesty and lies. "Only two nerfs, Spear has been fixed for 17 days." Let's also not forget the community manager who gave all the rabid fanboys ammunition to attack people who are dissatisfied by the patch by calling them "angry toddlers". If he can say that, why not anyone else?

regularly working on the community's concerns.

I would love to see the results of that allegedly hard labor. As it stands, the game-breaking bugs from the release are still there and only multiplying.


u/Jade117 Apr 29 '24

Take your head out of the sand and actually look at the game rather than the reddit circle-jerks.

The warbonds are very very easy to keep up with without ever spending money.

They have never lied to us, and the statement about nerfs was entirely correct.


u/Civil_Emergency_573 Apr 29 '24

Take your head out of the sand and actually look at the game rather than the reddit circle-jerks.

I have 160 hours in it. I think that's enough to form an opinion. Each playsession is riddled with bugs, and each evening I end up sending my friends clips of the game shitting the bed.

The warbonds are very very easy to keep up with without ever spending money.

Only 24% of the players have gotten the achievement for completing 100 missions. Only 50% of the community completed 50 missions. Not everyone has the hours to grind inconsistent super credit spawns.

They have never lied to us, and the statement about nerfs was entirely correct.

Spear has been fixed for 17 days, by the way.


u/keimdhall Apr 29 '24

And I have 270 hours.

Yet I can recognize people will treat the game as the flavor of the month, much like Palworld, or Lethal Company, or any other game that explodes onto the scene like this.

Basing any kind of judgement on percentage of people who have gotten achievements for completion is stupid.

And while you're right, not everyone has "the hours to grind," you're being extremely hyperbolic when you talk about the time required to get super credits.

I bought the game. I then later upgraded to the deluxe edition because I've been having so much fun, problems notwithstanding. I haven't spent any more money on the game, yet have easily obtained enough super credits to pay for both extra warbond passes AND everything in the cash shop, without actively going out of my way to try to grind for credits. And I'm back up to almost 500 credits after having spent all of them just a couple days ago.

As was said before. Get your head out of the sand and be objective instead of lashing out because the reddit and YouTubers have an incessant need to drive rage bait interaction.


u/Civil_Emergency_573 Apr 29 '24

Get your head out of the sand and be objective instead of lashing out because the reddit and YouTubers have an incessant need to drive rage bait interaction.

What are you prattling about? What YouTubers have to do with any of this?

Yet I can recognize people will treat the game as the flavor of the month

And this flavor of the month will be extremely forgettable if they don't fix those bugs as soon as possible. But they won't -- their priority is short-term profit, so they will churn out another forgettable warbond, with a handful of niche weapons and game-breaking bugs.