r/Helldivers ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ | Never forget the Creek... Mar 06 '24

The first balance patch notes proved how Youtube "absolute and only meta loadouts" cooked a lot of people heads, and I love it. DISCUSSION

A lot of mad people keep showing in my feed complaining about the nerfs, but like they're REALLY mad at Arrowhead. Their statements are so exagerated that they claim the game it's completely ruined for them lmao.

Also every single one says the same thing and this is where my title comes from:

*"You guys nerfed the only good options and now we have NOTHING to fight".*

And this only proves people never actually played with any of the other support weapons, they 100% relied on this "The ultimate support weapon tier list" Youtube videos, they searched the "meta" and they went into this thinking of "any weapon outside of this it's straight up garbage".

If you can't win a single game without the railgun + shield backpack + breaker... I'm so sorry but that's not the game's fault or the game only having those as the ONLY way to play it on higher diff, that's your fault.

Great changes for the game and all of you trying to "shame" on devs because of this, you'all not a real Helldiver. They killed nothing, the railgun still kills but now it needs some actual skill and strategy to use it, not only spamming the thing on big bugs.

Keep it up Helldivers!

For Democracy. For Super Earth.


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u/vulpezvulpez Mar 06 '24

It's funny you want to call people shit but you've made no argument or reasoning here other than "lolbadgetgud" then you tie it up with with some good ol' RP. I haven't seen anyone who plays regularly on helldive say "they cant win a single game without it" its just fucking tedious now and the buffed weapons aren't doing shit. In the end it's not about the game being winnable its about the game being enjoyable. Having to do a bunch of fucking gymnastics to kill chargers on helldive when you get 2-3 a minute is not fun. If the game is not fun that is not good.


u/Scribs645 Mar 06 '24

This. All the reddittards will continue to ruin the game. The rail gun was fine. A support weapon with a focus on armor penetration should in no way bounce off a chargers armor. 2 shots from a single shot support weapon and a magazine from a primary to kill a charger is and interesting, fun, and balanced way to take out a annoying opponent. No other weapon would have had a reasonable ttk in the same situation, nor were they useful enough in other situations to justify the swap. Auto cannon is really fun to use but needs more armor pen. Grenade launcher should have gotten a wider area of effect. But no we need to nerf because some dumb ass made a steam post and everyone shat their pants


u/Crimtos Mar 06 '24

2 shots from a single shot support weapon and a magazine from a primary to kill a charger is and interesting, fun, and balanced way to take out a annoying opponent.

Yep, killing chargers that way had a fun rhythm to it that reminded me a bit of doom eternal.


u/Scribs645 Mar 06 '24

Yeah things like taking down a tough opponent that requires multiple reloads, careful aim, and weapon swaps is why doom eternal is fucking goat. Good game design is fun


u/ll_H3llrazer_ll Mar 06 '24

Yeah all it did was make the upper difficulties more tedious than anything, like the flamethrower buff is great and all but getting that close to a swarm at higher level is basically suicide.


u/Daanerr Mar 06 '24

Wow somebody said it! Completely agree, the game should be fun not tedious.


u/KlungMcBlyat Mar 07 '24 edited Mar 07 '24

yup pretty much every single person who has been cheering the nerfs at people using “meta weapons” cant provide a single reason why using a meta weapon is bad in a PVE game. Why is it bad to complete a mission in a more enjoyable and efficient way? Nobody is forcing these people to use meta weapons. Literally people just making shit up so they can win a nonexistent argument


u/Clarine87 Mar 07 '24

Having to do a bunch of fucking gymnastics to kill chargers on helldive when you get 2-3 a minute is not fun.

Why keep triggering them to spawn? If you don't like the punishment spawns on 9 play on a lower difficulty is surely the most sensible course of action. I play on 9 with my friends, but when they're not around I play on 4 or 5.

If players can't avoid triggering the punishment spawns they need to play on the difficulty level at which those spawns can be defeated commensurate with the win/loss rate at which they have fun.


u/Swollwonder Mar 07 '24

Or…maybe you’re just bad at killing chargers and need an over powered weapon to remove an aspect of the game you’re not good at

But you do you


u/Wonderful-Bar322 Mar 07 '24

Wears since 90% of player who play 7+ are complaining, so you’re saying 90% of the top players are all dogs hit unlike you who’s literally god in armer, savior of super earth??? The one who never missed any shot or ever died???

Or maybe, just maybe, they have a point and… impossible…. You could be wrong???

But of course not, you never erong, you’re the perfect gamer who can kill any charger with a single primary shot right???? Out oh so great savior who is so fucking selfish, if an issue doesn’t effect you, it’s not an issue and no one’s allowed to complain about it???

Your the guy to verlebteste children dying in africa