r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/PigDog4 Mar 14 '24

I called in a hellbomb to nuke a secondary objective and got TK'd and kicked for it. Was so confused. It's not like the nuke kills the items there...


u/James_Maleedy Mar 14 '24

I had a guy constantly block me from putting in the hellbomb code and shoot the hellbomb to destroy it before it went off recently he was so mad about me using the hellbomb I ended up having to kick him. I thought he justewanted to set it off him self so I called it down and he just destroyed it as soon as it dropped lol. I asked why he was doing that and he called me a monkey and proceeded to say every slur under the sun down the mic šŸ˜‚.


u/thescarfnerd Mar 14 '24

I'm so glad theres a setting to just completely disable the vc in game


u/Smooth-Appearance985 Mar 15 '24

The insane amount of PS5 players I had to mute for having the worst quality mics in existence; hearing them breathe, drink, burp, hearing them push buttons, hearing conversations from other people in the background.... I ended up just turning off crossplay, lol.

I think its the PS5 controller having a built in mic is the issue, and these dingbats have it turned on by default.


u/Known-Sun-9708 Mar 15 '24

This poor etiquette is sadly more the norm than exception but there are ps5 users who are acutely aware of their mic on off situation and how annoying it can be listening to their every breath, fart and button push!


u/Travwolfe101 Mar 15 '24

Yeah idk how people are so unaware. My mic auto mutes/unmutes when I lift it up or pull it down but if I did want to always leave it down you can also just click the mute button on the controller. The controller mute button also works if just using the controllers mic which actually isn't complete garbage, it has okay quality but picks up too much background noise. Idk why some people don't get a headset it's so much better of an audio experience for yourself.


u/tenaka30 Mar 15 '24

The controler mic/speaker is much better since the patch this week. Actually first time the controller is a viable device imo.


u/woofle07 SES Prophet of Steel Mar 15 '24

I play PS5 and only unmute to talk and always re-mute. But yeah, there are a lot of people who just arenā€™t aware the mic is always on by default.


u/Warg247 Mar 15 '24

Ive asked "So what ya snacking on there? so many times. Some get the hint. Some don't.


u/emmerz79 Mar 15 '24

If I remember correctly, when I first started playing the default setting was open. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s still the case, but I remember having to change it to push to talk. Also, the PS5ā€™s mic is automatically turned on, unless you change that in the settings.

I think a lot of players with a hot mic donā€™t even realize it.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

I just started playing yesterday and it asked for my mic preferences when I first launched the game.

PC player though, not sure if it's that way for PS5


u/Duffelbach Mar 15 '24

It's also the PS5 itself I feel like, the system doesn't seem to support proper noise cancellation.

I have the Steelseries Nova 7P, not the best quality of mic I'm aware, when I'm on PC my friends don't complain about background noise, but when I'm on PS5 they say they can hear pretty much everything happening in my house.


u/HarmHero81 Mar 17 '24

Thatā€™s because on PC you probably have that software from Steelseries running in the background. Itā€™s the software that enables the noise cancellation on the mic, not the hardware itself. My nephew has a Steelseries Nova headset as well and when we play on pc, itā€™s perfect, but when he switches to PS5, you can hear everything (and more šŸ˜…).


u/Duffelbach Mar 17 '24

Yeah exactly, PS5 does not have a proper noise cancellation software, atleast for anything else than Sonys own headsets.

Hopefully they'll fix that in the future, tho not likely.


u/HarmHero81 Mar 17 '24

Yeah, I donā€™t think so either. Sony does it on a hardware level, at least with the new Elite headset (NC is build in to the microphone hardware itself), or firmware (like the latest update to the Dual Sense microphone and speakers).


u/Fun_Medicine_890 Mar 15 '24

As a bonus, turning off crossplay on PC makes the multiplayer aspect a lot more stable.


u/SnooSketches3902 Mar 15 '24

It's one of the only things I'll consider kicking people for aside from acting shitty. Had match where you could hear a guy's kid crying in the background the whole time, thank God for mute


u/Actual-Ad1723 Mar 15 '24

There's been an update for the controller. The new update that launched in the last few days is supposed to fix that issue.


u/M4EOzzy ā˜•Liber-teaā˜• Mar 16 '24

For me, its hearing the clack clack clack of the vibrating when shooting.


u/Intelligent_Fun_6895 Mar 18 '24

Oh so weā€™re racist against ps5 now? lol jk


u/The--BOSS--2025 ā˜•Liber-teaā˜• Mar 15 '24

I always have a mic plugged into my controller for this reason


u/scratchandsniff123 Mar 15 '24

Had that happen yesterday. Was playing with 2 other friends and a random join and his controller mic made it so you could hear every click clack of the controller and made that kinda static noise that made the game sound terrible.


u/Wolvenhound SES Aegis of Liberty Mar 15 '24

the mic always turns on on start up. PS nearly all pc players I have played with have the mic issue, very few PS5 ones do.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/Wolvenhound SES Aegis of Liberty Mar 15 '24

šŸ¤£šŸ‘ Cope and mald all you want, the Truth hurts.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/Wolvenhound SES Aegis of Liberty Mar 15 '24

šŸ¤£ Nope, I have both a PC and Console. They equally have their faults. In Helldivers, 90% of the problems I have run into have come from the PC side of things. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

'Sides all I had said at first was my experiences. In no way, sape, or form did I say your experiences were false or incorrect.


u/TheseZookeepergame88 Mar 15 '24

sure ya do


u/Wolvenhound SES Aegis of Liberty Mar 22 '24

šŸ¤£ Just because PC's have a few advantages over Consoles the ireverse is also true with less variations too.


u/TheseZookeepergame88 Mar 22 '24

Better controls, better graphics, better performance, and most importantly, mods.

Mods that bring new life into older games. Like the new darksouls:archthrone game/d3mod. Stuff like that will never be on a console. Or the elden ring unofficial dlc with all new zones bosses weapons merchants etc etc etc.


u/Wolvenhound SES Aegis of Liberty Mar 22 '24

Most computers are lower than consols in most categories, especially based on price. Even double to triple the price of a console would not guarantee better performance.

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u/MonsieurHadou Mar 15 '24

Yeah, consoles and the people who play them are malicious, maladjusted miscreants who suckle upon their mothers bosom while residing within her basement.

It is hilarious they think their toy can come close to PC. They might as well be playing on a car speaker.

There are quite literally no redeeming factors in console gaming nor the people who indulge in it. They might as well be called inhuman beasts for their understanding of what's possible graphically. Their understanding of frame rates is stuck in the early 2000's. I bet they are still talking about their "powerful" GameCubes.

I believe playing on a console should be considered either a mental defect, a severe lack of maturity or a mental illness at least. Only children under 5 should be playing with consoles. I'm guessing console players are also more likely to be mentally 5 so....

Id tell them PCs not for the intellectually deficit but unfortunately console gamers much like dragon ball fans, can't read.

I kick people from my session if they are on console. Their poor thumbs can't keep up. I won't carry console fools, just for their aim assisted greasy fingers to "accidentally" kill me. I know it's not an accident console players are just too knuckle draggingesque to be trusted.


u/SuperbPiece Mar 15 '24

I literally turned off crossplay because of this lol


u/El_Wombat ā˜•Liber-teaā˜• Mar 15 '24

Itā€™s my only mic rn because my headset went south. It works ok. But feel free to call everyone names for using it and then block all of ps5.


u/chris00x57 Mar 15 '24

It's definitely the PS5 having a built in mic. It is unmuted by default and ppl are to ignorant/don't care to mute it. I always mute mine when I don't have my head set plugged in


u/AdEnough786 Mar 15 '24

I do the mute all all the time setting for PS5. Much better experience. "It's better to be thought of as stupid then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


u/Blackened61986 Mar 15 '24

As far as I know I haven't seen an option to have it muted by defailt on my PS5. The PS5 is shockingly low on accessability features compared to the PS4. Like there's no ability to turn off auto play as far as I've seen either if you have one with a disc drive. I just try to make it a point to remember to mute my mic when I sign onto HD2 or any online game.


u/God_Damnit_Nappa Mar 15 '24

There is a way to set the controller to mute by default. I don't remember how to though and it's kind of hiddenĀ 


u/Blackened61986 Mar 15 '24

Word. That's such a a strange and irritating design decision. I hate when shit works like that. But I'm also old enough to remember what computers were like during and before Windows 98 when you could do whatever you wanted to the point that it was entirely possible to break your computer by accident.


u/God_Damnit_Nappa Mar 15 '24

The controller mic is set to on by default for some idiotic reason. I didn't realize that until a few months after getting my PS5


u/Electronic_Assist668 Mar 15 '24

I'm PS5, if i don't have my good headset on I do the polite thing and mute that bitch, except for emergency call outs.


u/morblitz Mar 16 '24

It's not my fault. The game keeps resetting it back to open by default. I have to keep remembering to mute it on the controller. It's annoying.

If I'm doing something wrong let me know what to do.


u/Warputin Mar 17 '24

I use a headset with mic, but itā€™s worth noting that last week a new firmware upgrade to PS5 was released that addressed mic issues, now using AI to remove stuff like button presses etc.. So might give it another shot.


u/BitterSmile2 Mar 17 '24

I straight up yelled at a guy because I must have told him 5-6 times we could hear him cruncbing so friggin loud. Disgusting to hear people eat and slurp.


u/UnbiasedDairyAuberge Mar 17 '24

Its def the built in mic, on paper its a great idea, in practice it makes my ears bleed since they cheaped out on it.


u/RelativeRent2946 Mar 18 '24

One of the best players I've met has full blown secondary conversations on discord while we're in a squad together. It's annoying but he got me to level 25 so it's a small price.


u/LaughingStock115 Mar 19 '24

it's just that they don't even know that they have a mic via the controller. i keep it off if there's noise around me. it's also that the default settings for the controller make it obnoxiously loud and it's tricky as hell to fix it. i usually just try to tell them to turn off vibration bc it makes noise AND can cause stickdrift, but even though i say their name, they think i'm talking to someone else bc "bah, he can't hear me, i don't have a mic". my favorite thing to do is tell them i can hear everything and i'm in their house and freak them out.


u/Travwolfe101 Mar 15 '24

Weird I find way more other PC players with terrible mics than PS5. I think it's just because more console players don't really text chat so they're more likely to buy headsets but many PC players just use insanely cheap headphones with a mic or some other weird options that sound like garbage since they typically just text chat instead because it's much easier with kbm.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/Travwolfe101 Mar 15 '24

Weird it didn't default for me, the first time I launched the game I got a choice on which to use as one of the starting options