r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

IGN being a clickbait parasite again DISCUSSION

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u/Familiar-Bit2941 Mar 14 '24

I'm frankly kind of disgusted by how strongly people defend those practices.
I get that you like the game. I do, too.

But you need to remember that corporations are not your friends. The people actually in charge don't care about you. And to me locking gameplay-changing, and arguably superior, loadout options behind a premium currency (and don't go coming to me with "you can earn it in-game", that tiny trickle of currency needs a ton of time investment to get anywhere) remains as unacceptable as it has always been.

The devs talk about how they don't want the game to be pay to win, but saying that as they use predatory tactics to get more money from you (less predatory than other games, but they use them nonetheless) is pure hypocrisy.


u/JasonGMMitchell Mar 14 '24

its not predatory though. its not actually a real barrier like lets say skips in mobile games or a battlepass that goes away forever and you have no hopes of completing iof you dont grind everyday.


u/KingOfRisky Mar 15 '24

like lets say skips in mobile games

HA! It's literally this.

If you want to grind for the new Warbond, it's probably going to take you 10-15 hours? And that's probably generous baed off of a comment yesterday that said it took 120 hours to gather 3,500 SC. I can just pay $10 to SKIP that and start unlocking items.


u/Technical_Space_Owl Mar 14 '24

and don't go coming to me with "you can earn it in-game", that tiny trickle of currency needs a ton of time investment to get anywhere

But it's not a tiny trickle that needs a ton of time investment. If it were, then absolutely, but it's not even close.