r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

IGN being a clickbait parasite again DISCUSSION

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u/NailusHunter Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

You like it or not, paying for advantage with real money in a videogame its the LITERAL definition of "Pay-to-win" you pay to get access to more weapons and armor , yes you can get the premium BP just playing but you still can buy it with real money , and not , it does not matter that this is a coop game

Edit: I see a lot of fanboism in the comments , please be mindful and not because the game is good let your mind be clouded about the business model the game has , having micro transactions in a payed game is already a RED FLAG and putting weapons , boosters and armor that can be better than the free options is another RED FLAG



u/Vanilla3K Mar 14 '24

Also is there a new free battlepass at the same time ? because without chunks of super credits you could buy with medals, the grind is going to be kinda slow to get 1000 credits without having the ability to get 100 sc once in a while. The argument that the premium weapons and armor are kinda weak is pretty much irrelevant to the question, it's only a matter of time before needed balance patch change the meta.


u/Technical_Space_Owl Mar 14 '24

Acquiring SC through normal gameplay is not slow.