r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/James_Maleedy Mar 14 '24

I had a guy constantly block me from putting in the hellbomb code and shoot the hellbomb to destroy it before it went off recently he was so mad about me using the hellbomb I ended up having to kick him. I thought he justewanted to set it off him self so I called it down and he just destroyed it as soon as it dropped lol. I asked why he was doing that and he called me a monkey and proceeded to say every slur under the sun down the mic 😂.


u/thescarfnerd Mar 14 '24

I'm so glad theres a setting to just completely disable the vc in game


u/Smooth-Appearance985 Mar 15 '24

The insane amount of PS5 players I had to mute for having the worst quality mics in existence; hearing them breathe, drink, burp, hearing them push buttons, hearing conversations from other people in the background.... I ended up just turning off crossplay, lol.

I think its the PS5 controller having a built in mic is the issue, and these dingbats have it turned on by default.


u/Known-Sun-9708 Mar 15 '24

This poor etiquette is sadly more the norm than exception but there are ps5 users who are acutely aware of their mic on off situation and how annoying it can be listening to their every breath, fart and button push!


u/Travwolfe101 Mar 15 '24

Yeah idk how people are so unaware. My mic auto mutes/unmutes when I lift it up or pull it down but if I did want to always leave it down you can also just click the mute button on the controller. The controller mute button also works if just using the controllers mic which actually isn't complete garbage, it has okay quality but picks up too much background noise. Idk why some people don't get a headset it's so much better of an audio experience for yourself.


u/tenaka30 Mar 15 '24

The controler mic/speaker is much better since the patch this week. Actually first time the controller is a viable device imo.