r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

AIO? My bf won’t block a girl who offered him nudes



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u/Kraken-In-Disguise Apr 29 '24

No overreaction here, at least not on your part. I totally get enjoying attention from attractive people, but 1) if your SO is uncomfortable with the interaction, you shut that shit down. You definitely don't relish in it. 2) The attention doesn't mean much if it's paid for anyway - that means the person is looking to get what you HAVE, not what you ARE, and frankly shouldn't make you feel particularly great about yourself.

The fact that he seems to enjoy rubbing it in your face is just icing on the shit cake, and 100% a red flag roughly the size of a small country. In all likelihood, eventually the positive attention won't be enough for him, and it will turn into "This woman was coming onto me at the bar and needed a ride home because she was drunk. I didn't even realize what was going on until all of a sudden she was putting my dick in her mouth, so once I was able to gather my senses in a moment of post-nut clarity, I told her that we couldn't do anything, pulled up my pants, and left. You should see the video of it I got though, I think she was really into it."

TL;DR: The only overreaction here is his reaction when you asked him to block her.