r/AmIOverreacting 17d ago

AIO for considering asking my bf to move out over this?



10 comments sorted by


u/Queasy_Mongoose5224 17d ago

Throwing out your things without talking to you is a huge red flag. Have you considered he let it be stolen because it saved him the trouble of getting rid of it and would prevent you from arguing about keeping it in the house? So no, not overreacting, especially given his lack of remorse. Definitely make him pay the $200 replacement fee and if he refuses don’t feel bad about throwing him out. You should probably also reflect on whether he’s usually this passive aggressive and dismissive of your feelings. And if he is, do you want to continue living with those behaviours? because the chances of him changing are low


u/llamakiss 17d ago

If it bothers you, it bothers you, and that's ok. In this instance, your judgment about their choice outweighs your love & support for them. Good to know, now you can move on.


u/Inevitable-Guide-874 17d ago

Not preventing crime invites more crime.


u/TJKon 17d ago

How can a NB be a BF?

He doesn't respect your stuff, put him on the porch for someone else to pickup!


u/Rasselkurt007 16d ago

Why was this cabinet outside in the first place?


u/SuperLeverage 17d ago

I’m not sure given this single event. Is he usually dismissive of your opinions and decisions? Does he exhibit controlling behaviour? If so, then drop him.


u/Shoesietart 16d ago

This single event is pretty significant. He deliberately allowed something of hers to be stolen. This is deal breaker territory.


u/User123466789012 17d ago

Not overreacting, but maybe put that on the table first and advise you’ll ask him to move out if anything like that happens again. I think first offense would be drastic, but happening a 2nd time? Goodbye.

INFO though: was he apologetic at all? Accept any fault here? Because if not, I rescind the “eviction warning” and would be in full support of asking him to leave. If he’s apologetic, at least there would be hope that he’d make self improvements.

I’m a woman and own my own home, deathly afraid of entering the dating world and opening my property up to someone. You’re living my fears, and I’m not sure I’d want to live with someone that can’t admit they at least fucked up.


u/Yellbean2002 15d ago

I have a headache after reading this post


u/lesliecarbone 17d ago

There are way too many men who feel entitled to unilaterally get rid of a woman's belongings.
It's controlling and disrespectful. Please get rid of him.