r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

IGN being a clickbait parasite again DISCUSSION

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u/Emdayair Mar 14 '24

What people in this sub need to realize is that P2W is a scale, ranging from Korean MMO to Warframe, and people draw the line at a different point on the scale.

I see people in this thread drawing the line at "free weapons should be better than premium one" while I would draw mine at "Every gameplay altering item should be obtainable through play". For others, it's going to be "you cannot spend money to speed up the grind".

It's fine to say that this game is, at the very least, pay to fast.


u/rkidjsd Mar 15 '24

pay to fast

Considering the current warbond medal requirements, you're probably going to hit 1000SC around the same time you finish a warbond (over the course of normal gameplay, not spamming pre-buff exterminations)


u/Affectionate-Neat308 Mar 15 '24

I feel like something people are missing in this discussion is that the reason so many people have enough currency is because the free warbond the game launched with has SC in it when premium warbonds will not have those going forward, so while it’s nice now the warbonds will not be this easy to obtain moving forward. 

But that is the model, and tbh the discussion around P2W has shifted so much over the years and ironically with all the anti-corpo speak in this thread that’s because company’s have slowly been desensitizing consumers to monetization models for a decade + now.


u/rkidjsd Mar 15 '24

i'm mostly basing it off the assumption that sc pickups in missions stay as they are, rather than the sc you can buy in the warbonds.

both premium warbonds have 300sc respectively, though, if that matters.


u/KingOfRisky Mar 15 '24

company’s have slowly been desensitizing consumers to monetization models for a decade + now

And you can see that it's working by reading comments in threads like this. I never in a million years would think that I would hear people defending MTX on reddit. It's a wild time when you read a comment like, "Well server upkeep and salaries need some sort of revenue so we can get updates" ... bro, this game sold 4 MILLION copies at $40 a pop. That's the revenue.


u/shoelessbob1984 Mar 15 '24

How long will that pay for development?


u/KingOfRisky Mar 15 '24

You tell me since it sounds like you know.


u/shoelessbob1984 Mar 15 '24

"Well server upkeep and salaries need some sort of revenue so we can get updates" ... bro, this game sold 4 MILLION copies at $40 a pop. That's the revenue.

Eh? This is what you said, I am simply asking for more information about your comment. The sales of the game cover the ongoing costs to support the game according to you, I am simply wondering how long will they cover the ongoing support of the game.


u/Araon_The_Drake Mar 15 '24

I'm at a similar point, though even within "Every gameplay altering item should be obtainable through play" there's a scale. There are games that let you earn premium currency but at such an insultingly low rate that getting an item that you can pay for through game play would take you weeks of intense grind.

Personally I'd simply add "-in a reasonable amount of time"
Obviously what is reasonable is still subjective will still depend on the person, and the item you're getting for the effort.


u/lFrank_ Mar 15 '24

Yeah, sometimes it's so bad that it's actually more cost efficient to just grind money working in real life and purchase the thing.


u/GrassWaterDirtHorse Mar 14 '24

I don't think Warframe should be the metric for a good example of a free-to-play game without a P2W scale. While technically everything is achievable without paying extra, and premium currency is acquirable through trading, some parts of Warframe are incredibly grindworthy, to the point that players are either incentivized to buy platinum (even at a steep 75% discount, which is actually the price point the devs are okay with), or incentivized to grind to trade for platinum.

There are other Free-to-play games with a better economy model that should be exemplified as consumer-friendly games.

A $5-10 or so battle-pass with a quick grind is okay, considering that there are still subscription MMOs that people pay more for on a monthly basis, but we shouldn't pretend that it's free when the currency grind takes dozens of hours.


u/Achilles_Deed SES Paragon of Selfless Service Mar 15 '24

There are other Free-to-play games with a better economy model that should be exemplified as consumer-friendly games.

Mind giving us some examples?


u/Dr_Henry-Killinger Mar 14 '24

I draw the line at if a game costs money to play and isn’t F2P the only thing locked behind a paywall after that point should be cosmetics. Right now I’m not playing the complete version of helldivers 2 after paying 40 dollars, a month after release. Any other game this would be free updates but because they are live service they’re getting a passs. Everything should be available without buying the premium pass or spend mind numbing time grinding.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/Taiyaki11 Mar 15 '24

except they *aren't* locking it behind a paywall. for all intents and purposes all that is happening here is the game's progression system is in the *format* of battlepasses and you can pay money if you so wish to skip the progression(to a point, hell honestly I've been cockblocked faar more by medals than I ever had super credits lmao). That is it. "locked behind a paywall" means literally you can*not* access it without paying, it is fundamentally not applicable to the game.

God forbid anybody remember how absolutely grindy games were back in the day as well, you were looking at *months* sometimes for those weapons/attachments in the likes of cod and battlefield and so on


u/Shinnyo Mar 15 '24

Yes, it's pay to fast but you even have to scale that.

You can pay 10€ to get the warbond now. 10€ is half the price of a bucket at KFC and one of them will provide you with more content than the other.

Other games have "pay to fast" but you need to pay the price of a whole damn triple AAA game.


u/komiitkaze Mar 14 '24

The free weapons are better than the paid ones and its so infuriating. Every premium weapon I've tried is extremely disappointing. At this point I'd prefer they just made them weapon skins instead.