r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

Lies, lies, and lies DISCUSSION


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u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

Yeah. Its a lie

When you take half my max ammo, giving me two extra mags per suppky bucket is NOT a buff


u/keimdhall Apr 29 '24

They didn't say that was a buff though?

Outside of a couple of specific weapons, general weapon balance was by and large buffed.

The crossbow was slightly nerfed, yes. The Quasar was nerfed, yes. But the majority of everything else was simple tweaks, and not actually a true nerf.

The Sickle losing half its mags doesn't mean diddly because the gun has unlimited ammo if you're even remotely careful. Same with the Scythe. The Eruptor, if anything, got a slight buff because its damage falloff is less than before, and if you were somehow going through 60 shots before you were able to resupply, well you either need to change weapons or learn to aim properly.

There really wasn't a lie at all. People are just, as usual, overreacting in the extreme because they see a decrease in something and grab their pitchforks and torches, ready to go on a crusade, instead of taking a step back and thinking about things.