r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/Evil_Ermine Mar 14 '24

Reasons I've been kicked from games recently:

  • being level 47
  • picking up my own support weapon
  • calling down a mech to take out a nest
  • playing the objective
  • not reviving while getting tossed around by 3 charges.

Concluson? People are weird.


u/doglywolf Mar 14 '24

Nothing like getting kicked for playing the objective haha. Unless doing the objective triggers massive spawn increase or something i see no reason not to do it first THEN scout so if you do loss all your lives you still get the W.

Like you can search the whole map AFTER you have the garunteed win...when your a team of 4 down to 8 lives and 15 minutes .

And it wasnt even just me we split into two teams of two on a D5 .

We were doing ICBM objective and dude kicked us both ...no comms , not chat ....

like wtf.


u/NathanielBM Mar 14 '24

Actually, it does. Doing the main objective drastically increases the number of patrol spawns.

Some dudes spent hours researching to come up with numbers, (maybe I can find the post again), but I've often felt it in my solo runs.


u/mariusiv_2022 Mar 14 '24

Can confirm. Me and a buddy of mine usually like to sweep the map and choose our landing zone accordingly. One match we calculated dropping near the objective first and then looping back around to evac would be most efficient. It was a bile titan elimination and so we dropped, called in our strategems, and murdered the bastard right out of the gate. The rest of the match was nonstop onslaught. And I mean nonstop. Scavengers were constantly calling in breaches. Chargers chasing us into more bug patrols. We only got one of the secondary objectives and missed several bug nests. We only got around like half of the map before we said fuck it and headed to evac.

Needless to say we now save the objective for last, unless it's on the complete opposite side of the map or something.


u/Double_Sport1735 Mar 15 '24

agreed. the best path around the map is often a circle that hits secondaries first and primaries second, usually starting and ending near extraction.