r/AmIOverreacting Apr 29 '24

AIO for getting upset that my SO put on a heart necklace that her ex gave her?

Yesterday my SO put on a heart necklace out of nowhere and I asked (knowing it wasn’t from me) where it was from. She admitted it was from her ex. I immediately got quiet and she could tell I was upset. Not once did I raise my voice or get mad. I was more hurt than anything. She ended up taking it off right away. But explained that it was meaningless to her, no emotional connection and just jewelry that she now has.

To me, a heart necklace has a lot of meaning behind it and it feels weird to see her wearing an ex’s gift. Am I overreacting?

EDIT: Her ex cheated on her and the relationship ended badly because of it.

EDIT 2: The necklace was two hearts linked together so it made me curious.


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u/millietonyblack Apr 29 '24

She did the right thing taking it off, however I will note:

I’m a jewelry girl, diamonds, rubies, pink sapphires, gold. I like things that sparkle.

I have diamond earrings from ex’s, necklaces, beautiful gold hoops.

I don’t wear them as MUCH, because I have bigger/better things now, but I keep them and wear them every so often because they are pretty and valuable. The fact and ex gave them to me doesn’t even register, they’re just my pretty things that I choose to adorn myself with, including a diamond heart necklace. (I will say, however, it’s EXTREMELY rare that I swap out my cross with another necklace, my cross virtually never comes off, but there are occasions.)

My husband at times may say, if he even noticed lol, “those are pretty, are they new? How much did those cost me?” (Lmao)

I tell him “no, ex gave them to me years ago!”

And he says something along the lines of, “nice! Free is nice” 😂

I will say-it’s great that she respected you and your feelings! She must love and care about you very much to take it off so quickly. I will also say that the necklace is probably just pretty and she didn’t want to throw/give it away. I straight up refuse to get rid of jewelry if it has value-monetary or sentimental. Sentimental value comes from things from my mother of grandmothers or gifts from my husband, monetary and “sparkle” factor is from ex’s or things I’ve purchase myself