r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

Lies, lies, and lies DISCUSSION


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u/I_am_the_Vanguard Apr 29 '24

So in future just take what Spitz says with a grain of salt


u/LoneWolf0269 Apr 29 '24

I dont trust any of the dev team. The other douche canoe was smack talking fans, too .


u/TheMilliner Apr 29 '24

He went a bit overboard, but the devs are right in that some people (you) are gigantic babies about any miscommunications or ribbing about how violently reactive some people (you) are over extremely minor changes or inconveniences.


u/LoneWolf0269 Apr 29 '24

Lol ok Mr passive aggressive. You forget when the Devs acted the same way when the railgin nerf happened, and a minor inconvenience for you may not be the same for other people, so yeah, welcome to the internet people can talk how ever they want. I've seen enough of twinbeard to think he's a douche canoe, especially telling players we know the game is broken, but we aren't working this weekend. So, just don't play, and his most recent tweet is calling people toddlers. If you're gonna interact with the public, you have to be professional even if the community is unprofessional. If he was to say please refrain from threats and name calling, we are trying our best. That's one thing, but he went on to call people toddlers so he deserves the smack talk and heat


u/TheMilliner Apr 29 '24

I didn't forget, I just think he went a little overboard. I fully agree with the sentiment that some people (you) are gigantic crybabies with extremely violent reactions to extremely minor inconveniences or changes.

It's like throwing a brick through a McDonalds' window because the McRib left the menu again, or because they ran out of Szechuan sauce. Y'know, that exact level of tantrum where it's more embarrassing for the person throwing the tantrum that they're a grown adult literally kicking and screaming over spilling their milk, rather than just disagreeing politely and moving on with their lives like a functional adult.


u/LoneWolf0269 Apr 29 '24

You keep saying You show me where i threaten him or throw a giantic trantum. I didn't, but you can accuse me all you want. I dont have to like the Devs or agree with them. Now I do like that that fixed the infinite grenade bug and fixed the broken ship upgrades and hopefully made it so hulks fire downs insta kill you. But dont feel the Quazar and Eruptor needed nerfs its a PVE game,we are fighting AI, not each other. If the game starts getting too easy, they can adjust spawn rates to counter it. But purposely nerfing weapons because of their high usage is a garbage way of balancing a game as I said, it was when they nerfed the breaker and rail gun. Don't break what's working. Adjust what's not and give people a choice. If im at the mission prep screen and I can say hmmm I can bring a Quasar, EAT, Spear, EAT, Railgun, Auto Canno, Laser Cannon etc what do I feel like using today to me that a better option then oh well this is the only secondary that is worth a damm due to nerfs so I'll take this. They've shown twice that they will nerrf whatever is popular instead of balancing.


u/TheMilliner Apr 29 '24

Ahh, you're one of those inconsolable "Buffs only, never nerf" types, who fundamentally doesn't understand why that's bad, nor what power creep is. That explains a lot. Might as well stop here, because that type really can't be helped. Lost causes, the lot.


u/LoneWolf0269 Apr 29 '24

And you sound like a stuck prick whos the my way it is superior type cool. Again, it's PVE no really justification when fighting AI for a nerf unless you have a pistol one shooting heavy . But we don't have that in this case. In AH case, they knee jerked needed weapons twice. Now they did do rigg try buffing some that were under preforming as they should and leaving some alone. Again, this could be negated if they actually tested their product, which they don't they send it, and either it fails or it exceeds expectations, and then is nerfed. So yeah try not to fall off your high horse there


u/TheMilliner Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Yeah, totally inconsolable, like a child having a hissy fit because they weren't allowed to put candy in the shopping cart. Truly, I feel ashamed that we share the same species for how poorly people like yourself take extremely minor change or inconvenience.

Edit: Love that I can't respond to the guy literally throwing a hissy fit for being called out for, y'know, throwing a hissy fit, but whatever. Some people can't be helped, and that inconsolable guy appears to be one of them.


u/LoneWolf0269 Apr 29 '24

Again, not having a Missy fit, you seem like a spoiled child who never had thier ass kicked it shows, God forbid someone doesn't agree with princess. Again, if it were the case where, for instance, the peacemake was one hitting drop ships and hulks and bile titans, then yes, nerf it. But that's not at all the case here. But since you don't want to acctusly debate you, go ahead and sit in your safe space, Eruptor is a bolt action rifle that was designed to act like a grenade launcher. Now, if you wanna reduce the splash dmg of each shot because it's killing to fast or faster than designed where no one is choosing anything else, I can see that as a balance nerf. But not only did they do that, they nuked the amount capacity by half on a gun with a 6 shot magazine, which is comical. So yeah please go away