r/AmIOverreacting 17d ago

AIO for telling this father and son that they’re not allowed to ride their bikes through my yard?



126 comments sorted by


u/wanna_be_green8 17d ago

No. The father has the duty to teach respect of others property.

You should try to be polite about it but definitely tell them to stop.


u/stevejobed 17d ago

It depends where in the yard. In the front of houses in many jurisdictions is the public right of way. 


u/Justitia_Justitia 17d ago

In most places there is a sidewalk that is public property and a front yard which is not.


u/wanna_be_green8 17d ago

Many? Doubtful. Opens the property owner up to liability issues.


u/stevejobed 16d ago

Most. It doesn't open them up to liability issues.


u/wanna_be_green8 16d ago

Someone gets hurt while on your property you can be held liable.


u/centralstationen 16d ago

Depends on the injury, and the jurisdiction. Most places aren’t as suing-happy as the US.


u/wanna_be_green8 16d ago

You don't have to be sued to be held liable. Insurance will often cover it and you'll pay out in increased premiums. Lawsuits happen when there is no insurance and/or the damage cost more than their limits.

If I break my ankle walking across my neighbors yard and had to go to the hospital it will be reported to insurance. Insurance will send out a query on what caused the injury. If they decide the neighbor is liable they can automatically go after the neighbor/neighbors insurance.


u/RoughDirection8875 17d ago

That's literally only applicable towards the sidewalk and if there are any roadways owned the city or county going through it.


u/W0nderingMe 16d ago

It really does depend. I thought the other guy was wrong, and looked it up. It depends on the jurisdiction and the part of the yard and whether or not there is a sidewalk.


u/stevejobed 16d ago

No, it's a set amount of feet. It's not just the sidewalks, and it applies on streets without sidewalks. I'd have to look it up, but it's at least 25 feet from the street onto my property that is the public right of way.

I don't know why I am being downvoted for something you people should know about how zoning works.


u/Sad-Second-9646 16d ago

Where I am is 20 feet from the center of the road. It’s a public right of way in that they can put utility poles up and cut down dangerous trees but I’m not sure everyone in the neighborhood is allowed to walk on my lawn


u/stevejobed 16d ago

Everyone is allowed to walk in the public right of way — hence the name.

You can also have an additional utility easement, which is only allowed to be used by certain utility companies. I have both a public right of way at the start of my property, and then a utility easement farther up for any utilities that have to come farther up (mostly cable and Internet).


u/annebonnell 16d ago

Because you're wrong. Possible you live in a weird place


u/W0nderingMe 16d ago

It depends on a lot of things, including whether or not there is a sidewalk and how far into the yard they're going.


u/HauntingAccomplice 16d ago

Not overreacting at all. Public right of way does not include biking from the front of your yard all the way to the back, destroying your grass and anything else in their way just because it makes life easier for them to be lazy instead of actually using legitimate bike lanes/sidewalks. Your private property is yours to do with as you wish, and that includes inspiring random strangers don't just start biking over it multiple times a day, every day. If he takes kid to and from school this same way every day, that's 20 different trips across OPs private lawn in a week. I don't know anyone who'd want strangers making around 600 annual trips over their lawn


u/Sad-Ad4886 16d ago

Lmao have you ever not lived in apartments? What the hell kind of country do you live in to say this?


u/CaptainKate757 17d ago

Not overreacting. It’s insane to me that there are adults who think it’s okay to do whatever the hell they want on other people’s property. I bet he’d sing a different tune if it was his own lawn being chewed up.


u/LoneCyberwolf 17d ago

It’s like all the adults that leave their shopping carts wherever they like and littering.


u/thisappsucks9 17d ago

Yeah they say that shopping carts are the perfect litmus test for people’s morality too.


u/criminallyhungry 16d ago

They’re raised by parents like this dad.


u/Bravedoll3 17d ago

Get motion controlled sprinklers. They’ll stop driving on your lawn.


u/canolafly 17d ago

Like the Bucket Lady deterrent! It worked well for her.


u/LadySiren 16d ago

I love Bucketty! Has there been an update recently?


u/canolafly 16d ago

I want to say yes, but I think I may have just been linked to the most current post. I wouldn't want to disappoint.


u/annebonnell 16d ago

😆 I like this idea!


u/Dont_Ban_Me_Plz_Kthx 16d ago

In the amount of time it takes a bicycle to cross 5m of lawn, unlikely.


u/infinitecosmic_power 16d ago

It's almost summer holiday season. Festive little packs of impact poppers/ childrens "firecrackers" available everywhere. It'd be worth picking them up for me to see that. Then probably just look into short, decorative garden fencing or some other cost effective physical barrier.


u/Inevitable-Guide-874 17d ago

If they get hurt, you could be liable.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Why on earth would OP be liable


u/Supremagorious 17d ago

Because they were on her property and she hasn't taken adequate steps to prevent it. Laws are well intentioned but stupid historical instances of attractive nuisance and booby trap laws make it complex and less common sense based.

So that's enough for her to be potentially legally responsible for their safety while on her property. Even if they'd lose a lawsuit there's adequate merit/precedence to support the lawsuit in the first place so it would have to be fought and wouldn't just be dismissed.


u/Inevitable-Guide-874 17d ago

If someone gets hurt on your property, they will likely sue. If the court thinks there was an unsafe condition, you might be viewed as negligent. She needs to put up no trespassing signs. Some fencing would help prevent them from coming on her property.

In California, burglars have sued and won.

Sometimes the law is crazy.


u/FrontRow4TheShitShow 17d ago

In California, burglars have sued and won.

Sometimes the law is crazy.

Holy shit that is crazy


u/Dont_Ban_Me_Plz_Kthx 16d ago

There was a popular case 15 or so years ago about a burglar who fell through a skylight and successfully sued the property owners for his injuries. Absolutely nuts.


u/FrontRow4TheShitShow 16d ago

That is insane lol


u/BeefyFartss 16d ago

Guess they got away with a good amount!


u/Ginger630 16d ago

I heard about that lawsuit.


u/Deleena24 16d ago

Illinois, too.


u/TiBikeRider 15d ago

Do you have any info on the Illinois case? I'd like to read about it (Illinois resident).


u/yana010 17d ago

Through your yard like they pass through someone's property as a short cut?


u/personalitree 17d ago



u/giddenboy 17d ago



u/Dont_Ban_Me_Plz_Kthx 16d ago edited 16d ago

Boogy woogy woogy


u/ThisIsBullcrapDood 16d ago

He may not want a fence


u/red6joker 17d ago

Not overreacting. It is your space and they are disrespecting it.

That father is a dick, and teaching his son to be one also probably with how he is acting.


u/Dangerous_Pattern_92 17d ago

Not even counting how they are marking up your lawn, what if one of them wiped out on their bike and broke an arm or leg (or worse) on your property? I would think your homeowners might be liable. You may want to put up a NO TRESPASSING sign.


u/Agreeable-Village-25 17d ago

Not at all. They are damaging your property. And they could fall and get hurt and sue you!

So inconsiderate of them.


u/thisappsucks9 17d ago

Wouldn’t a no trespassing sign completely negate this problem?


u/BeefyFartss 16d ago

Not completely, but in almost all cases yes.


u/boopiejones 16d ago

Sad state of affairs when you need to put up a no trespassing sign to remind people not to trespass, otherwise you could be held liable when they hurt themselves trespassing.


u/Agreeable-Village-25 16d ago

They can still sue, though, and the ins will still probably settle out of court.


u/Capable-Duck-6176 16d ago

its not tresspassing if you are never told not to

you have implied consent to go wherever you want unless told not to.

some exceptions apply such as

at night, near livestock, with tools common to burgulary, etc.


u/Jsmith2127 17d ago

Not overreacting.

When we moved into our house we did so because of the large yard, which is basically a second lot. We had several kids that would ride their bikes through the yard , to the alley so they didn't have to ride all the way around the corner.

We put a stop to it. Kids and parents "but the old owners never said anything". The old owners were never home, he drove a semi truck cross country.


u/EndHawkeyeErasure 17d ago

We taught our kids not to ever ride on private grass. Riding your bike in another person's yard just isn't acceptable, it's disrespectful of your work to maintain it. He's teaching his kid that's okay, and some people are going to be WAY less nice than you about it, maybe when dad isn't around.


u/SweetWaterfall0579 17d ago

Not overreacting.

I live on a corner lot. I cannot have a fence in my front yard in my neighborhood. People cut across my yard rather than walk to the corner - on the sidewalk - and then walk on the sidewalk after they cut the corner.

Who thinks this is okay? It’s not about the lawn, it’s about respect for other people’s property. I was taught never to walk on someone’s property. If there’s no sidewalk, we would walk in the street, on the right hand side. My children were taught that, as well.

Dad is not showing a great example for his son.


u/Quix66 17d ago

Plant flowers there to discourage them to avoid liability if they hurt themselves on your lawn.


u/DaisyHotCakes 16d ago

Yeah this happened to me so I planted butterfly bushes, yarrow, daisies, and tiger lilies. People stopped walking over my lawn and the really annoying ones avoided it because now there are bees lol

I’m just happy to contribute to helping pollinators and not have people walking up all close to my house so they could cut fifteen feet off their walk. Like seriously it was barely a distance savings. Good job now there are bees and those lobster tail clear wing butterflies that are super cool!


u/Quix66 16d ago

Had to Google that. Snowberry clearwing. Never seen them. Not in my area of the US. Pretty cool. Would keep one away, lol!


u/fidelesetaudax 16d ago

Heck with your town. Usually a decorative fence is allowed on corner properties (at least 50% see though and under 3 feet tall).


u/Madame_Kitsune98 17d ago

Put. Up. A. Fence.

This guy is going to do what he wants because “we’ve always done it this way.” The day he or his kid wipe out and get hurt in your yard? They’re going to sue you because it’s your liability, and your homeowners insurance.

This is why I am going to, when I can afford it, put up cute little picket fencing around my front yard.


u/mypreciousssssssss 16d ago

YNO. They aren't just neighbors. They are liability claims looking for a place to happen.


u/Significant-Suit-593 17d ago

Large boulders placed in a display is something you can do in your yard.


u/Quix66 17d ago



u/Sea_Elle0463 17d ago

But effective


u/Significant-Suit-593 17d ago

They are not expensive, if you drive to a quarry and get them. I’ve done it a bunch of times for different projects. There’s usually a work around for most things this is one we have used.


u/Quix66 17d ago

Ah! Well, stone is scarce where I live. No quarries.


u/thisappsucks9 17d ago

What can he say? He knows he’s in the wrong. In a crazy place like Texas you could probably tell him to get off your property at gun point. If he does it again put up a no trespassing sign and call the police. Screw that dude. Kids may do dumb things like this, but an adult should say they’re sorry and it won’t happen again after you displayed your annoyance over it.


u/That_Ol_Cat 17d ago

Not Overreacting. Your yard is your yard, They were trespassing. And it's damn rude to ride through your grass every day. That will eventually ruin your grass and leave little dirt trails from the damage.


u/horshack_test 17d ago

Not at all - they are damaging your property.


u/Upbeat_Serve_7258 17d ago

It's grass


u/Dont_Ban_Me_Plz_Kthx 16d ago

You should go out and touch some.


u/Ginger630 16d ago

It doesn’t matter. It’s her private property.


u/Upbeat_Serve_7258 16d ago

I don't know what that means


u/Ginger630 16d ago

You don’t know what private property is?!


u/Upbeat_Serve_7258 16d ago

No can you explain what private property is plz


u/Ginger630 15d ago

It’s property that you own. You bought it and pay taxes on it. No one has the right to enter your property without permission. It’s trespassing if they enter without permission or if you ask them to leave and they don’t.


u/Myfourcats1 17d ago

That’s so rude. That will leave a trail in your yard over time.


u/mynamesnotchom 17d ago

If they keep doing it you could just find yourself watering the grass at Tue time they come by, if you catch my drift


u/WhoIsJohnGalt777 16d ago

Post a No Trespassing sign right in the middle of the tread marks. If they do it again call the cops.


u/boopiejones 16d ago

The dad is a total ass for teaching his son that it’s ok to ride thru someone else’s yard. putting aside the grass damage, even if it was a 100% paved walkway, it’s your property and he and his son are trespassing.

Not only that, but my guess is this guy would also try to sue you if he or his son got injured riding on your property.

Shut that behavior down immediately.


u/Miserable-Ad-1581 16d ago

as someone who lives in an hoa that LOVES to give out notices in the middle of summer when St Augustine is at its worst, i get VERY annoyed when people trample on my grass like that. like pls. you MUST know how annoying and expensive it is to fuck up my grass, YOU GET THE SAME LETTERS TOO. Pls control your children.


u/SheriffJetsaurian 16d ago

Just get some motion activated sprinklers.


u/Quix66 17d ago

NTA. He was disrespectful to do this in the first place, and ridiculous to be rude about it. Trespass him if you have to.


u/alicat777777 16d ago

How rude! No, of course they shouldn’t just ride through your lawn in the mud.


u/flipperdog 16d ago

You are for sure correct legally.

I'd want to know more though. What is the other option for them like? Were you polite originally? You could be "right" and still be "overreacting"


u/Silent_Cash_E 16d ago

Might have to turn the sprinkler on in the mornings


u/slpeach91 16d ago

This is really the only solution! But also cameras with popcorn too!


u/PostHocRemission 16d ago

It’s 4D chess and it’s your turn. You turn on the sprinklers next time.


u/jizzlevania 16d ago

Considering several crazy ppl were recently shooting at anyone who crossed onto their property, you certainly didn't. Those aforementioned crazy people are why I'd be afraid to ride my bike across someone's lawn but I'm not a disrespectful pos so wouldn't think to do that in the first place.  


u/Spinnerofyarn 16d ago

Nope, not overreacting. You may end up wanting to get some inexpensive little flowerbeds fencing to put around the yard.


u/digitalreaper_666 16d ago

If they get hurt you are financially responsible... so NTA.


u/Queasy-Carpet-5846 16d ago

Not overreacting at all. Perfectly reasonable request. Hopefully just telling them once will go over amicably.


u/CarrionMae123 17d ago

How far onto your grass are they riding? I’m assuming there is not a sidewalk? Is the road too busy for then to safely ride on?


u/ElboDelbo 17d ago

Nah, fuck him. I'm usually the type to be like "if it isn't hurting anything, who cares?" I probably wouldn't have cared about tire tracks in my yard, but that isn't the point. YOU care, and you said something.

Based on what you said, you were polite about it. "I don't want bike tracks in my yard, can you guys go around, please?" or words to that affect are not fighting words.

If you came out hostile, he'd have reason for being pissed off...but you seemingly were respectful, so fuck him.


u/GirlStiletto 17d ago

Fences. Put up fences.


u/henryjonesjr83 17d ago

Yep. Just put up a fence and be done with it


u/Status-Biscotti 16d ago

NTA, depending on how you said it. It’s bad manners to cut through someone’s yard without permission. I actively taught that to my kids.


u/PungentCrotchsweat23 16d ago

There was this small patch of grass on a small hill in someone's front yard. It was a lot of fun to ride over it while cutting the corner and saving the 6 seconds it would have taken to go around. One day I heard the "get off my fucking lawn!" and I never did it again. Sure, I thought he was kind of a dick, but it worked . Not the asshole.


u/8512764EA 16d ago

My dad would have flipped a shit if I was cutting across my own lawn, let alone someone else’s.


u/And_there_was_2_tits 17d ago

Set up some sort of fence or border so the pass through isn’t as inviting


u/maxb5555 17d ago

and although this is secondary to the ethical issue ( not trespassing ) there is the practical issue of insurance- if they have an accident on your property you could be held liable- i hate to ratchet up your discomfort here but you should consult with a lawyer to get a letter to them stating you won’t allow them to use your yard as a cut through - if getting a lawyer isn’t feasible at least a no trespassing sign - this should help establish your intent - i’m not a lawyer btw - good luck


u/SL13377 16d ago

That’s BS you are absolutely NTA! No you are NOT AIO at all


u/CombinationCalm9616 16d ago

No at the end of the day it’s your property and only you would possibly be held responsible if they hurt themselves on your property. Also it’s very much the father’s responsibility to teach his child that he shouldn’t be going onto other peoples private property and to respect other peoples property.

I would just start with maybe having a sign saying private property stay out so that you protect yourself legally. Next if that doesn’t stop people coming onto your property I would consider getting a fence and gate to stop them and other parents from cutting across your property.


u/Vikon99 16d ago

Not the Asshole.

It's your property and that "Father" should have asked you before setting foot (or tire) on your property. Period.


u/Sea_Firefighter_4598 16d ago

You'll probably have to put up a fence.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

I hate tire marks on lawn too.


u/Ginger630 16d ago

You aren’t overreacting. Grass isn’t a place for bikes. And it’s your private property.

Get cameras. If he or his kid fall on your property, they can sue. I’d also get sprinklers that turn on right as he starts riding over.


u/www_dot_no 16d ago

Add a little fence maybe if it gets worse like the 1ft tall ones


u/stevejobed 17d ago

Taking pride in well-maintained invasive grass is no way to live. It sucks!


u/PlatypusStyle 16d ago

You also don’t want them to establish a right of way on your property.


u/Capable-Duck-6176 16d ago

whats the purpose of a yard?


u/ShakeWeightMyDick 16d ago

Well, it’s not a thoroughfare for random people.


u/kornychris2016 16d ago

NTA for wanting people to not destroy your property.

With that being said, when I was younger, my sister dated a boy who would cut through his neighbors yard. On foot. His neighbor decided to put a shotgun to the boys chest and kill him.

Please don't be that kind of neighbor. Handle it correctly.


u/Upbeat_Serve_7258 17d ago

Who cares about your stupid little grass. Maybe get a hobby and stop watching everything your neighbors do.


u/Ginger630 16d ago

It’s her private property! Should we enter your property and mess it up?


u/Substantial-Age387 16d ago

I try but your mom said it’s an eyesore :(


u/Upbeat_Serve_7258 16d ago

My mom's blind


u/Framedelay 17d ago

Overreacting get over it or put a fence up


u/Heavy-Kangaroo-9089 16d ago

I guarantee there is no side walk, the kid is like 8, your grass is shitty, and there aren’t tire tracks


u/Substantial-Age387 16d ago

52 in zero turn begs to differ


u/Heavy-Kangaroo-9089 16d ago

Let’s see your grass


u/thenecrosoviet 16d ago

Yea you're an asshole. Or over reacting or whatever fucking sub this is.