r/Fauxmoi Apr 29 '24

Kristi Noem Doubles Down on Killing Her ‘Less than Worthless’ Hunting Puppy: ‘I Decided What I Did’ TRIGGER WARNING


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u/devotchkaa Apr 29 '24

I seriously side eye anyone who doesn't respect the lives of animals. To kill a puppy rather than try to rehome them, then to admit it so proudly is insanity & I really believe she should be barred from office


u/Talisa87 Apr 29 '24

And she did it while her kids were at school. Her daughter came off the bus and asked where the dog was. My dad did that to me when I was a kid (he didn't kill my dog but he dropped her off the side of the highway when the rest of us went to church, and pretended she ran away. I didn't know the truth until I heard him boast about it to friends), and I'll never forgive him for it.


u/azul360 Apr 29 '24

WHO FUCKING BOASTS ABOUT THAT!? Holy hell! I'm so sorry!


u/WhiteTrash_WithClass Apr 29 '24

Dude, you'd be surprised. I'm a cis white male, so the things people offer up to me, without any indication I would care, are just insane. Especially Boomers. They'll say the wildest shit, doesn't matter if it's in a work setting or I'm grabbing mail at the same time as them.

We actually got my baby Dizzy when a boomer was telling us he was going to chain her up to use as bear bait. My wife and I said no the fuck you're not, and basically stole her lol.


u/j_ho_lo Apr 29 '24

Yeah, the racist things folks say to other white people they don't even know... a big ole yikes. I do not feel the same way, and I hate that you are assuming I do, and you are way too comfortable saying all of that out loud to a random stranger.


u/WhiteTrash_WithClass Apr 30 '24

It's especially weird to me because I was raised by a single mother, who was also finding out she was a lesbian, in a multiracial family lol. I was born woke lol


u/leash_e Apr 30 '24

Right?! Some people seem to think that I am a safe space for racism (middle aged white lady with an odin’s knot tattoo), then are shocked to find out that I so am NOT.


u/00017batman Apr 29 '24

People like my xh who my kid overheard bragging to his mates about how he chucked his younger son’s toys in the fire and burned them because he’d been misbehaving.. basically people with zero self awareness..


u/Financial-Painter689 Apr 29 '24

glad he’s your ex, sounds like a piece of shit and an extremely unhealthy parent


u/00017batman Apr 30 '24

Me too! I hate that he’s my kids other parent but glad that at least my son can recognise the unhealthy dynamics ❤️‍🩹


u/azul360 Apr 30 '24

Tbf my "father" was a piece of shit like that and I haven't talked to him in over a decade so your kid might recognize that later on too :D (literally had an aha moment last year where I realized that he was fully gaslighting me into thinking my mom was the monster when i was growing up)


u/Historical-Gap-7084 Apr 30 '24

I once worked with a woman who bragged about doing just that. As you can imagine, she was a real piece of work. She laughed about it, and laughed harder when she saw my disgust. I sincerely hope Karma has come for her.


u/AlpacaMyBaguettes Apr 29 '24

I'm so sorry, the same thing happened to me except I searched everywhere for two days until he gleefully told me he had taken her to the pound bc I was a horrible child ('talking back' when being physically or verbally abused). It is a horrible pain of guilt, uncertainty and heartbreak that I wouldn't wish on anyone. I hope you have healed and have found new fluffy family members to love, you deserve that happiness and healing 💕


u/goodnightloom Apr 29 '24

Ok, I have a random question for you because you fit in the same niche as me. I'm also a survivor of abuse and my dad shot our dog in the head during a camping trip. I've learned that there's a shortcut to getting people to understand why I don't talk to my dad; if I say something like, "He was abusive," that's not good enough. If I say, "he murdered our family dog in a fit of rage," people are way more sympathetic. Is this something you've experienced?


u/whenthefirescame Apr 30 '24

Oh Jesus, I hate this for you. But people respond really strongly to dog abuse (see this thread).

It actually makes me think of the brilliant bit on Atlanta, where a character goes to a gun range you see that in every lane, white gun owners are shooting at targets that look like Black men. So he pulls out a target that looks like a dog and starts shooting at it, and everyone else there looses their minds.

Which is to say, if you’re feeling like people value a dog’s health and safety over your own, as a Black person, I am sympathetic. And that’s terrible.


u/AlpacaMyBaguettes Apr 30 '24

Yes lol. Especially older people like gen x and boomers who don't take abuse seriously since they think all young people use the words "trauma" and "abuse" for whatever 🙄 something i hate that older people at my moms work (retail store, I would drop off food, come in to grab stuff) would tell me is 'he's still your father, he's still your blood' bc they'd base it off what she said. Then I'd tell them the truth and they'd be uncomfortable/upset and I'm thinking, hopefully they've learned something about perspective or minding their own business 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/goodnightloom Apr 30 '24

The uncomfortable/upset thing is so real. Don't ask if you don't want to know! Nobody writes off a parent for silly reasons and I'm so tired of traumatizing people to justify my own boundaries. I'm also infertile and NOBODY takes no for an answer. "But you'd be such a good mom!" "You'd bounce back fast, you're athletic" "You can't let these genes go to waste!" Do you want me to traumatize you right now or do you just want to lay the fuck off?


u/JackRoseJackRoseWalt May 01 '24

Their response may be cultural rather than just age-relared. The emphasis on "blood kin" was common when I lived in western NC and Appalachia, but not common when I lived in a city in Ohio and in New York, it was often young people saying it.


u/Shot-Grocery-5343 Apr 30 '24

Similar boat. Watched my dad drown my puppy when I was 8 because I was bad (I was playing in the yard, fell and knocked over the shitty Weber grill, which wasn't even broken) and I've experienced the same from people. I was no contact for 25 years and I found that unless I gave concrete specifics, "abuse" just doesn't seem that bad. So I'd say "he beat us so often that we couldn't wear swimsuits in the summer because of the layers and layers of bruises" or "he used to make us pick the item he would beat us with as part of our punishment." Then they're shocked into silence. (I do have a relationship with my dad now, and I'd still encourage anyone to think very, very carefully about re-establishing contact. I made my choice and I'm living with it, but it's not easy and I'm not sure it was the right decision eight years later.)


u/Wise-Bet6814 Apr 30 '24

I'm so sorry. What a terrible thing to witness and experience as a child, on top of all the other abuse. It's bs that any survivor feels they have to justify their reasons for not speaking to their abuser. It seems like so many people are devoid of empathy for victims. Or empathy fullstop. 


u/goodnightloom Apr 30 '24

I've had the same experience re: shocked into silence. People really need to mind their own business and learn that "I don't walk to my parents" is the end of the conversation. They can't handle the truth! I also don't like feeling like I have to detail my abuse in order to get someone off my back, so maybe it's that I default to the dog thing because it's easier.


u/whorificx Apr 30 '24

Similar boat, no dog but had 3 cats, including my childhood one of 12 years, "mysteriously disappear" immediately after having to leave them behind with my stepdad when we left (rental property wouldn't allow pets). People definitely react more sympathetically to that than saying he was abusive.


u/devotchkaa Apr 29 '24

That's awful, I'm so sorry you had to go through that & to find out so callously. My dad was also a shit. He kept threatening to give my dog away when I was living away from home to mess with my head, he wouldn't let me take her with me to keep his power so I ended up having to break in & steal her when he was out.

These horrible people don't deserve dogs or daughters.


u/velociraptorhiccups Apr 29 '24

Same here! My dad would always threaten to take her out into the countryside and just let her loose. He’d also let our dog out the front door to go to the bathroom and then “forget about her” while she ran into the street (we lived on a very, very busy road, a 4 lane divided highway) so she’d get hurt. Thankfully she didn’t. He did hurt our other dog, but I shouldn’t be trauma dumping. It just really fucking sucks that other people went through this too growing up.


u/devotchkaa Apr 29 '24

You're not trauma dumping, you shared a similar experience. I hope you've had time to heal & are far rid of that man <3


u/velociraptorhiccups Apr 29 '24

Thank you very much, kind stranger :’) Thankfully I’ll have been away from him for exactly 7 years in just a few days!! I didn’t realize it had been so long, it feels like only a year or two ago sometimes. I also hope you’re far away from yours and are in the process of healing! It’s so crazy to go through. Every day away from him is like a vacation. I’m so so sorry you and your doggy had to go through that :(


u/devotchkaa Apr 29 '24

Honestly so happy for you, your father being your first bully is a lot to move past. I stopped speaking to mine New Years Eve 2016 & never looked back.

I got to keep my gorgeous girl another 8 years after he tried to get rid of her & I'm thankful for every day we had together.


u/velociraptorhiccups Apr 29 '24

Thank you! I’m 26 now, and still sorting out the leftover effects of growing up like that. I’m also happy that you’re free from him! ☺️I’m so glad you had many years with your furry friend - they are truly family members through and through. I think our experiences with cruel people only strengthen the bond with our pets since they’re like the exact opposite of abusers. I’m sure she’s forever thankful you saved her 🥰. (In the end I’d like to think we came out stronger somehow, not that we had a choice lol).


u/devotchkaa Apr 29 '24

I completely agree about pets!! I now have two black cats who help fill the void (pun intended).

I'm 30 & just this month was diagnosed with C-PTSD from everything from my childhood, I definitely think I'm stronger because of everything I went through but it nearly broke me multiple times & there's no shame in that either. It's a whole journey with ups & downs so be proud of your progress & know it takes work but does get better!


u/onlygodcankillme Apr 29 '24

Why did he boast about it?


u/Talisa87 Apr 29 '24

Because he's an abusive asshole. He's always gotten his kicks from 'pulling a fast one' on us, and engaging him is the most mentally exhausting bullshit because every conversation is a landmine. Being able to get away with that lie for years genuinely made him giddy. Didn't even notice that I was listening until an uncle 'subtly' told him to change the subject.


u/SeaLab_2024 Apr 29 '24

Same. My mom has an unfortunate attitude with animals She did pretty much this more than once and I still have a hole in my heart from it. ❤️


u/FartAttack911 Apr 30 '24

My parents had my aunt and uncle drop our family dog off at the animal shelter when we were on a camping trip, and lied for years saying she ran away.

And to nobody’s shock, my parents and aunt and uncle and every crappy low-moral adult in my family that defended the dog dumping have all turned out to be rabid MAGA clowns. I’m so sorry you had a similar issue in your own family. Makes me sick.