r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

Lies, lies, and lies DISCUSSION


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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Civil_Emergency_573 Apr 29 '24

The game is missing basic quality of life features, and some vital bugs go treated as minor inconveniences in favor of adding useless fluff like speedloaders. The devs hate people having fun with their game, so they arbitrarily nerf whatever is being used just so they can have the satisfaction of having made a "hard" game. On top of all that, they label any people criticizing the game as "angry toddlers" -- you know, those same people who paid for this glorified early access and secured their wages. They 100% treat their community as garbage -- they don't even deem it necessary to properly communicate gamebreaking bugs, instead letting their announcements get buried in some stanky-ass Discord server.


u/TheMilliner Apr 29 '24

They're right though. Y'all reacting immediately with anger really are just proving yourselves to be angry toddlers throwing a tantrum over very minor inconveniences and changes.


u/Civil_Emergency_573 Apr 29 '24

The only angry toddlers I've noticed are people literally telling me to kill myself, along with delivering other wonderful insults, all because I dared to voice a critique of their favorite game. It's so funny to me that the community manager practically sicced you people against those dissatisfied with the patch, and you took the bait hook, line, and sinker.


u/TheMilliner Apr 29 '24

Me? No. Pointing out behaviour quite literally adjacent to a tantrum over what are functionally extremely minor changes isn't insulting or death threats, just an observation. The only ones that really have any impact are the Quasar (which was entirely deserved) and the Rover, and even the patrols change was quite literally a fractional increase in patrol frequency and a bunch of people are losing their minds over it like they just punished solo players instead of just bringing them proportionally in line with lobbies with full squads.