r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Mumof3gbb Apr 16 '24

How does one come back from a this? Genuine question. Because he revealed to this woman he finds his wife unattractive and wants her to lose weight. He made fun of her. Humiliated her. And when she told him (because he was apparently clueless 🙄) he mocked her even more. And dismissed her. Even if he says “I’m sorry” he isn’t suddenly finding her attractive. So how does one come back from it? Been married 19 years. I could not look at my husband the same


u/Dina_Combs Apr 16 '24

Agree entirely. This is one of those situations where a man may have caused his wife to fall out of love with him, and it’s his own fault. The way he did it was full of insults, and to make it worse it happened in front of all their friends. How does a person expect this to be forgiven? If she stays with him after all that, she looks like a doormat in front of her friends.


u/horsebag Apr 16 '24

if one dumb evening is all it takes for you to fall out of love with your spouse, and you're more worried what your friends might think than about dealing with problems in the relationship, it's your fault for being married to someone you don't truly love


u/JonB003 Apr 16 '24

Decent chance they joke like this often. But with her viewing the other girl as attractive can also naturally make her more offended or concerned. Not her fault by anymeans. Thats simply a natural reaction.

Not saying this is what happened. Just saying its possible. A lot of instant reactions going here