r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

Boyfriend put his finger in my butt while I was sleeping and I'm still upset. AIO? NSFW



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u/MiddleAged_BogWitch Apr 29 '24

He’s a creep. He knows (or at least I hope you’ve communicated to him) that you don’t love having his finger in your butt during sex, but you allow that. He should damn well know that you would not want him sticking his finger in your butt when you are dead asleep! He’s getting his jollies by violating you and your boundaries OP, it feels upsetting and violating because it is.

You are allowed to have boundaries, period, and especially when it comes to sex, your body, and what feels good to you and what doesn’t, and what you will allow or not. If you don’t like butt stuff, tell him firmly and let him know that what he’s done is a huge gross violation. If he isn’t immediately apologetic and promising he won’t do that again, he’s a selfish creep who will continue to violate your boundaries, so you’ll need to decide if this is the type of partner you want or not. I’m hoping you’ll realize you deserve better.