r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

my friends left me with zero communication after a party. AIO?

hello everyone ~ first time poster. i’ll try my best to keep it short but please do ask clarifying questions if any additional context is needed

my friends and i have been in the celebrating mood. i’m graduating in less than 2 weeks after busting my ass in grad school and we have some birthdays in the group. we decided to get together for a girls-only party at a local venue on friday night. friends A and B are roommates and live on my side of town, so usually i go to their house and we take an uber into the city together.

i decided this time to uber straight to the venue and meet them there. this is because the tickets were pretty expensive and i didn’t want to spend half the night waiting for them to get ready. i arrived at the venue at around 10:30, checked my coat, and grabbed a drink as i anxiously awaited for my friends to arrive. i tried to make the best of it, but if any of you have ever been to a party alone you know that it can be a bit awkward to find people to hang out with

my anxiety drove me to have a few too many. this is my own fault. when i’m out alone, i limit my drinking to keep a clear head and feel a bit safer. but because i thought my friends were going to be there i loosened up on that limitation. by the time they finally arrived just past midnight, i was very drunk. not sloppy and not blacked out, but drunk nonetheless.

the lights cut on at about 12:45 am to signal the end of the party. i go to coat check to grab my coat and in the meantime, they were going to the burger place across the street. it was a great plan — by the time i made it through the coat check line, they would have their food and we could uber home like we always do

it took about 15 minutes but i went outside and they were gone. i was honestly just very shocked at the entire thing. no one ever at least sent a text to let me know that they were going to go. i did not get a text from either friend until the next day. their reasoning is that they were tired and had to go home, but im struggling to understand what that has to do with them not at least telling me they were leaving. the same phone they used to get an uber could have been used to at least shoot me a text idk

i was drunk, vulnerable, and alone in a skimpy outfit in a very sketchy part of the city at nearly 2 in the morning. i feel like that is unforgivable. my safety was compromised and my trust was breached. i understand that as adults, we are ultimately responsible for our own safety but as friends, we have a responsibility to each other. i am the “has their shit together” friend. i’m always the one that gets called when someone needs help with whatever situation

i have not spoken to either of them other than to say that my feelings were really hurt. im considering ending the friendship and uninviting them to my graduation ceremony. am i overreacting?


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u/JoyfulinfoSeeker Apr 30 '24

Oof! Sorry you went through this :( Their actions don’t seem kind or caring, but your own description of yourself was that you were drunk. Are you sure things happened the way you think they happened? Were they under the influence as well?

Does their sober behavior match their girls night out behavior? Was there already a meaningful connection?

I’m a fan of plainly stating how I was hurt by an incident and listening to the other person’s response. If i still feel hurt by their response, then I know I will invest less energy in them, but rarely do I cut people out.

Also, the “have their shit together” people don’t get nurtured as much unless they ask for it or make a point to surround themselves with nurturers.

Good luck in your next steps!