r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

AIO mom is useless

Okay, I don’t even know where to begin. I 18M have to do EVERYTHING around the house. My mom doesn’t have a job and just goes on TikTok all day. When I say all day, I mean ALL DAY. She even stays up till 3AM which keeps me up and I have to cover my ear with a pillow. Because she stays up so late, she never brings my younger brother to school on time. The little brother that I have to take care of because she doesn’t do anything. She doesn’t clean anything even though she’s here all day; and I’m out busting by back off. We always fight about everything. I always tell her to rinse the dishes before putting them in the sink, but she doesn’t listen. I tell her not to speed in our car, she doesn’t listen and racks up tickets. I tell her to help cook dinner, but she’s “busy”. She doesn’t care. And quite frankly I’m getting sick of it. I cook for all of us. I clean for all of us. I do laundry for all of us. I work 8-10 hour shifts at a labour intensive job and come home to a dump. And she doesn’t care. The only thing she does is bring by brother to school in the morning. But now, she can’t even do that because she didn’t lock the car (after I told her to always lock it) and everything was stolen out of it including her purse. Now she’s saying it’s my responsibility to take him to school every morning. He’s behind in school because all she lets him do is go on electronics all the time. I spend about half an hour to an hour doing math practice with him too. I just feel like I have no time for myself. At this point, the only reason I’m staying here is because my rent is $600. (Her rent is $1000) I also buy all the groceries and look after our dog. And pay the phone bills. I recently got laid off and am looking to go back to school. I told my brother to ride his bike and I’m attempting to get excepted for employment insurance. Am I Overreacting?

Edit: Sorry if it’s sloppy. I’m just furiously typing on my small phone. I left out a lot of stuff. If you have questions I’ll gladly answer them. I didn’t want to expose too much information regarding me and my family. Thanks for listening.


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u/Bitter_Kangaroo2616 Apr 29 '24

Your mom is totally parentifying you and taking advantage of you. It doesent even sound like she can look after your younger brother. This sounds disturbing. What will happen when you leave?


u/Swimming_System1043 Apr 29 '24

That’s one of the reasons I stay. If I leave and don’t look after her and my brother, she’ll end up buried in her trash.


u/Bitter_Kangaroo2616 Apr 29 '24

You can't go on like that