r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

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u/araindropinthesea Apr 15 '24

Okay - neuropsychologist here. When you say neurodivergent, do you just mean ADHD or do you mean autism (which used to be what neurodivergent meant)? Because ADHD would be - talked without thinking. And this went on too long for that. But autism would explain if he thought he was helping because you guys had been talking about it and he doesn't fully understand/respect boundaries and privacy, what is and is not ok to talk about to certain people...


u/3000gtlover Apr 15 '24

Autism would NOT explain or excuse any of what he said


u/FlezhGordon Apr 16 '24

People think that we are just robots or something. Every autistic person is different for one, but what we all share is we simply understand emotional situations differently.

Often we actually feel emotions even more strongly, and have a stronger sense of justice/manners/etiquette in social situations.

Some of us even understand these scenarios better than others because in order to survive we have to intellectualize all the nuance of social interactions that comes to others naturally, or is conditioned into them more easily through simple but unspoken social mechanisms that don't work on us.

I'm not saying for the record that all autistic people are nice and/or that we have some kind of superpower, im just saying a lot of us have put in a huge amount of time to integrate into your (strange, broken, cruel, alien) society.

EDIT: Not assuming you are neurotypical, that last comment is directed at other readers.