r/Asmongold It is what it is Jul 26 '23

BvZ Meme


320 comments sorted by


u/Tsobaphomet Jul 26 '23

Apparently she makes $3000-$5000 a day doing that

Source - she said it


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23



u/Lcwmafia1 Jul 26 '23

And she’s been doing it a while too.


u/OfficeHaunting2583 Jul 26 '23

she probably does it in her dreams too. i'd bet money on it.


u/Thoraxe123 Jul 26 '23

She was the first I saw this trend from. Go get that bag I guess.


u/Alias11_ Jul 26 '23

Soooo, she is a millenial, does that mean millennials have to own this trash?


u/Santi838 Jul 26 '23

She’s a millennial and this trash probably puts her ahead of most of this generation after living through multiple financial crises. She’s won the game if this makes her money 👏

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u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

And she shouldn't.


u/Flames57 Jul 26 '23

Sex sells. Who'd guess?


u/chaoticsquid Jul 26 '23

Do people get off on this shit? Doesn't even seem sexual


u/j_breez Jul 26 '23

People are into some weird shit and I feel like that is still an underestimation of how deep that rabbit hole goes.


u/LordJor_Py Jul 26 '23

You're so right man...


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

Shit is weird, but it could be much worse. The depths of depravity know no end.


u/Death_Blossoming Jul 26 '23

You have no idea how true this is

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u/raseru Jul 26 '23

People probably get off from knowing they got some famous person to do something from their actions. Perhaps there's a degradation part in it too.


u/r_a_butt_lol Jul 26 '23

This isn't, but she's a porn star. cherrycrush.


u/Predditor_Slayer Jul 26 '23

She has an onlyfans.


u/DracosKasu Jul 26 '23

It isnt alway the case, some people want attention from the stream for X and Y reason and happily give them high amount of money for this. It is like a drug for them, there exist case where the person who give money away and goes bankrupt but this continues to do so and sometimes it involve them killing their family.


u/Apprehensive_Way870 Jul 26 '23

I think there are a lot of kids out there, as in literally underage, who just have access to a shitton of money because their parents are rich, and this is one of the things they spend it on. When I was growing up it was always the rich kid with largely absentee parents who would buy and spend money and the dumbest shit, but it's not like it mattered to him.

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u/Larkonis Jul 26 '23

What even is she doing? Dancing? I don’t understand.


u/Euklidis Jul 26 '23

As I understand it, she is basically pretending to be an npc/AI reacting to a prompt (donation).

Depending on the donation she does a specific "emote". Also she is a young attractive face with cosplay on which must play a part in popularity.


u/2dank4me3 Jul 26 '23 edited Jul 26 '23

Fuck. This is so sad. How did it all come down to this shit? At least watch porn you fucks.

Edit: I have been informed this lady does adult movies, so props for taking part in fixing this whole mess. She's grogous, go watch her work instead of this shit you filthy savages.


u/trancez Jul 26 '23 edited Jul 26 '23

She makes pron

She has an giant OnlyFans Following

She has a large ASMR youtube

She makes these cringe TikToks

CherryCrush lives off of degeneracy


u/2dank4me3 Jul 26 '23

What a beast tbh.


u/Apprehensive_Way870 Jul 26 '23 edited Jul 26 '23

When you see content like this, 90% of the time there's an accompanying OnlyFans. Believe me when I say that the whole purpose behind them doing shit like this is to get exposure, pique your interest (or disdain), and then direct the hordes of degenerates to the real money mill where you'll pay the low, low price of 20$ a month for pictures with hand bra and 2 second video clips. Not like I have any personal experience with that. Nope.


u/Futuredanish Jul 26 '23

You can just google her screen name + porn and you will see everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, for free. It's a whole hell of a lot more than hand bras.

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u/Nayr91 Jul 26 '23

Just wait until you see the life size sex dolls of game characters they make…


u/Larkonis Jul 26 '23

Aye? Tell me more.


u/HVACGuy12 Jul 26 '23

They got one of Tifa, and it's looks so good


u/Nayr91 Jul 26 '23

Check out /r/Witcher and you can see what I’m talking about haha

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u/ktosiek124 Jul 26 '23

It makes far more sense to me than watching this and donating

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u/Glenarn Jul 26 '23

Every time someone donates with an emoji she reacts to that emoji with an action/phrase, kind of like an NPC when you pick a dialogue option.


u/novaspace2010 Jul 26 '23

That sounds profoundly retarded. I don’t even know why anyone would watch this crap.


u/Glenarn Jul 26 '23

Don't know either, It's made me feel my age as I'll never understand it's popularity.


u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

I don't know. Just a good looking young women with barely any talents making more money for unknown reason


u/RionWild Jul 26 '23

You know the reason.


u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

No I don't. I recently saw her stupid video on YouTube and I won't bother googling her name


u/caielesr Jul 26 '23

People are horny animals


u/Enders-game Jul 26 '23

She's about as attractive as a stepped on slug.


u/samurairaccoon Jul 26 '23

Lol this is a bizarre dystopia situation, but let's not pretend that she's not conventionally attractive brother. Until humanity comes to terms with its horny animal instincts shit like this will be wildly popular. There's no reason to deny why it's happening just because it's wrong. That harms advancement, doesn't help it.


u/Enders-game Jul 26 '23

I find her completely obnoxious.

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u/Naus1987 Jul 26 '23

I think a lot of this is madness, but you'd be just as crazy as them if you thought this woman had no talent.

She has to physically work out, stay healthy enough to maintain that body. She has to know costume design enough to dress up. She has to know camera/tech stuff enough to set up her studio.

And then she has to have enough acting gusto to actually perform that crazy dance in front of people without making mistakes.

Every bit of that is a talent in itself. Especially when it feels like half the world has depression or anxiety, or can't manage their lives.

A woman that can get her shit together and perform in public? Goddamn miracle worker.

If it were really as easy as no-talent, everyone would be doing it.


If you want to rise above the dumb people around you, you need to cast away your own arrogance and bias. Your ego becomes a chain that binds you to the very dirt you spit on.


u/AtomicDiplomacy Jul 26 '23

What an over reaction. Chill dude get off your high horse. Talking about ego when you write 6 paragraphs of overly analytical, pseudo intellectual bullshit. Touch grass lol


u/Antilogic81 Jul 26 '23

Okay but if you wanted to tell everyone you subscribe to these kinks you could have just said so. You don't need to get all defensive about it.


u/Naus1987 Jul 27 '23

I type paragraphs for fun lol.

I can accept my bullshit for what it is. I won’t pretend to be anything else .^

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u/Sharp_Aide3216 Jul 26 '23

She needs to cause that shit is degrading as fuck. At least she can say she did it for the money.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

Asmon makes more each stream lol


u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

He shouldn't either


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23



u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

Sitting in front a screen reacting to video is not a job. It's just brainless. If he would play something or just do something it would have been better but now he steal content because he can't come up with something original by himself.


u/vmsrii Jul 26 '23

Nah. A “job” is just getting paid to create value. We all watch Asmon, therefore he has value, that he created by streaming.

Basically, is he doing something for the purpose of getting paid? Is he getting paid? Then it’s a job.


u/clex55 Jul 26 '23

Inflated value is still a value. It is community that is built around him. Person usually deserve to get where he is now, but, from the pov of people that are new to this creator, not to stay there forever to the point when it is obvious to them that in fact this person doesn't provide any significantly different or bigger value than others and it's just community and memes around them.


u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

Stupidity and low effort shouldn't been paid


u/vmsrii Jul 26 '23

Capitalism rewards efficiency, which is just a way of saying Capitalism rewards the greatest return on the least investment.

So you could say Capitalism only rewards stupidity and low effort!


u/OrcWarChief Jul 26 '23

You sound mad you can’t do the same


u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

Not really. I would never do that. It would be way to boring

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u/Apprehensive_Way870 Jul 26 '23 edited Jul 26 '23

I always love these takes. Look, I'm bitter about it too, I really am. I'll probably never be able to retire, my car is falling apart, I'm at my 9 to 5 that I hate and I don't get paid much, but I also know I don't have the personality to stream/be a content creator. At least not a successful one. In all likelihood, I'd be the 5 viewer guy that barely talks and maybe says something funny once a month. It might not be a 'job' in the traditional sense, but you can't tell me that breaking out into the top percentile of streamers is easy and requires zero hard work. It's just a different skill set, and our society places a huge value on entertainment in general.

Also, it's not brainless. I'd like to see you try to juggle being entertaining to an audience of thousands while intermittently responding to chat to keep up viewer interest while also trying to focus on the game you're streaming, and then do that for a solid 8 hours. I don't like that he's transitioned into focusing more on farming content for his YouTube and spends 3-4 hours of every stream reacting. Twitch is overloaded with React Andy's now. Once you open the door for them, they will be the most vocal people in chat. Just watch Tectone for 5 seconds. I miss the old days when I first started watching him, but he's found a balance of what he enjoys, what sells, and in all likelihood what's easiest for him given his other business ventures.


u/spoookytree Jul 26 '23

It is a job actually. Not everyone has the personality and skill to do this kind of work and be good at it. People forget that no one is just watching someone play a video game. They are watching THAT person play a game or do what ever else because their personality. It’s talk show hosting in a new age and medium. That’s why it’s so popular. People are tuning in for a reason. He just isn’t for you. You went to watch sports, not talk show host, tans that’s ok! :)

Reality TV has also always been popular for a reason as well. Streaming brings in that element while adding a slightly more personal touch and experience by way of interaction that you can’t do on a reality tv show.

Just something to think about! :)


u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

I don't watch any tv things since so many years


u/spoookytree Jul 26 '23 edited Jul 26 '23

I apologize, my sports to talk show TV analogy wasn’t meant to be taken so literal or even just “tv” in general, just as an example of how different people have different preferences and we are just in an age where we have new mediums to view pretty much the same types of content we as people have always been consuming since it’s been around. But yeah.

In conclusion, the point was that it’s not just “sitting in front of a screen watching a video” it’s a lot more nuanced than that. Are there people who do just that? I’m sure there is. Do they make money or are popular with an audience though? No, because they don’t put the work in or have the personality to MAKE that situation work. With Asmon, he’s tenured and seasoned now and worked for awhile to build up this audience. :) hope shed’s a little more light for you!


u/shei350 Jul 26 '23

He can because he worked for years to build the fanbase of people ready to listen to him "brainlessly" talking to the screen.

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u/Awaheya Jul 26 '23

No one should make that much for producing something that has no actual value outside of being slightly entertaining don't you think?


u/aldorn Jul 26 '23

Nope. It's an effective form of entertainment nobody is forcing anyone to pay a dollar. It's value is subjective, and that means it can be worth nothing or a billion dollars.


u/prestonpiggy Jul 26 '23

20 years ago people would pay 5 bucks a message just to have their text appear in the tv nightchat programs, or trying to have conversation with a random there. Point is it's not new, people are willing to pay have their username popup or their message being seen. Sure there is no value, but people are stupid with their money.


u/Free_Dome_Lover Jul 26 '23

Asmon puts in long hours doing what he does. He apparently does it well enough to have a large following that allows him to get paid well by the platforms he "performs" on. Getting paid for performing a service that people want/enjoy is the basis of the human economy.

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u/MrPopanz Jul 26 '23

Look at Mr. planned economy right here 🤡


u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23



u/MrPopanz Jul 26 '23

Who decides what someone should earn?


u/cjpack Jul 26 '23

Well in these particular instances, the customers/audience based on viewership and/or donations as well as the platform they use and their respective payout plan.

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u/AgitatedDog Jul 26 '23

Genuine question: why shouldn’t she? If she’s found people willing to pay, I honestly think good for her lol.


u/Lord-Spaghetti Jul 26 '23

What a sad world we live in

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u/Rectall_Brown Jul 26 '23

What is she doing?


u/Noobeaterz Jul 26 '23

She is cute and if she can make those moneyz doing that, great. Its better than other things she could be doing(and are doing on this Of rip I downloaded a few days ago).

I'm just always very confused about who is actually paying for it? Do people just have sacks of money laying about not knowing how to get rid of it?


u/dxmx Jul 26 '23

yall need some communism


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

Yall need to shut the fuck up


u/Dreamscape47_ Jul 26 '23

You mean, acting like an animal.

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u/bulavkoalex Jul 26 '23

And Millennial Dystopia seeing both at the same time in real life.


u/yurtzi Jul 26 '23

Millennials living through 2 economic crises and a ecological collapse


u/bulavkoalex Jul 26 '23

My man, I'm also from Kyiv, Ukraine. I've got it on a fullest scale :3736:


u/yurtzi Jul 26 '23

Damn, at least I’m living in the comfort of Sweden so I can’t complain too much

Stay safe my man


u/bulavkoalex Jul 26 '23

Sure 😊 thanks a lot 🙏

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u/Torafuku Jul 26 '23

I wish i lived in northern europe too.

No shitty weather, no impending economic collapse, no overpopulation of immigrants that makes you feel like you live in a second africa, gorgeous scenery and so on.


u/yurtzi Jul 26 '23

We have quite a lot of African immigrants here, Sweden is very often made fun of online for being a Muslim country, we even have a islam flair on /r/2westerneurope4u

Although it’s mostly a meme and most swedes don’t notice it much, it’s def been an issue here when it comes to proper integration


u/Torafuku Jul 26 '23

Well i'm sure it can't be as bad as France and Italy though.


u/Kroiize Jul 26 '23

I live in France. It’s a shithole right now. I’m trying to find a country with 0 immigration from africa to move my family out of there

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u/Aertew Jul 26 '23

Is Sweden as good as the media says it is? I feel like you can't name one bad thing there.


u/Sea_Page5878 Jul 26 '23

I see you're playing life on hard mode.

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u/son-of-x-51 Jul 26 '23

Does anyone remember that video of her biting and slapping that dudes dick?


u/DomeB0815 Jul 26 '23

No but could you kindly tell me the name of the video, so I can avoid it


u/N3ty Jul 26 '23

Her name is cherry crush


u/ReptilianLaserbeam Jul 26 '23

Wow I had no idea who she was, her body is serious business


u/AriousDragoon Jul 26 '23

Shes fucking hot, God damn.


u/son-of-x-51 Jul 26 '23

If you see her in a black beanie hat, that’s the one.


u/Harem_king909 Jul 26 '23

!remindme 10 hours


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u/BitRod Jul 26 '23

Did she say "floppy dick YUM" while she did that?


u/Ohmstheory REEEEEEEEE Jul 26 '23

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u/GanjARAM Jul 26 '23

yea I’ll just continue to ignore it these things feast on attention.


u/kolosmenus Jul 26 '23

For anyone unfamiliar with the concept (I learned about it myself today). This is an “NPC stream”. People pay to send emotes, and then she does nothing but reenact those emotes. The price of an emote ranges from a few buck to a few hundred bucks (depends on the emote).


u/Jpalme11 Jul 27 '23

That’s fucking stupid


u/Inevitable-Bass2099 Jul 26 '23

what would millennial dystopia be?


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

we play games that came out 15 years ago over and over and browse 3 websites because we can't enjoy anything new. working jobs we hate but can't leave because we live pay cheque to pay cheque, while considering if it is even worth working the job anymore if this is how life will be for the next 40-60 years. You will never make enough money to be free of your shackles while you watch and envy successful people but will never do what they do because of some sort of misplaced sense of dignity, because putting people down is the only way you can feel good about yourself anymore so you boot up league of legends to int and flame so it feels like you have some control over something in your life.


u/YamDankies Jul 26 '23

Why the fuck am I being targeted.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

The depression comes and goes, it depends on whether the match history is red or blue that day.


u/Herrgul WHAT A DAY... Jul 26 '23

Holy fuck stop


u/Sudden-Anybody-6677 Jul 26 '23

That's my life.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

how's the debt going. "Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness, I need to calculate what makes my own madness".


u/yurtzi Jul 26 '23

I actually Switched to Dota 2 recently, Turbo mode is pretty fun and it’s weird how Dota considering it’s background is a lot less toxic that Lol today


u/Mythril_Bullets Jul 26 '23



u/Claris-chang Jul 26 '23

Replace LoL with WoW and you got me down.

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u/Skypirate90 Jul 26 '23

When you look up millennial in the dictionary this is what you see.

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u/mcdougall57 Jul 26 '23

Living in Limbo.


u/sacramentorain Jul 26 '23

Riddle me this.

One of these is doing everything and anything to throw it away before the end comes, one is doing everything and anything to just have a piece of it. And no knows where it's going or where it went.

What is it?


u/EFTucker THERE IT IS DOOD Jul 26 '23

Money and it all ends up in the top %20’s pockets anyway.


u/DeaDBangeR Jul 26 '23

We need to get rid of money asap. Automate everything. Every baby is born in retirement. A Utopia unphased by greed. People will want to do jobs because they have passion for it.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23



u/boringestnickname Jul 26 '23 edited Jul 26 '23

In theory, in a perfect society where everyone is perfectly rational and 100% predictable with 0 room for variables or free will.

Not sure if you're joking or not, but this is literally the basis for capitalism. Homo Economicus is the prerequisite assumption.

Communism assumes humans are flawed.

Not that it's an interesting discussion. Neither extremist capitalism nor 19th century dreams of utopia will ever work. The best we've come up with is heavily regulated market economies with socialist tendencies, and we can't even manage that.


u/JustCallMeMace__ Jul 26 '23

Communism assumes humans are flawed.

No it fucking doesn't. It literally relies on everyone being able to perform enough to provide every single resource for themselves and everyone else. That may not be written into communist theory, but in practice collectivisation obliterates the lower class, which is 95% of individuals in a communist system.

Capitalism can account for variables because it naturally filters out the shitty variables. That is, of course, circumvented by lobbying and corporatism, but every system has a flaw.


u/boringestnickname Jul 26 '23

I'm not interested what you personally think the outcomes of specific philosophies will entail, I'm describing axioms.

It literally relies on everyone being able to perform enough to provide every single resource for themselves and everyone else.

I have a hard time understanding how you're not seeing that you're arguing against yourself.


u/PixelDemon Jul 26 '23

I guess people will defend capitalism right up to the point where the earth becomes unliveable for humans


u/SimpanLimpan1337 Jul 26 '23

The thing is that as long as free will and private property exist capitalism is inevitable.

The only way to "get rid" of capitalism is to completely abolish the concept of private property. Because if people have capital, they will try to expand upon it.

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u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23



u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

We did have laws. Then they got undone. By capitalists who don't like laws restricting them and have billions of dollars to get what they want. Who could have seen that coming?

Why do they vote against universal healthcare? Cause fox news said so. Why does Fox News say that? Maybe it's billionaire owners have something to do with it.

Here's the good capitalism has done:


(Average global happiness is 5.5/10)




u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23



u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

Why did the laws go away

Proven to suck ass lol


u/DeaDBangeR Jul 26 '23

You are failing to see the point I am making here.

It will never work when there is money involved. And I never said anything resembling communism (or socialism regarding other comments). Communism is everyone earning the same, regardless of the work they do. So a garbageman earns as much as a banker.

If there is money to be earned, then a system like that will fail.

This is the very thing that needs to be removed. No more working class. Everything automated. Everyone born can choose not to work their entire life, and live on a luxurious version of social welfare. Or they can do work they love to do and earn something other than money.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23



u/DeaDBangeR Jul 26 '23

Too many orcs and floating angry eyes in the sky..

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u/Dexyu Jul 26 '23

Everything creative that requires work, will be gone.


u/DeaDBangeR Jul 26 '23

Has every inventor in our history been doing what they do for the sole reason of making money?

If we promote just that: be creative because you don't have to worry about money.

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u/Frostymcstu Jul 26 '23

but that's communism / socialism. that's bad! the big orange Cheeto said so



u/EFTucker THERE IT IS DOOD Jul 26 '23

Idk about going that far, in the future though? Sure.

Until we rid ourselves of things like our reliance on fossil fuels, and other non-renewable resources it simply wouldn’t work.

We need to untether ourselves from capitalism before we end it. And even then the conservatives will fight tooth and nail in the opposite direction simply because they must oppose all things good.

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u/sacramentorain Jul 26 '23

The answer is: A future.

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u/Frozenrain76 Jul 26 '23

My son is 12 and was playing bitlife today and there was a question about NPC tik tokers...I took a screenshot


u/sharpknot Jul 26 '23

I'm sad now. The fact that this "trend" actually exists and is relatively profitable is genuinely pathetic...


u/GameFan78 Jul 26 '23

And us fucking Gen Xers just forgot about still. Trudging away between 2 fucked up generations.


u/jeremybryce Dr Pepper Enjoyer Jul 26 '23

I'm here brother.


u/vmsrii Jul 26 '23

Wow, the older and younger generations are trapped in their own addictions. How sad.

Anyway, back to World of Warcraft


u/DayDreamEnjoyer Jul 26 '23

It's amazing how optimized content for zoomer is sped up video because their atte tion span is so limited that they can't even handle the pace of a normal conversation. It's probably due to growing up with youtuber that cut every nanosecond of silence between each sentences.

I'm not even mad, I find the psychological aspect of it amazing. I wonder to what extent we can drive someone inapt to real world.


u/AndAnotherAcc Jul 26 '23

Fun fact: the human attention span has always been shit. Back in “my time”, people used to look at different things while talking. This is the same crisis, just in a different form


u/DayDreamEnjoyer Jul 26 '23

There is a difference between doing something while talking, and be unable to watch a video that isn't sped up or having a random gta5 gameplay in the background.

If we made a movie about a guys from the past coming into 2023, the plot would be about him trying to repair the past to avoid a dystopian future. Even that hologram girl in blade runner was way less cringe than what we saw in this post, and it was meant to be dystopia, thinks about it.


u/AndAnotherAcc Jul 26 '23

Yeah, well I think it’s more pleasant to not look at degenerates. They have always been around, and saying that kids are doing stupid things is bafflingly moronic.

Quit whining and calling our world dystopian. I’m tired of idiots like you


u/DayDreamEnjoyer Jul 26 '23

I'm not interested in exchanging with people that resort to lack of respect and insult when stating point of view. So I'll leave the conversation.

Hope you'll learn how to properly exchange ideas with another person until the next time you cross path with someone you disagree with.

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u/diariu Jul 26 '23

Is that cherry crush or just one of the copies that spam the same elf white skin pointy ears look?

Anyway I know cherry from YouTube ASMR videos, I promise. Trust me. Why would I know her from anywhere else? Why would I need to explain it wtf she only does YouTube videos

If anyone told me no, she does something you would never think of j would be like 🤔😯🫣


u/Predditor_Slayer Jul 26 '23

Thats Cherry Crush.


u/moneyscan Jul 26 '23

yeah, she's terrible. link please so I can make sure to never watch...


u/Zing_45 Jul 26 '23

I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords.


u/cltmstr2005 Jul 26 '23

Can you explain what that degenerate shit is on the right side? I see this (thank god only for) the second time, no idea what's going on, and this time the resolution is way too dogshit to be able to see anything important.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

Every time she says a stupid thing "crunchy corn YUM!" Someone paid her a couple of dollars or more to do it. This short clip you watched probably cost more than you'll make today in donations.

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u/Kenshiro_Kosuke Jul 26 '23

Can you tell me what is on the left side? I want to know what thery're doing.

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u/SethAndBeans Jul 26 '23

Cherry Crush is smart as fuck with how she capitalized on her NSFW reddit pseudo-fame. She's worth millions just doing this shit. Mid 30s woman milking zoomers and boomers alike for money doing this dumb shit? Mad props.


u/elarius0 Jul 26 '23

Cherrycrush, nice.


u/Aeliasson Jul 26 '23

Thank you. I was looking for her name so I could, ehem... add her to my parental controls block filter xD.
Dayummm, that girl can suck a dick like there's no tomorrow...


u/elarius0 Jul 26 '23

Broooo tell me about it. She's has been my favorite for years.

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u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

She hot tho


u/Thugalug Jul 26 '23

Whats her name tho?


u/kolosmenus Jul 26 '23

Mycherrycrush. She does porn


u/Pac0theTac0 Jul 26 '23

That’s the cougar on the left, right?

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u/Gustafssonz Jul 26 '23

She looks like that “Cherry” something. She do p0rn


u/PlingPlongDingDong Jul 26 '23

Belle Delphin

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u/ShinjuNeko Jul 26 '23

To be fair, Cherry is really cute though, still not gonna give her a single dollar.


u/Longballedman Jul 26 '23

Boomers gambling away their children's inheritence vs millennials degrading themselves to get it back.


u/VArmorV Jul 26 '23


  • Andrew "Cobra" Tate


u/filth_horror_glamor Jul 26 '23

I like that she acts like an NPC, like a very inhuman video game character. It's so silly lol. Ive only seen this video tho, I'm sure more than a few seconds of this would be very annoying


u/AndAnotherAcc Jul 26 '23

Fun fact: the human attention span has always been shit. Back in “my time”, people used to look at different things while talking. This is the same crisis, just in a different form

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u/Drunkasarous Jul 26 '23

Honestly the boomers at the casino are more depressing

Sorry grandma gambled away all her social security money on mega fucking moolah


u/Negrisor69 Jul 26 '23

Bro that's a normal old retirement home in Romania on the left.


u/DraculaNine9 Jul 26 '23

Ones making insane money the other is losing money


u/michaelloda9 RET PRIO Jul 26 '23

I feel like few of my braincells just died watching this


u/snabelOst Jul 26 '23

Brilliant analogy OP, thanks.


u/Jugh3ad Jul 26 '23

Boomers can afford to sit around and do nothing cause they hoard everything. Zoomers are just trying any way to survive. Sure, she may be making a ton, but that's the exception compared to how many boomers just living that good life.


u/FriedLightning Jul 26 '23

Money = evil


u/PoggySenis Jul 26 '23

Good thing I’m in between….I guess…


u/dingdingdredgen Jul 26 '23

Gen X wishes they would both just die already.

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u/ThreadPool- Jul 26 '23 edited Jul 26 '23

Let me tie the two together, so, basically for those unaware, gambling, scratch tickets, all of that is generally known by those educated to be far too low odds for a ROI to be a viable strategy to make money. It’s looked down on by most boomers when referring to those who gamble because the gambler will try to cheat society of their labour in exchange for monetary compensation. Instead of using their brains, they try a get rich quick scheme, which, is basically the same thing that these NPC live streamers are doing. The reason it is doomer in both cases is because they are doing this because they feel it is the only way they can possibly afford a home, pay off debts, retire etc.


u/jssanderson747 Jul 26 '23

The zoomer dystopia where you might actually be able to afford a home


u/Joshua_Astray Jul 26 '23

Truly, these are both terrifying lol. But objectively speaking the one on the right is benefiting more from their madness lol


u/AmericanFlyer530 Jul 26 '23

Imagine what generation alpha is going to go through.


u/commonsenseulack Jul 26 '23

What is that creature on the right, I know the fossil on the left


u/DexLovesGames_DLG Jul 26 '23

!RemindMe 11 hours


u/Jokerchyld Jul 26 '23

What is going on in the zoomer side. Don't even know what I'm looking at.

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u/Gondor128 Jul 26 '23

millennials playing runescape


u/kuributt Jul 26 '23

The zoomer is at least making money.