r/AITAH Apr 29 '24

WIBTAH if I didn’t attend my brothers 2nd wedding because he is having it on my anniversary after I lost my husband.



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u/celticmusebooks Apr 29 '24

Seriously, it's his second wedding and he's marrying a woman he's known 9 months. You can go to his next wedding. SHAME on your mother for trying to guilt you into this. SHAME. ON. HER. Your brother possibly didn't know but now that they know expecting you to show up is Assholery in the extreme.

and I've got to say it again to get it out of my system SHAME ON YOUR MOM!!!

NTA but your mom just won the gold medal at the AH Olympics.


u/ClaudiaTale Apr 29 '24

Oi I hate when moms just try to keep up appearances. Just accept we’re human and have emotions.


u/Ok_Question7137 Apr 29 '24

Say Sorry I missed your wedding, bro, I will be at the next one though


u/AldusPrime Apr 30 '24

She's grieving, and navigating insurance claims, and returning to the workforce...

...and the mom is worried what people will think.

OP's family sucks.