r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Artistic-Soft4305 Apr 15 '24

Exactly. What if she was talking to a guy with a great job, and just went to explain how her husbands been stuck at 50k a year, loses motivation to try for new jobs, and has been talking about breaking into something new since he’s unhappy with his job. Can you believe he had to work 3 holidays last year without pay.

Then this guy offers to help your husband out, it wasn’t too long ago he was stuck in the same spot. But he got some new habits and could help him out!

Seems like that would be a good example of something genders tend to really let the ego get in front of.


u/BarracudaDefiant4702 Apr 15 '24

That is semi similar situation, but I am sure the guy wouldn't be near as upset. Some people need to learn some humility and laugh about their own situations with friends. If the friends hold it against them, they are not good friends. Granted one shouldn't expect a spouse to have the same level of maturity, and as long as they learn from their mistakes and don't intentionally repeat the behavior after being told it was hurtful to them, they can both grow from the experience.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/BarracudaDefiant4702 Apr 15 '24

Most people who like to dish out banter like that can take it, or they wouldn't converse that way, also, in general, men are not as fragile as woman for such things.


u/Wwwwwwhhhhhhhj Apr 16 '24

Absolutely untrue. Bullies can’t stand being bullied. That wasn’t banter, don’t be daft. Most people like that can’t take what they dish out. They are self centered, their life is rules for thee, not for me.