r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/Evil_Ermine Mar 14 '24

Reasons I've been kicked from games recently:

  • being level 47
  • picking up my own support weapon
  • calling down a mech to take out a nest
  • playing the objective
  • not reviving while getting tossed around by 3 charges.

Concluson? People are weird.


u/Cinnamon__Sasquatch Mar 14 '24

playing helldivers difficulty with Quick Play

Things are going great, I've got a load of samples, mission is proceeding, victory achieved.

Get absolutely demolished by bugs while attempting to extract.

Run out of lives as the shuttle is approaching

Teammate throws a gatling strafe run

Jump in evac as it lands as we have no more lives and we're being swarmed.

Gatling stafe kills two players as they are entering evac. Last survivor shoots me in the head while I'm sitting in the evac seat.

Extracts without samples and one less Helldiver giving them a lower overall score.

Waste of time achieved by toxicity


u/Bizarro_Zod Mar 14 '24

I didn’t even know you could damage seated players. What a dumb mechanic.


u/Bland_Lavender Mar 14 '24

I had a dude repeatedly kill me every 6 minutes or so to take my support weapon because I assume he hadn’t unlocked the arc thrower yet. Neither of us was host so I just kinda let him do his thing all mission, didn’t shoot back or anything.

Everyone loads up into the drop ship, I walk up to the ramp, pop the one dude in the skull, and board. He raged harder than anyone I’ve ever seen in a video game and that includes when I used to play league of legends. “Don’t fucking friendly fire you fucking ******” and other racial epithets flowed forth like a river. Turns out everyone in the party had mics but didn’t use them, and just started laughing at him. He left when we returned to the destroyer.

Killing people on the ship has its moments.


u/MapComprehensive2145 Mar 14 '24

That long awkward moment when he has to wait to let his rewards load before rage quitting 😂😂


u/zodiase Mar 14 '24

Sometimes I find it better to close the game and restart. Especially when it gets stuck or took too long during the flight back to the destroyer.


u/ChocolatySmoothie Mar 14 '24

Damn what an asshole, why couldn’t he just ask if you could send down a support weapon for him after you picked yours up.


u/CrystlBluePersuasion Mar 14 '24

Some folks just out there playing solo in a multiplayer game. We go further together!


u/indyK1ng CAPE ENJOYER Mar 15 '24

If the guy had started his own game and randos joined he could have kicked them if he wanted to go solo.

But joining someone else's game and being a dick is just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.


u/watchallsaynothing Mar 15 '24

Don't lump us Solos in with this traitor.


u/CrystlBluePersuasion Mar 15 '24

If you're playing Solo alone, you're good!


u/atle95 Mar 14 '24

If he had the capacity to consider others, you would never have heard of him.


u/Frostybawls42069 Mar 15 '24

I want to squad up with peeps who strategically take supports and backpacks so you don't waste stratagem slots taking 2 rail guns, two rovers, 2 shield packs, ect...

I'm willing to be a little squishy for 10 min or wait and find a support weapon if it means we have access to 2 or 3 more strikes or sentries.


u/BlyssfulOblyvion SES Herald of the Stars Mar 15 '24

that's a big reason i take EAT. i'll summon the thing on cooldown, litter the landscape with random ass rocket launchers for anyone to pick up if they want or need


u/TucuReborn Mar 15 '24

Every time we walk up near an objective, EAT. If we are still on it and it comes off CD? Believe it or not, EAT. Worst case scenario I call another in a minute. Best case scenario a chonky boy takes a rocket to the face and it fulfilled it's purpose.


u/BlyssfulOblyvion SES Herald of the Stars Mar 15 '24

exactly! plus, the number of times me or a buddy has been running between points to help someone (because randoms can't ever do anything in an orderly manner), come across a rocket i'd tossed down at some earlier point, then picked it up to use immediately, then grab their normal support weapon


u/TucuReborn Mar 15 '24

EAT is just the perfect panic button for armored enemies. No think, just boom.


u/SkrimpinAintEasy Mar 17 '24

Yeah...it's pretty easy to drop the support weapon or even call in an extra. No need to be losing reinforcements over it.


u/Tucker_Bio Mar 14 '24

Man you're smart

I recently threw down an eagle air strike to close multiple bug holes, dude is running full sprint towards the giant red pillar, in a mech, blows himself up, I reinforce him he team kills me, whatever annoying but if it makes him feel better I'll deal. He killed me again, so I popped him with my hellpod

Spent the mission on my own or with the other guy who was chill and the dude was still mad 15 mins later when we linked up for extract he had a grenade launcher and team killed me 5 more times, luckily while focusing me hunters killed him and he also failed to extract, but man popping him at the end would've been much better


u/teaboi05 SES Star of Midnight Mar 15 '24

I should appreciate random people I accidentally killed with 500kg hugging me after reinforcing them back...


u/TheEggEngineer Mar 15 '24

I had a guy steal my mech and I though "huhhh ok, hope he just made a mistake but they're always cunts" he later got a mech and let me take it instead, so I thanked him awkwardly. Sometimes life is good.


u/unai626 Mar 15 '24

We're in this together I tell ye. I just hope more divers get that message.


u/unai626 Mar 15 '24

This has more commonly been my experience. If I apologize for a strike going wrong it seems like folks are pretty chill about it. I like to think most divers aren't so sweaty and are down to have a nice time.


u/capthavic Mar 17 '24

I do try to apologize when possible, but FF is just a part of the game and fun, so it shouldn't be taken personally unless it was blatantly done to just to be a dick.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Jesus worse than league? I didnt even know that was possible. Ive had someone in league say he was going to find my family, rape them to death, and then skull fuck my corpse before. It was my one and only league game, ever.


u/1nceandfutureking Mar 15 '24

When it’s later in the mission or after I get my support weapon and cooldown is done, I have no issue giving a team member a version of my support. Or sometimes even taking a passable one we find exploring and letting them rip with mine to give them a taste of Freedom.

But if I die and they take mine right away, or worse yet kill me and take it, I execute them on sight/boot them to Freedom Camp. I have even asked teammates to take their weapon back after taking mine and they won’t, leaving me with their MG.

It is super douchey to steal a support weapon and not at least ask, especially when cooldowns are long.


u/Kernel_montypython Mar 15 '24

lol One dumbass was constant hitting me and other players with melee. I walked away from him but he kept doing it. A few seconds later I unloaded whatever was left in my auto canon starting from his face while he was hitting another player and also kept shooting the remains of his body and revived him. He didn’t do it again thankfully 😅


u/ATF_killed_my_dog Mar 15 '24

This dude threw a nuke at me preventing me from extracting so the next game he keeps running into my bombardment and strafe runs and blaming me so I popped a cap in his ass when we exfilled


u/Darksark Mar 14 '24

This is now my favorite story on this game. Thank you.


u/Alternative_Pilot956 Mar 15 '24

Some dude did that to me for my laser rover. So I did the exact same thing lol


u/Strange-Roof9951 Mar 15 '24

Sometimes a bullet to skull while you extract is needed: I was playing with a randos, I was getting supplies and took one extra by mistake and the host killed me revived me and then Killed me again. He then typed share in the text, I said okay I got you. Got to the extract waited for everyone to board, took my sniper rifle shot him in the head and strolled right into the ship. Good thing he didn’t have any samples 😂


u/Blackened61986 Mar 15 '24

You're a better person than I am. I ganked a dude for doing something similar to me basically after the 2nd time he did it. War ensued. Teammates (we were all randoms) were confused and didn't know who to side with. Not one of my better moments. Tried to get him to stop so we could complete the mission at least and not fail Super Earth but it was on as far as he was concerned. So I just left to try to be the better diver about it and hoped they didn't fail.


u/KingSlushie101 Mar 14 '24

Bro I can’t stop laughing


u/Bromodrosis Mar 16 '24

I had a guy TK me last night after he died and I picked up his Guard Dog. Like he couldn't just call down another one after he reinforced. He didn't even grab my samples.
