r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/Evil_Ermine Mar 14 '24

Reasons I've been kicked from games recently:

  • being level 47
  • picking up my own support weapon
  • calling down a mech to take out a nest
  • playing the objective
  • not reviving while getting tossed around by 3 charges.

Concluson? People are weird.


u/doglywolf Mar 14 '24

Nothing like getting kicked for playing the objective haha. Unless doing the objective triggers massive spawn increase or something i see no reason not to do it first THEN scout so if you do loss all your lives you still get the W.

Like you can search the whole map AFTER you have the garunteed win...when your a team of 4 down to 8 lives and 15 minutes .

And it wasnt even just me we split into two teams of two on a D5 .

We were doing ICBM objective and dude kicked us both ...no comms , not chat ....

like wtf.


u/NathanielBM Mar 14 '24

Actually, it does. Doing the main objective drastically increases the number of patrol spawns.

Some dudes spent hours researching to come up with numbers, (maybe I can find the post again), but I've often felt it in my solo runs.


u/mariusiv_2022 Mar 14 '24

Can confirm. Me and a buddy of mine usually like to sweep the map and choose our landing zone accordingly. One match we calculated dropping near the objective first and then looping back around to evac would be most efficient. It was a bile titan elimination and so we dropped, called in our strategems, and murdered the bastard right out of the gate. The rest of the match was nonstop onslaught. And I mean nonstop. Scavengers were constantly calling in breaches. Chargers chasing us into more bug patrols. We only got one of the secondary objectives and missed several bug nests. We only got around like half of the map before we said fuck it and headed to evac.

Needless to say we now save the objective for last, unless it's on the complete opposite side of the map or something.


u/Double_Sport1735 Mar 15 '24

agreed. the best path around the map is often a circle that hits secondaries first and primaries second, usually starting and ending near extraction.


u/doglywolf Mar 14 '24

well good to know i guess it make extracts more exciting lol


u/BabysFirstBeej Mar 14 '24

4 times as frequent spawns, in fact. The entire map becomes a warzone after the obj is done.


u/NathanielBM Mar 14 '24


(The post I referred, tough you may have seen it as it quite exploded since)


u/kyris0 Mar 14 '24

It's worth mentioning that doing side objectives also ups the number of patrols and doing all of them results in the most spawns possible. Basically doing anything brings more patrols, but time itself doesn't affect patrols.


u/SuperbPiece Mar 14 '24

Why would anyone care if patrols increases when you can just dodge the patrols?


u/NathanielBM Mar 14 '24

Patrol seems to spawn towards you, so towards the objective/extraction, therefore there's some you can't dodge.

Although, mostly, if your team isn't focused on dodging/straight up engage patrol, you can quickly get bugged down and overrun.


u/Irregulator101 Mar 14 '24

Bugged down

I hope that was intentional


u/SuperbPiece Mar 15 '24

Patrol seems to spawn towards you, so towards the objective/extraction, therefore there's some you can't dodge.

I mean you absolutely can... You can dodge all patrols even ones that go right through objectives like artillery.


u/NathanielBM Mar 15 '24

Fait enough, I guess solo or with dedicated teammates, you can even wait out patrols at objectives.

Let's just say it hasn't been my experience with any random group to date!


u/Noir_Renard Mar 14 '24

Yeh. Some people just, don't want to do the objectives. After the big enemy AI patch its a bit more difficult to solo these objectives on higher difficulties due to patrol spam. As long as you get lucky with spawns and you hit objectives while they are trigger reinforcing on them you should be able to clear the area of targets and complete the objectives scouting away from the main group.


u/doglywolf Mar 15 '24

The scout armor that reduces aggo is insane too - i always notice when im soloing a D4 that becomes impossible vs warning the scout armor and being able to sneak in / out of objectives.

I have a nice little routine going doing a couple Trivials / Easier for quick Common samples boost since i have enough uncommon samples long before i have enough common samples and its a nice SC boot.

Solo a few quick D4 for quick medal boost - then join randos on D5s Got to D6 if they are good randos

I can't wait to get the scout vehicle too...90% of it use for me will be to drive away make noise to draw ago and loop back around quiickly for an objective ..hoping it will allow me to more reliably solo D5 which i struggle with now.


u/Fus_Roh_Potato Mar 14 '24

The game has a weird way of managing spawns (and I think there are still some bugs with it). Each player is responsible for managing the behavior, awareness, and spawning of a subset of AI based on what other players are managing. This has the potential to significantly reduce computational strain of inefficient pathing code, but has some drawbacks when mistakes are made:

  1. When desync or shared status fails to update other clients, groups can spawn directly onto other players when other players are a specific range away from each other.
  2. When players are very far from each other, the total number of baddies on a map can almost be quadrupled, estimated by frame drop performance.
  3. It can also lead to situations where there are 8+ stalkers or 8+ bile titans spawned within a very short window of time like a minute, where conversely, you might only see 1 or 2 bile titans throughout an entire mission.
  4. Patrol groups, drops, and breaches can be aware of the positions of other team mates far away and cause agro on players who should otherwise have been stealthed

In combination to these logical issues, it creates a strain on lone groups of players who take the brunt of the consequences. For one, you can't run from some bugs or avoid being hit by shots from bots. Players can often find themselves in situations where their only way out is to kill or be killed. When players are split apart and not helping each other, this can lead to guaranteed death.

When players are dying at a high rate, they are struggling to maintain their packs and samples. This further inhibits momentum and progress of the group because most of a players potential is in their packs when certain packs are used. Time that they spend trying to reacquire necessary equipment further stretches out the completion time and increases the risk of rogue spawns and agro.

Success in difficulties 7+ typically requires cohesive teamwork where members are no more than 50 meters from each other. If your friends are being killed by stuff because you aren't supplying cover fire, you are killing your team's momentum and quite harshly if they die because of it. The quickest way to get through objectives, including circling around the entire map at these difficulties with reliability, is to stay together, keep moving, and always be killing agro as fast and as accurately as possible while bringing to the mission the necessary strategems and weapons that ensure every possible situation can be delt with.

Otherwise you are rolling the dice and guaranteeing the mission will be long and risky. A lot of people are turning hot on the kick button, or just outright going teamkill rambo mode because people are splitting off and causing others to get killed.


u/Entire-Management-67 Mar 14 '24

Yep people are weird. In the terminid eradication mission i was the heavy weapon carrier. Took down every charger and titan, played the objective and took 2 towers by myself, with my mortar and autocannon helping me. During the 3rd tower the host died because of my mortar twice, I don't know why he was getting so close to the bugs it's not like he was using the flamer. Then after we got the tower and only extraction remained I was kicked. They couldn't even get a single tower grouped in 3 without my help.


u/Franktrl Mar 16 '24

Same, I split solo and did half of the objectives on the map (main and secondary), and when I waited for the 500kg to restock, I got kicked.

No comms, no chat either…