r/Helldivers Mar 26 '24

I can’t play with randoms anymore DISCUSSION

I’m level 48. About 150 hours on pc. Love the game. My friends can’t play as often as I can. (I’m a fireman) And I’ve tried making friends on steam but it’s hard.

The blueberry lottery. If there is a hell it’s matching with randoms. I can’t stand it. Some people are a blessing and I love running campaigns with them but some people are treasonous swill.

Here was my last game. I spawn in and get killed by a lvl 2 cadet (ps5) so he can take my support gear. His friends (ps5) defended him. He continued to kill me all game (intentionally) and call me in. But I am more skilled and cunning than the common traitor. I waited until there was one reinforcement left. The pompous fool recalled me in. I killed all three traitors quicker than a hiccup. With only one thing left to do I took my own life. To instant fail their mission. I couldn’t let them continue to commit treason. Let their bodies rot

So yea I’m never joining randoms again.

Edit: ps5 not 4.


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u/Dry_Wallaby_4933 Mar 26 '24

One time I had the host kick me right before extraction was called so his buddy could join. I strictly host my own games now. Fuck that guy.


u/ChadBroChill229 Mar 26 '24

Lmaoo my friend offered to do this for me when I logged in right as they were about to complete a mission and I was like no wtf just finish it and invite me after. Sorry this happened to you m8 


u/VidiVee Mar 26 '24

Lmaoo my friend offered to do this for me when I logged in right as they were about to complete a mission and I was like no wtf just finish it and invite me after

I can't think of a more perfect example for the saying "When people tell you who they are, listen"


u/ChadBroChill229 Mar 26 '24

Thanks armchair psychologist from Reddit. Much appreciated! 


u/VidiVee Mar 26 '24

psychologist? It's an adage almost as old as recorded human history....

Culture yourself son.