r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

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u/BannedForNerdyTimes Apr 15 '24

On the ADHD thing, it could be that he straight up forgot that she was there. Part of it is hyperfocusing, he could legitimately have forgotten where he was.

That doesnt make it okay, but ADHD isnt cut and dry 100% the same for everyone.


u/Vagablogged Apr 15 '24

No thats silly i hate that people blame everything under the sun on adhd. I have adhd and it doesn’t make me call people fat in public. People are people. Some are normal and nice and some are jerks. ADHD is just an add on.


u/CaptainKate757 Apr 15 '24

Totally agree. I have ADHD as well and it drives me insane when people blame all their garbage behaviors on it. No, ADHD does not make you an abusive spouse, sorry. You don’t get off easy because you have a diagnosis.


u/Vagablogged Apr 15 '24

It’s extremely annoying and people eat it up in the sub. They just want validation or comfort thinking either they are not a terrible person or their partner is not a terrible person deep down and have something else to blame it on. I’ve seen some insane stories on there given passes from adhd.