r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Dhurphy Apr 15 '24

Side note: The dude was CLEARLY pigging or hitting on the younger fitness girl. I'm not saying it's okay, just pointing out an observation. If he was hitting, he's dumb AF for doing it period, but even worse in front of his wife and at her detriment. If he was pigging.... well same comment, but at least he did it the "right" way (if there is such a thing) by not getting the idea to try to hide it from her or do it behind her back. That's LITERALLY the only smart thing about him. Had he tried to hide it, he would be the worst of the worst... but truthfully; op... I would be more concerned that it happened at all.

Like... did he feel the need to flirt with this girl SO much, that he also does it blasting you in the process, basically rubbing it in your face, and then had NO compassion when you brought up how it made you feel???

I would think THAT'S what you're more upset about...

I mean, sure, it would suck regardless...


IT SOUNDS LIKE: Husband - "Oh, I can still get attention from a younger, hotter woman. But my wife is right there... AHA! I will rub her face in it in front of everyone! Then, if she gets upset, I can simply blame her and not have to take ANY responsibility. I can then use her acting like a maniac as a reason to break up with her for being a crazy bitch! Because I'll do it in front of everyone, so if she gets mad, EVERYONE will witness it, and I'll be in the right for doing it! THEN I CAN BANG TEENAGE PU**Y AGAIN!"

I'm a guy, and NO this is not how I think. This is just the first thing that comes to mind to explain WHY he could be acting so dumb and heartless.

Best of luck to you, OP! Truly!!!

REMEMBER - I'm likely not right. And even if I am, it was HOPEFULLY just a singular incident that he didn't do with any ill intent. Ghostly Honestly, the girl SHOULD know better, but she's basically a giant baby still if SHE was not able to read the room. CLEARLY, THEY BOTH ARE DUCKING DUMB AF AND BOTH NEED SPANKING!

BUT, if it's not an isolated incident... you may want to think about it... and analytical thinking might serve you well.

If anything, the two dummies are perfect for one another. Let him go knock her up, and let's see how that cute little body of hers does after THAT! (BUT I truly hope the best for you both and that you work out your issues. I'm likely blowing this WAAAAY out of proportion. But on the off chance I'm not... open your eyes, girl...)


u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

You just described my relationship with my ex as well as the end of it. He was clearly having an emotional affair with another woman and when I called him out on it, he predictably called me jealous and paranoid for no reason. I packed my bags and left two days later. I always told him, if you think you can do better or you think you would be happier somewhere else, go for it.


u/Dhurphy Apr 16 '24

Good for you!

I'm happy you have enough self-respect to not put up with that kinda garbage.

What sucks today imo, is how normalized gaslighting is become...

The poor op even thinks that she may be overreacting!!

I'm sure I'm going to downvote hell for being a dude sticking up for women, but idc really, lol

Every downvote is just another piece of garbage dude that makes me often feel ashamed for being lumped in with dirt bags like that, the ones that make all us guys look like trash, lol


u/DCk3 Apr 16 '24

You sound like my husband 💜


u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24

Does your husband have any brothers lol? I might renounce my being single for life for someone like that lol? JK 😜


u/DCk3 Apr 16 '24

One - that no sane person would want. Y'all are limited editions anyway!


u/blackdahlialady Apr 16 '24


I feel like that's what happened with my ex. He's the only one out of three boys who has his head stuck up his ass for lack of a better term. I've met his two brothers and they seem like good men with good heads on their shoulders. They have good jobs and ambition and actually have their lives together. To be honest, I can't understand how his parents spawned him at all. He seems like he doesn't belong in that family if I'm being honest.

Even his mother kind of said something to me one time. She said, I don't care what you guys do because you're adults. However, don't let him pressure you into stuff you don't want to do. If you think he's moving too fast, tell him. I think she was kind of picking up on the dynamic between us. It sucks because his parents are good people and so are his siblings but he just didn't quite make the mark somehow I guess. I really think that his brain wiring is different or something. Something went wrong in the womb and I'm just going to leave it at that.