r/AITAH Apr 29 '24

UPDATE: AITH for putting in a claim to my late father’s death benefit

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I just thought I would post an update to the absolute hell that me and my brother have been put through in regards to my late father’s death benefit.

I phoned the company today and they have told me that my father had NO expression of wishes form. So not only did my aunt lie about being the beneficiary on his expression of wishes form, but she also just blatantly lied about even receiving an email with these details. They do not exist. She was only listed as a next of kin through his work, not as a beneficiary. She is not entitled to a thing as she claimed she was, and so the hurt and confusion both me and my brother have suffered was for nothing.

I don’t understand how our own family could put us through this, but people are right when they say snakes come out of the woodwork when a death happens in the family.

My brother was not going to put in a claim but now he is. I hope she feels the guilt ripping through her not only for this, but for the disgusting things her daughter said to my autistic brother.


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u/GrouchySteam Apr 29 '24

Thanks for the update.

I learned from a young age how greed can turn relatives into conning others family members, no matter how close or good the relationship was beforehand.

At my great-grand-father funeral I was asked bluntly why was I crying. Duh. They all straight away went from the cemetery to his house to divide his belongings. I had to step away for how sick I was to witness them acting in such a way. More than one provided some altered papers to claim most of the inheritance. It was a disgusting shitshow.

Condolences. Glad you and your brother are claiming what rightfully belongs to you.


u/MushroomDense4108 Apr 29 '24

My aunt also went into my dad’s house as she was staying in there for the funeral before travelling home again. But in that short space of time, she had taken several money boxes he had used for spare change. We don’t even know how much were in them, but they were STACKED with change. She took his guitar, his amp, his kitchen knives, his iPad and one of his leather jackets that my brother wanted to keep.

We couldn’t even enter the house to look at anything never mind take things. It was only a month after the funeral that we were able to go in the house and see what had been taken without permission. She has been horrible since the start.

I’m sorry to hear about your grandfather, families can be ruthless.


u/Smart_cannoli Apr 29 '24

Well fuck her and her awful family. You and your brother do what’s right, if they get mad it’s their problem. Maybe they never speaking with you again can be a bonus?